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On understanding Muslims : Comments

By Teuku Zulfikar, published 15/6/2009

The media often misrepresent the true nature of Islam and Muslims, holding them responsible for the crimes of a minority.

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Thankyou. I have mirrored you at Andrew
Posted by Andrew Prior, Monday, 15 June 2009 12:06:20 PM
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I thought this was a very good article on this topic until I read the last line.

The trouble is that there has been such a large volume of single events of single muslim doing acts of violence against others, muslim and non muslim alike.

The auther also makes no mention of the inherently violent nature of the koranic trilogy either, which is the source of the violence they seem to be copping the blame for.
Posted by bigmal, Monday, 15 June 2009 12:25:07 PM
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Godbotherers are godbotherers no matter what magical superfriend in the sky they profess to hear voices from. They are all insane. As are all people who hear voices in their head and talk to non existent imaginary friends. Children excepted of course.

I dont want to understand muslims or jews or christians or any other airy fairy superstitious nutters. They are all evil and elitist and foul minded bigots who want to force their sick views onto the rest of the world and subjugate us to their sick and twisted morality and show the same submissiveness to their leaders that they do. Sorry some of us have minds of our own and will make our own decisions without reference to some idiotic preacher with a coke habit and a few little boys stashed out the back.

We will be led by science and reason and use our knowledge to improve our lives and the lives of others. Not murder them and spite them because they dont believe as we do.

I dont care what you believe in and if you want an abortion or not. I dont care if you pray to mecca 3 times a day or go to mass and eat bickies and wine. I dont care if you want to worship cows or not use electricity every saturday. I dont care if you want to refuse medical care or if you drink the purple coolaid.
Posted by mikk, Monday, 15 June 2009 12:57:43 PM
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Teuku, you forgot to mention the big sin of Islam: it's people sit on huge oil reserves. The West has long drawn on its own resources - science, technology and reason - to steal it off them. That seems to upset some Muslims.
Posted by john kosci, Monday, 15 June 2009 1:27:28 PM
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Well said Mikk, although I would add that keeeping it to yourself also means not indoctrinating your children with this drivel - that's known as child abuse.
Posted by Ozymandias, Monday, 15 June 2009 1:41:01 PM
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Godhaters are god haters no matter what lies they profess to deny their Creator. They are all insane. As are all people who make up fairy tales as to the world coming about through a big bang. I mean how childish can a person be.

I don't care what adult fairytales you believe in. Just stop spreading your crap to our children.
Posted by runner, Monday, 15 June 2009 3:53:49 PM
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