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What's wrong with 'Islamophobia' : Comments

By Nick Haslam, published 23/12/2008

Prejudice flourishes among people who are cold, callous, inflexible, closed-minded and conventional.

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In regard to 9/11, given that you have yet to demonstrate any comprehension of the case of the 9/11 Truth movement, how can you know for certain that when you hold Islamic extremists responsible for the attacks of 11 September 2001, you are not breaking the 9th commandment:

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour"

Like you, I believed that they were the principle perpetrators of the 9/11 atrocity for at least five an a half years.

I now know that not to be the case.

Whilst it is true that the hijackers themselves were deluded patsies, who believed that they were striking a mortal blow against the Infidel West, the orchestrators of that attack came from within the White House.

I suggest you take the time to find out why many credible people, including those listed at, no longer hold Islamist extremists responsible for the attacks.


I am far from uncritical of Islamic culture, and as I said before, I think we should be concerned that this country and Europe stand to be demographically overwhelmed by people from Islamic cultures.

However the solution to that is to control our own borders and not for the US, Australia and Britain to invade their countries, kill and maim hundreds of thousands of their people, plunder their oil and their publicly owned assets.


mil-observer writes, "Finally, your quote of Steyn's comment 'the question of Islam' has an especially sinister ring to it, echoing earlier ages' rubbish about 'the Jewish question', 'the Irish question', etc. All very Malthus or, perhaps in Steyn's case, rather Kapo?"

I think you're a bit fixated with terminology. What title then do you think that Abram Leon, who perished in the Holocaust, should have given to his study of the role of Jews in Western society (


Anyone who grasps the fact that this is a finite planet must necessarily be a Malthusian.

To fail to grasp the peril that excessive human numbers place on our future would have to be the greatest single psychosis of our age.
Posted by daggett, Tuesday, 30 December 2008 11:25:49 AM
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Hi GZ... your last rather volatile barb aimed at the unObservant one :).. was close but not quite right.

1/ IGNORANT.. most likely...
a) he seems to be blissfully unaware of the real world in Malaysia and Indonesia for non Muslims.

b) He seems to be also unaware of the political history of the 2 Eastern states of Malaysia's federation, Sarawak and Sabah, and the associated demographic reality.

2/ FOOL. Not yet... we can call him a genuine 'fool' once he knows what he should in order to have some credibility here.. the knowledge of real world Islam in places such as Malaysia and it's more general doctrinal/theological position. If he reads the links I've provided, then he will be in a marginally better position to speak meaningfully.. but he also needs to exhibit a much more informed understanding of historic Islam first. A good place for him to begin would be the Tafsir of Ibn Kathir here. (on surah 9 of course)
Why should he read Ibn Kathir's work? Easy.. because he is described as:

<<Ibn Kathir wrote a famous commentary on the Qur'an named Tafsir ibn Kathir which linked certain Hadith, or sayings of Muhammad, and sayings of the sahaba to verses of the Qur'an, in explanation. Tafsir Ibn Kathir is famous all over the Muslim world and among Muslims in the Western world, and is one of the most widely used explanations of the Qu'ran today.>>

THEN.. after all that.. if he still maintains his 'lefty jingoistic' posture.. we can sincerely call him "a fool"..

Let's hope that once he has been duly re-educated, his contributions will be more favorable to our security and cultural/social cohesian as a Nation.

CJ... rather predictable :) ur so easy old son *smile*
Posted by Polycarp, Tuesday, 30 December 2008 12:10:25 PM
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Thanks God-Zilla. If you re-read my post you just might realize (fingers x'ed) that I was actually criticizing Malaysia's “tolerant” (relative to Indonesia's) treatment of soul-hunting, God-bothering, conversion con-artists (“spiritual extortionists” is another useful term). Anyway, as other OLO commentators can confirm, I oppose the notion that “tolerance” is some kind of virtue; in fact, “tolerance” means literally “to put up with”, so that is hardly a virtue at all. Just imagine say a classic puritan and supremacist WASP family (you may know of such) “tolerating” a working-class Catholic family renting in the same street. “We deny them work, get our police to harass them, disparage them as sub-human idiots, enjoy recalling that our ancestors culled them occasionally back home”, etc., “but we TOLERATE them”!

Also, I never labelled Christian missionaries as “thugs” at all. I've found that such people usually lack the guts and honesty to try their line of business in the manner shown by their thuggish counterparts and adherents.

daggett: there should be no “question of Islam” for non-Muslims; the terminology is sinister, just as is Steyn's fixation on Muslim birth rates compared to those of non-Muslims (esp. “Christian” and Jewish, presumably). That is why I emphasize a need to procreate as a positive response: to that same effect, I could also just tell yourself and Steyn to “go and get f'ed” in a perfectly life-affirming, positive sense of course. Steyn's own ethnic and religious brethren in the Gaza ghetto might show similar restraint by saying much the same, provided they are not beset by trauma of seeing maimed children.

Yes, daggett, the dogmas are indeed Malthusian when asserting “finite resources” and a fear of human population. This planet has massive untapped resources and, most important, infinite human potential to improvise new, more efficient use of curently exploited resources. Not a psychosis at all, but a faith in humanity confirmed by keen study of history, various cultures and a warm sense of hope gathered from my many Indian, Chinese and Indonesian friends (you know, the ones typically accused of “overpopulation”).
Posted by mil-observer, Tuesday, 30 December 2008 12:16:05 PM
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Muslims are often bigoted against others. Take the case of the race hate murder of Kriss Donald.

On 16 March 2004, Donald was abducted from Kenmure Street, beside the Pollokshields Bowling Club at the foot of McCulloch Street where he lived with his mother, younger brother, and three sisters. The gang who kidnapped him took him on a 200-mile journey to Dundee and back while they made phone calls looking for a house to take him to. Having no success at this, they returned to Glasgow and took him to the Clyde Walkway, near Celtic Football Club's training ground.

There, they held his arms and stabbed him 13 times. He sustained internal injuries to three arteries, one of his lungs, his liver and a kidney, and was doused in petrol, set on fire and left to die.[1]

The five men convicted of the abduction and murder, all of whom were British of Pakistani origin, were convicted of racially aggravated offences. After the murder, some of Donald's attackers fled the United Kingdom and sought refuge in Pakistan. Three suspects were arrested in Pakistan in July 2005 and extradited to the UK in October 200
Posted by KrissDonaldtheVictimofRacism, Tuesday, 30 December 2008 2:33:33 PM
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Malaysia population includes Malays, Chinese, Indians and natives of Sarawak/Sabah.
The Malays are Muslims BY LAW and forbidden from converting to other religions !!

A force is ever present from the Malays to turn Malaysia into an Islamic state, to the peril of non-Muslims.
A counter-balancing force is the Chinese who are mainly Buddhists, proud of their ancestry, (especially now that China is rising on the world stage). Another important counter-balancing force is the natives of Sarawak/Sabah who are significantly Christians. ( Polycarp, THANKS to missionaries from western countries, including Australia).

Both Chinese and Indians suffer in Malaysia due to unfair government policies heavily biased in favour of the Muslims (Malays). The Indians suffer the most in Malaysia. To highlight their plights, would you believe, they actually initiated a lawsuit in 2007 to sue the British government for bringing Indians to Malaysia in the early days. The damage claim was one million sterling pounds for every Indian.

As an Indian grassroot politician put it:- "After a century of slaving for the British, the colonial government withdrew after granting independence and they left us unprotected and at the mercy of a majority Malay-Muslim government that has violated our rights as minority Indians,"

There is an ever-present undercurrent of racial tension that most non-Muslim Malaysians would not mention in public, for fear of retribution, (by the Muslim Malays).
The May 13 (1969) Chinese-Malay race riot in Malaysia should suggest something about race-relation there.

I wonder who are Mil-observer's Malaysian friends that have provided him with rosy one-sided view of the country. They must be the Muslims !!
Which would explain why he chooses to describe Christian missionaries/preachers with disparaging terms such as "thugs", "soul-hunting", "conversion con-artists"; "spiritual extortionists".

Some people have no idea what's going on, and confuse about right & wrong !!
Posted by G Z, Tuesday, 30 December 2008 3:27:21 PM
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I find this a great article. I've frequently said that this name-calling was a way of avoiding the issue, as well as insulting the person whose opinions you disagree with.
And as you said, Leigh, this won't go down well with the so-called progressive left. This is, indeed, one of the reasons I left them.
Posted by camo, Tuesday, 30 December 2008 3:34:20 PM
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