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Palestine - UN Security Council flirts with racist fantasyland : Comments
By David Singer, published 5/1/2009The UN, by its silence, has endorsed collective punishment - something not to be tolerated for Gazan Arabs - as being perfectly acceptable for West Bank Jews.
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Posted by dane, Monday, 5 January 2009 11:31:35 PM
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Mr Rudd has an opportunity to be a leader in International Affairs here. I believe what I have heard from PM Mr Rudd and Ms Gillard is not the policies/indicators I heard in China or Japan on Human Rights.
The Historical Issues here are central. The economic issues underlying the Oslo Accord to do with trade, property and respect for the process on the Palestinia side which needs to be revisited - if only to recheck in real terms, accountablities, and the socially inclusive promises. You said Fair Go.... for ALL? Mr Rudd I believe you do understand the Strong Spirit. What is a life worth if the landscape is cramped with systemic oppressive realities. I ask you to imagine the plight of Hamas [anger and frustration] and consider the issues through all the smoke screen. These are cross-cultural issues we need as a globe to understand better if we are to really curb the violence. I believed you understood development issues when you spoke initially on the need to do something about Opium farming in Afghanistan. You had the Nation learning something and begining to support the real issues as we began to learn together the possiblities of Change. I fear if you don't do something constructive we all look to Obama which is a) Unfair for one Man with so much potentional and b) He becomes cornored by the rhetoric we are being cornored with now. We need problem solvers. A kid at risk must have a Friend and Mentor. "Yes" Must Mean "Yes" and Not Yes but mean NO. This is something normal people have but something people in dysfunctional environments are extra senstitive to given the repetition of such troubles, Please Mr Rudd. There are too many playing out the administrive gelatinous powwow. This is unsafe for the justice issues, for people caught in a rat mesh without the human or govenment resources - where accountablity is overlooked and their frustation is about broken promises and a humanity based on rhectoric and false definitions of hope. I hope for your strength and wisdom. . Posted by miacat, Tuesday, 6 January 2009 4:08:34 AM
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If Americans Knew was originally founded by an American freelance journalist, Alison Weir*, who traveled independently throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip in February and March of 2001. Ms. Weir found a situation largely the reverse of what was being reported by the American media. " If it smells like an invader, and acts like an invader ... " For centuries there was no such conflict. In the 19th century the land of Palestine was inhabited by a multicultural population – approximately 86 percent Muslim, 10 percent Christian, and 4 percent Jewish – living in peace. In the late 1800s a group in Europe decided to colonize this land. Known as Zionists, this group consisted of an extremist minority of the Jewish population. They wanted to create a Jewish homeland, and considered locations in Africa and the Americas, before settling on Palestine. Hitler’s rise to power and Nazi atrocities, combined with Zionist activities to sabotage efforts to place Jewish refugees in western countries, led to increased Jewish immigration to Palestine, and conflict grew. " As of November 2008 from 2000, "123 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians and 1,050 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000." "1,062 Israelis and at least 4,876 Palestinians have been killed since September 29, 2000." "8,341 Israelis and 33,034 Palestinians have been injured since September 29, 2000." Sounds like a humanitarian crisis to me. Posted by MX2, Tuesday, 6 January 2009 6:14:32 AM
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Mr Singer,
Divide and conquer is your mode of operation. A strategically devious but totally obscene objective design to advance Israel’s aspirations while contuing the disposession of Palestinian people. 500k -1 million people the numbers are irrelevant they are on illegally gained ground. This is a thinly disguised attempt to justify Israel's annexation of territory taken by force. Simply a means to deny Palestinians their own state. which is based on wholly fatuous assumptions. No amount of obfuscation on your part will change the facts ordinary people were dispossessed by force to provide the "state of Israel". You seem to be labouring under the erroneous misconception that a religious grouping (Jews) are the only ones that are entitled to form a nation. I am by no means a Jew hater I have a daughter who shares this faith although not the ideals of Israel. There is a clear distinction between the religion and the hypocrisy that is Israel’s bellicose policies.Neither does this mean I'm anti Israel but I do believe in the 1967 borders and reparation paid. 400 average people killed so Israel can do as it wants with impunity. In short I condemn Israel's expansionist policies. Their God is a bloody God. Things have changed since 1947 a fair negotiated peace is possible but not with Israel’s political system environment. One where religious bigots (settlers)hold disproportionate power. It takes two sides to have a war this is a clear case of the recalcitant V the narrow minded. Neither side needs encouragement just common sense. Posted by examinator, Tuesday, 6 January 2009 7:40:27 AM
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The United Nations has done the right thing for once in a long while. I am heartened to see that a long last Israel has a free hand to take military action against criminal thugs who have no intention of and do not believe in, and will never support a two State solution. The U.N. suggested a two State solution in 1947 which the Arab neighbouring countries of the Palestinians all rejected. They wanted the lot; and had no desire to share with the Jews.
The current troubles are the result of Islamic arrogance. Posted by William of Young, Tuesday, 6 January 2009 8:08:55 AM
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Dear_Examinator.... I have a degree of patience with twits :) but you are just about exhausting mine.
As someone said "I don't suffer_fools lightly" You_said: <<"on illegally gained ground. This is a thinly_disguised_attempt to justify Israel's annexation of territory taken by force.">> The base shallowness and discriminatory bias in your post is clearly seen in that abysmal understanding of the facts. "illegally gained" "taken by force" OOOooooooh... come ONNNNN... (shriek..shout..jumps up and down waving a sign which says "PROPOGANDA") Here is the problem with your view.WHICH historical starting point is your point of reference? The usual empty, shallow, bigoted, terrorist supporting approach is to start at 1948 and claim Israel came about 'by force' went back a bit further to 1800s and mentioned 'Jews migrated'...and in the next breath you said "conflict arose" DUH X 1000 why did 'conflict' arise? Did those migrating Jews 'STEAL' or 'CONQUER' parts of Palestine? errr NOPE...did they lawfully BUY land and settle there? errr YEP.... So...on WHAT grounds did 'conflict' arise? if you had a SHRED of honesty in you, you would admit that 4% Jewish is quite managable, but as that percentage INcreases....... Arabs begin to worry...about WHAT? I'll tell you 'what'... they know full well that their Arab Muslim Caliph Omar ILLEGALLY AND BY FORCE took that land in the year 637! They also know that the Jews have a strong connection to the land and their identity is wrapped up in it. HEBRON MASSACRE 1929 ooooh yes.. the vile evil of the Islamist/Arab mind... they simply heard rumors that Jews in Jerusalem were taking control of Muslim holy places and killing arabs. (Untrue) so..they immediately began murdering the nearest Jews. How dare...HOW DARE anyone try to legitimize the illegal and forceful occupation of Israel by ANY foreign race or power. The Arabs are there ILLEGALLY and only as a result of FORCEFUL CONQUEST... it matters not a scrap if Australia was invaded/taken by Indonesia in our generation... our great great great great grandchildren will still be told what happened and it would STILL be 'stolen property' until restored to Australians. Posted by Polycarp, Tuesday, 6 January 2009 8:12:30 AM
The timing is a piece of cynical brilliance. The Israelis are worried the new President will not give them the green light to murder at will, so they took advantage of a lame duck and told him what they were going to do. Bush then had no alternative but to come out in support of the Israelis or he would look even weaker and more ineffectual than he already is.
So for the sake of the Israeli and US political cycle we get hundreds of dead Palestinians and thousands of injured. Lives ruined for ever so a corrupt Israeli politician can further the interests of a society gone wrong.
Then we get this fool Singer claiming the UN is racist! Really, these people have no shame.