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The rise of European fascism? : Comments

By Zilka Grogan, published 26/6/2009

The party that claims to speak for the 'indigenous' British population recently won two seats in the European Parliament.

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No, Kipp. I do not support any political party.


Your personal smear against me does not change the facts. And the facts are these:

The BNP, be they right-wing lunatics or not, are of no threat to Britain. The British have always been against fascism, and successful crushed it (with the help of others) in World War 11. Their problems, ones in which they have readily co-operated, is the extreme left, the Left of the Church of England, and Islam.

The extreme Left – and I’m not talking about any mainstream party – have the downfall of Western society in mind. The Church of England has moved to the Left because of its guilt in believing that it was THE only faith has gone back to its ancient roots of hatred of Jews. Islam teaches hatred of Jews. The Left hates Jews. While these might have been unlikely allies in the past, they are now using each other. Only Islam will benefit in the long run. The Left will disappear when they have outlived their usefulness and the C of E is so guilt-ridden and aimless, it has already committed suicide and accepted relativism and the lie that violence and terrorism is not inherent in Islam theology. Even after the UK bombings (which they thought would never happen because they had bent over backwards to appease Muslims in the UK), they preached that the bombers should not be identified as Muslims, because Islam was a religion of ‘peace and love’. The same line the imams themselves preach, in London, while at the same time preaching death to Israel and non-believers.

The British have swallowed the lies of the Islamists in a pathetic attempt to protect themselves from atrocities carried out by British Muslims. Even when that proved to be useless in 2005, they were still bleating that the bombings should be treated as a crime, not jihad or terrorism – nothing to do with Islam, although all terrorists themselves claim they are murdering people in the name of Allah.

Soon, there will be warnings against travel to the UK.
Posted by Leigh, Saturday, 27 June 2009 12:26:29 PM
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Wow, Leigh...

>>Pericles, Your personal smear against me does not change the facts.<<

If you see my mild reproof as a personal smear, Leigh, you really ought to get out more.

You, on the other hand, feel perfectly entitled to smear entire sections of the population with intemperate abandon.

>>The extreme Left – and I’m not talking about any mainstream party – have the downfall of Western society in mind.<<

Nothing less than downfall, Leigh? Paranoid. But not particularly smeary, I guess.

>>The Church of England has moved to the Left because of its guilt in believing that it was THE only faith has gone back to its ancient roots of hatred of Jews.<<

Now *that's* a smear. (Apologies to Crocodile Dundee)

>>Islam teaches hatred of Jews. The Left hates Jews.<<

It gets even smearier, if that were possible

>>The same line the imams themselves preach, in London, while at the same time preaching death to Israel and non-believers.<<

Sorry, Leigh. When it comes to smearing, I am but a neophyte, compared with your good self.

>>Soon, there will be warnings against travel to the UK.<<

That's simply ridiculous. It does however serve the very useful purpose of underlining the intellectual effort you have put into the post as a whole.

What is it, Leigh, that scares you so much about other people?

Because you are clearly living in a bubble of fear, predominantly of your own imagining.

You have my deepest sympathy.

It must seriously suck being you.

Now, what was that about smears?
Posted by Pericles, Saturday, 27 June 2009 1:49:39 PM
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Lets get this straight, Zilka, the people who egged (and otherwise violently protest) the elected leader of a legal political party are the ANTI-Fascists?

Why is it that "anti-Fascists" find nothing to do except practice fascism?
Posted by Sheriff__001, Sunday, 28 June 2009 12:41:57 PM
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For once I find myself in agreement with you. Wonders will never cease. :-)

Just a point though.

Once again we see the central role of free speech. That is why it is essential to resist ANY attempt to curtail free speech. That is why legislation such as Victoria's notorious "racial and religious tolerance act" needs to be opposed and even defied.

That is why the free speech rights of even Australia's infamous Holocaust denier, Frederick Toben, must be protected.
Posted by stevenlmeyer, Sunday, 28 June 2009 1:44:03 PM
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Leigh and Pericles.

You are right and not at all extremist, Leigh. I have said elsewhere that it's a shame that the BNP is the only party to have engaged with the truth on the threat to Britain from Islamization. I agree with them on Islamization and immigration.

The former UK Home Secretary Jaqui Smith was a politically correct prig in banning Geert Wilders (Freedom Party of the Netherlands) from visiting Britain. Wilders was interviewed by Monica Attard, ABC Radio National on 21 June. He wasnt'extreme or fascist at all.

Pericles is more "predictable" than you, Leigh. He represents all that is miserably politically correct and hypocritical, nihilist when it comes to identifying and defending values that are really important, devoid of a moral compass, and certainly devoid of any claim to be intellectually adequate let alone "superior". (Shades of Bronwyn Bishop - yap yap yap, delusions of adequacy.) I haven't discerned any worthwhile values in his postings, EVER.

I recommend the following reading:

* Nick Cohen - What's Left? How liberals lost their way (Fourth Estate, London, 2007)

* Ed Husain - The Islamist: Why I joined radical Islam in Britain, what I saw inside and why I left (Penguin 2007)

* Francis Wheen - How mumbo-jumbo conquered the world: a short history of modern delusions (Harper Perennial, 2004)

Oh, and for those who haven't read it right through yet, try

* The Koran.

If you're familiar with some of the original source material (the Old Testament), you'll marvel at how Mohammed's garbled, inaccurately plagiarized, repetitive and banal mishmash of violence and fearmongering could possibly pass as a guide to spiritual uplift of individual or society, or to peaceful relations between peoples.

I don't want people with that world view whiteanting Western civilization. We have serious problems, but it would have to be some doozy of a question if you thought that Islam was the answer, God save us. What Tardis brought them from the 14th century?
Posted by Glorfindel, Sunday, 28 June 2009 3:30:03 PM
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I’m not smearing the extreme Left. It is a fact that they hate the Jews, as do the Muslims.

Islam preaches world domination. If you ‘got out more’ and read more you would know this. There is no denying what the Koran says. And, it’s no use waffling on about the Christian Old Testament and the ‘nasty bits’ in that to compare it with Islamic theology - which is the next thing people like you come up with. I don't have a religious bone in my body,but I know that other religions do not call for the slaughter of other creeds like the Islamist do. Other religions are not fighting a religious war as the Islamists are. I have to say though, that the C of E, always ambiguous at best about Jews, is starting to side with the Muslims against Jews. And no, I’m not a Jew either.

If you disagree with my comment about extremist imams and Muslim organisations in London and the UK as a whole, try proving me wrong any time you like.

Travel warnings against the UK are “simply ridiculous” are they? Time will tell; but I am much happier going to traditional Muslim country where Muslims are in the majority than to one where they in a minority and claiming victim status all the time.

Your “deepest sympathy” is another insult. I have only contempt for you and, quite frankly, I hope I’m around long enough to see people like you cop what’s coming to them from your Islamist friends.


Islam doesn’t allow free speech. Islamists are also holocaust deniers. Look about you, man. Arab Muslims were in cahoots with the Nazis. The Poms have been curtailing the free speech of their own people to save the feelings of Muslims.


Thank you for your post. "Londonistan" by Melanie Phillips is very interesting.
Posted by Leigh, Sunday, 28 June 2009 4:49:53 PM
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