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Queensland - the final analysis : Comments

By John Black, published 20/3/2009

Interesting times: there could be bad news for Anna Bligh but not necessarily bad news for Kevin Rudd this weekend.

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A couple of the rants here reflect the electorate I found in Townsville last week; highly intelligent engineers, their wives and families expressing discontent with the system of atheism established by the S 6: Supreme Court of Queensland Act 1991.

The Police State was established when in 1991 the State Parliament legislated to bind Almighty God.

The Crown in all its capacities is bound by, and has the benefit of, this Act.

This means every Police Officer and public servant is now no longer an Australian, but is a State Officer. When JH was elected he refused to apply the changes made in the Criminal Code Act 1995 and Trade Practices Act 1974 or assert the dominance of the Commonwealth Crown. A State Parliament cannot bind the Crown in all its capacities.

The Commonwealth public officials sitting in the Federal and High Court of Australia as Judges, and refusing to compete under the Trade Practices Act 1974 have not stopped this rort, and Justice Kiefel is one of them; a Cairns girl. If the NLP win and abolish the illegal Supreme Court Act and open the Queensland courts to compete with the Federal Courts, then there is a lot of revenue to come from the elites who have been oppressing Queenslanders for eighteen years.

Every Christian in Church in Australia claims My God Reigns. We sing the praises of Almighty God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. We do this because until 1952, our God did. This is the Trinity. Our God reigns when we get a representative of Almighty God sitting on a bench in a court. On His right hand sit twelve disciples, representing the Risen Christ, and when Almighty God gets advice from the twelve disciples, and the Justice takes a verdict, Christ rules. Jesus Christ was a humble King. He deferred to the Holy Ghost, and in Luke 12 verse 10 confirmed His humility.

Jury trials are practical Christianity, where the government must answer to the people. The industrious and hard working people of Queensland should be set free to generate wealth for all Australians
Posted by Peter the Believer, Saturday, 21 March 2009 6:33:52 AM
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it is funny to realise how many lawyers have become premiors[generally] well as specificlly in qld...[beauty beatup knew the constitution wasnt being used in the courts so simple rewote the qld con-stitution into an act..[act 70 of 2002]

not a wimper from the de selected media[complicite in allowing statue law of buisness to replace constitutional law,that creates the means that reclassifies its people as buisness as usual cannon-fodder for the law-society to run govt by decreeing civil-acts as law

true law requires a criminal to account for causing others injury[no injured party no crime,...but the sunshine police state[mate it rape mate]keep's the people perpetually revenue-raising wage-slaves,but who to talk to about it[ha ha ]its a closed loop con,

the media is in on the game,long ago silenced by the private/lawyer controled fed/reserve that creates[or as is now occuring limits]the creation and issue of fiat currency based on nickle coin rather than the higher value silver our coin was pre decimilisation,

they were actually ALLOWED to steal the peoples gold[then silver, and then copper coin,...thanks be to that exclusive london based law society, controling the issue of justice,via un lawfull and unconstitutional law made legal by the legal lie created upon a fiction applicable only to its society members

,..[thus by changing our status from freeman being into civilian of the state,[legally called an imbisile]but thus subject to their law society acts,not constituted and common law
but why bother trying to explain[your as a registeerd voter[of the incorperation voting in the next trustee that will abuse his[or her] power of autournie like the legal[lawfull imbisiles really are]

you vote between the two ,main party selections[chosen and controlled by the party..selected by your self serving beruro-roc-rat tics[with party loyalty,not loyalty to the cash-cow[the voter]..,giving his people power to the law society [ha

ha its so funny,the demonic autocracy laughts at the fools,not knowing voting creates a ward of the state [state]for the beuro-roc-rats to do as they please over their franchised wage-slaves,voting to get exploited by the left hand or the right

go vote you serfs
jokes on you[again]
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 21 March 2009 6:50:41 AM
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It's now Sunday morning and Labor has been returned with a handsome majority. Perhaps John Black would like to write a new article explaining why relying on opinion polls and wishful thinking is not really a good idea...?
Posted by Jon J, Sunday, 22 March 2009 5:21:44 AM
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Yes, I imagine there'll be quite a bit of egg-sucking among the Qld punditry today - as there should also be among certain OLO blatherers.

Bligh's Labor government has many faults, but the alternative was much worse. Quite simple, really.

If I could predict it, why couldn't the so-called experts?
Posted by CJ Morgan, Sunday, 22 March 2009 7:49:05 AM
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oh dear cj arnt you seeing the ol underdog pattern, and how there is nothing like saying its going to be a hung parliment to rally the base, im more amased at the low voter turnout ,seems the liberal nationalists didnt rally their base

hardly any suprise with the sold out media loyalties the way they are, i recall watching the news 'local'papers dying ,when all govt advertising went to one multinational franchise

anyhow its over again ,in the next few mths we will see why anna was allways needing to go early ,the books are in a terrible state, 4 million of intrest payments PER DAY? ,means a lot of spent credit has gone to the labourite building franchises, and more on the way ,but who believes any thing the media just makes go away

note we heard no new taxes?
there is a reason for that ,who is going to pay for all those new jobs jobs jobs [100,000] just by ana bligh

,all policing things to raise revenue [shut the gate on the police state, move over victoria, crimes goning main steam in qld] but it will be called law and [new world] order
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 22 March 2009 10:14:59 AM
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What happens in the election in Queensland is really irrelevant in the longer term. Parliament in Queensland has exceeded its authourity in an enormous way back in 1991, when it did two things. Firstly it has passed legislation that pretends to bind the federal Crown, and created Star Chamber Courts throughout Queensland. These one man or woman Courts, are illegal and were declared so in 1996 by the High Court but since the quality of Queensland lawyers is so low, the Queensland Judiciary has never accepted the decision.

Secondly there are no legally constituted courts nor legally passed laws in Queensland since mid 1991 when instead of the Seal of the Lawful Sovereign of Australia, the State of Queensland has affixed a State Coat of Arms in direct defiance of Federal authority. There are rumours about that the Commonwealth is going to have to appoint an administrator to Queensland because of the enormous debts accumulated under the Beattie Government, and that the Federal Court of Australia is going to be modified to comply with the Australian Constitution.

The Queensland government must know it is in deep trouble. Now it has a Labor government in Canberra it is going to have to abide the laws of the Commonwealth. While there was a Liberal Government in Canberra all State Governments simply thumbed their noses at Canberra, which could not do anything about them, because under the Liberals it was like a man living in a glass house. It could not afford to throw stones.

The evil that men do lives after them. The absolutely evil destruction of the separation of powers between Church and State, that manifests itself in a one man Court, has led to the greatest amount of bloodshed and war the world has ever seen. No State that has merged Church and State has ever survived for long. When Political Parties take on the characteristics of a religion, and lawyers benefit enormously from promoting a merger of church and State, so that they instead of the Pope can sell justice, then the country is in a mess
Posted by Peter the Believer, Sunday, 22 March 2009 10:37:20 AM
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