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The Forum > Article Comments > Don't patronise ladies who raunch > Comments

Don't patronise ladies who raunch : Comments

By Nina Funnell, published 26/2/2009

Patronising and judgmental, the matrons in 'Ladette to Lady' obviously missed the memo on distasteful snobbery.

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It's not the s_xualising of the women in that show that creates the compelling, but cringeworthy moments - it's the gaping social chasm between Britain's upper-middle and upper classes, and pretty much the way that all Australians live. Aussie John Symons and Malcolm Turnbull live in big houses in Point Piper, but social class distinctions don't define their lives in anywhere like the same ways as their UK counterparts.

While both Australia and Britain have class systems, and both share some outward forms (private school systems, private members clubs) most Australians are oblivious to the unspoken ones in Britain. Clangers that "posh" Australians could easily drop in the UK without realising it would include:

* Pockets on business shirts in London(social DEATH)
* Taking a jacket off in a traditional London club
* Unhealthy fascination with an aristocratic title (Americans are also particularly bad at this)

What hope does an Australian male from Shore or Scotch have if they commit these faux pas, let alone one of the ladettes from Bogantown Plains?

The Ladettes need a "translator" too. If all they want is to get out of it at home is a guernsey on reality tv, followed by lads mags, then fine.

BUT...if they REALLY want to learn the cues and nuances that will help them rival, beat or join the ranks of the girls from Loreto or PLC back at home - then they gain keys to more social confidence and power, which can lead to more economic power.

Or maybe I'm intellectualising a bit much over some standard reality commercial TV?
Posted by Hugh Abbot, Friday, 27 February 2009 3:25:17 PM
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These shows are highly contrived.

You can bet that if one of the ladettes is not acting within the confines of her designated part she will be admonished to 'bogan' it up a bit more. It is all about ratings.

It is not reality, only a reality TV show which is a completely different animal.
Posted by pelican, Friday, 27 February 2009 4:13:08 PM
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The author is attempting to use feminism mean that she should be able to make any choice without scrutiny. However, there are other (less convenient) feminist ideals.
All choices are made in the context of a variety of influences. These should be critically evaluated. One is the (now discredited) self-esteem movement. Your friends may well be telling you that you won't be judged for slutty behaviour. Just because they are telling you what you want to hear doesn't necessarily mean they are doing you a favour. Another influence on this trashy behaviour is the idea that it is ok for women to behave this way, because it is socially acceptable for men to behave poorly. This claim is indefensible garbage.
You would also hope that these women would think about the effect of their behaviour on others. When they pick up random men from nightclubs, they create a world where other women can't go out without being harassed by sleazy guys. When they sleep around, they tell men that they should not bother getting in long time relationships. When they reward highly assertive men with sex, they help to create a world with sexual harassment. I could go on and on. These women are only feminists until they need to make any sacrifice.
If feminists are to help women to find happiness, they might also encourage discussion about the choices that different women make and what that woman gains and loses. Women who act this way make it hard for themself to form a long-term relationship with any man who can afford to be fussy. Other women need to be told this, if only to make informed choices.
Freedom of choice doesn't mean choices without scrutiny
Posted by benk, Friday, 27 February 2009 4:17:25 PM
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I actually saw this show the other day and it is just unbelievable how much of a set up it is. The old hags with their mock outrage and their condescension. Fat old bigots living in the dark ages. The sad, gullible youth they choose. Fools who think fame will be their ticket to freedom instead they get humiliation and contempt. Its just so predictable. They always kick out the troublemakers first. The ones who wont "play the game". Then they get rid of the boring ones. Leaving us with the same plastic airheads that seem to populate television these days. Bloody appalling.
Posted by mikk, Friday, 27 February 2009 5:29:28 PM
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Somehow, Seneca, I imagine your invitation will remain unanswered. I doubt whether Nina, or anyone else, could satisfactorily explain the cultural significance or reasoning behind the raunch trend. What's there to explain in a trend whose gaze barely shifts above the level of its own garishly studded navel?

Just as any intelligent critique of raunch culture is unlikely to emerge, so too is it equally unlikely that Nina and her pole dancing friends could ever begin to understand the despair felt by first wave feminists as they watch their young stilettoed sisters gyrating ever lower and more inanely to win male approval.

To think these earlier feminists once believed their collective struggle for empowerment might one day challenge the political and economic structures that entrench the disadvantage experienced by women and other marginalized minorities.

Yes, indeed, how dare they be so patronizing!
Posted by Bronwyn, Saturday, 28 February 2009 12:47:37 AM
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Benk your post states – that when women pick up men from nightclubs they create a world where other women can’t go out without being harrassed by sleazy guys.

I think the world has always been a place where women have been harrassed by sleazy guys. Isn’t that the reason Mohammed commanded the Muslim women to wear their covering robes and veils because they were being harrassed in the streets by men even back in those times.

There has never been an army of males yet who haven’t raped every female in sight as soon as they have taken a city or town . It just shows you, it’s not the women in nightclubs that cause them to behave this way.

I agree with your point when you say that all the available sex, and that includes all the lovely motel style brothels that are million dollar businesses, make it hard for women to form stable committed relationships in which they can feel secure enough to have children because the men are 40years old and still don’t want to accept any responsibility when there are so many other women to be had. A lot of women don’t seem to mind not having children over much any way if the man doesn’t want them these days. Society expects them to work full time and care for children too or else hand their children over to the care of strangers and it can place a huge burden on their shoulders.
These men and women live great lifestyles but the impact on these childless societies is yet to be known. It may lead to extinction.
Posted by sharkfin, Saturday, 28 February 2009 12:52:37 AM
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