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Bush's legacy : Comments

By MA Khan, published 3/2/2009

Bush's war on terror and wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have played a central role in creating an awareness of Islam.

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David F
What is your problem with Christians?
1. We had some genosides from the colonists but do you know any better way to spread the christian spirit world wide?
2.We had 1-2 world wars between christians but this was only a test from the god, even after so many milions of deaths the holy christian spirit remained alive! That is the superiority of the christian spirit.
3. Thay was top crusaiders, but on the way to holy land many christian people lose their wealth or even their life. Muslim's blad, who died from the sharp swords of crusaiders, created a red river and their bodies a high maountain. If this is not a proof from the christian superiority then what is it. Even the Bush, before the attack of AL QEADA in New York, said, "Now we start a new crusaid" Poor muslim, get out from christian's way, Bush is coming!
4. Of cause we had the dark ages of cause christianity, but to be honest these years was not dark at all, as the representatives of the christian god followed his advices. Lucky Galilaio you had to die on the flames!
5. Christians was the best slave traders, but do you know how many churches created from the slaves? do you know how usefull was the slaves to christians? They was a bless from the god!
6. Forget the women! is not the god man? was not the woman responsble for the lost paradise? Women must obey to men! That is a direct order from the christian god!
It is not only the christian representatives who speak direct with the god, Bush very often speaks to the god. In realy the war in Iraq was in to the god's plan. In the war against terror, the christian god converted to a war lord!
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Thursday, 5 February 2009 1:53:15 AM
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Dear Antonios,

Your great post follows in its beautiful entirety:

“David F
What is your problem with Christians?
1. We had some genosides from the colonists but do you know any better way to spread the christian spirit world wide?
2.We had 1-2 world wars between christians but this was only a test from the god, even after so many milions of deaths the holy christian spirit remained alive! That is the superiority of the christian spirit.
3. Thay was top crusaiders, but on the way to holy land many christian people lose their wealth or even their life. Muslim's blad, who died from the sharp swords of crusaiders, created a red river and their bodies a high maountain. If this is not a proof from the christian superiority then what is it. Even the Bush, before the attack of AL QEADA in New York, said, "Now we start a new crusaid" Poor muslim, get out from christian's way, Bush is coming!
4. Of cause we had the dark ages of cause christianity, but to be honest these years was not dark at all, as the representatives of the christian god followed his advices. Lucky Galilaio you had to die on the flames!
5. Christians was the best slave traders, but do you know how many churches created from the slaves? do you know how usefull was the slaves to christians? They was a bless from the god!
6. Forget the women! is not the god man? was not the woman responsble for the lost paradise? Women must obey to men! That is a direct order from the christian god!
It is not only the christian representatives who speak direct with the god, Bush very often speaks to the god. In realy the war in Iraq was in to the god's plan. In the war against terror, the christian god converted to a war lord!”

You are a true Greek inspired by the spirit of Aristophanes. Evoe!
Posted by david f, Thursday, 5 February 2009 8:10:27 AM
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Spot on. George Bush is the only US president in 63 years to have put the US in a winning position in a hot war. That sticks in the craw of the socialists. (Ronnie of course won the cold war)

That is only one of several striking positive outcomes the US achieved under his custodianship of the Office of US president. History will indeed view him favourably. His unpopularity is reversable ... the facts evidencing his success arn't.


Not only were the Iraqi regional council elections run smoothly but by all accounts the voters to have chosen almost exclusively secular candidates... they appear to have dumped rule by a theoracy and that fact appears very much at odds with many of the the claims in the article as well as with it's overall thrust.

It's not hard to work out when intolerance, bigotry and racism appear ... facts just go straight out the window.

Now here is another highly relevant fact most people are not aware of, the fact the GDP of Iraq is currently 30% higher than the best it ever was under Saddam.

Not only has he won the war but he might even have won the peace. He's put the Iraqis on a road to a sustainable economic and democratic basis. He might even eventually be credited with leading the mid east onto the path to peace ... as long as Obama doesn't stuff up all the successes.

Regards to you both.
Posted by keith, Thursday, 5 February 2009 12:47:58 PM
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*That is only one of several striking positive outcomes the US achieved under his custodianship of the Office of US president. History will indeed view him favourably*

Hehe, of course Keith :) Even the Economist, not exactly a
socialist rag, admits to what a dummy he has been.

George of course drove the global economy into a ditch, now
Obama has to try and hire some tow trucks to tow it out.

As we are now finding out, his regime called off any FBI
investigations into corporate fraud, they were diverted to
searching for Osama under the bed. Wall St would regulate
itself they said. Yeah sure lol.

Nothing was achieved in Iraq, that could not have been achieved
with the use of a couple of missiles and some good intelligence.
You don't need to kill hundreds of thousands of people, when
you are after just three of them, ie Saddam and the two boys.

George will go down in history as one of the biggest dummies on
earth, who nearly bankrupted the US economy and sent the global
economy into a tailspin like has seldom been seen in human history.
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 5 February 2009 1:48:38 PM
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And of course Yabby you still can't back your opinions with logical evidence. You are still just mouthing off hysterically held beliefs.

Have you sold those shares yet? It's time.
Posted by keith, Thursday, 5 February 2009 9:19:09 PM
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Mr Bush didn't do this Yabby, The Dems did with loans to people with no means of paying them back, who were really stupid to take them.

Would you loan money you couldn't pay back?

That is a dumb thing on both sides... nothing to do with Mr Bush or the Republicans...
Posted by meredith, Thursday, 5 February 2009 9:22:31 PM
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