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The Forum > Article Comments > Not another wave of Islamophobia please! > Comments

Not another wave of Islamophobia please! : Comments

By Alice Aslan, published 17/12/2008

Islamophobia still dominates any debate on Islam and Muslims in Australia, and the terrorist attacks in India are likely to exacerbate this.

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What you say is absolutely correct. Violence is endemic in Islam and it is not just a few extremists or in a few countries.

Since 9/11 2001 there have been 12419 jihad attacks and for November this year there were 191 attacks in 16 countries with 857 dead and 1568 injured. Another example is the violence after the Danish cartoons episode. Some people seem to completely ignore these facts and the author should start by advocating non violence to the muslims.

TRTL has put his finger on the problem. The moderates are too scared to rise against those muslims that advocate violence simply because they put themselves at risk by doing so. Muslims will kill their own to keep those with different views in check.

A phobia means a compelling fear. I dont have that, but one simply cannot put aside the violence that is part of Islam.
Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 18 December 2008 9:38:40 AM
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"...violence begets violence and creates a vicious cycle by causing much suffering and compounding grievances on both sides of conflict, while destroying the possibility of negotiating differences and resolving conflicts through dialog, diplomacy and politics." (Nursel Guzeldeniz)

A very true description of Islam. The root cause of nearly all the terror attacks and conflicts in the West(liberal secularists and Christians), Thailand (Buddhists), Philippines(Catholics), India(Hindus), China (Marxists) and Eastern Europe (Orthodox) is Islam.

The "resolving conflicts through dialog" as proposed by Muslims is when they are in a minority. When Muslims become a majority, they would kill the non-Muslims or force them to become Muslims. This is what happened to Pakistan and Bangladesh. It is being practised in Islamic countries like Malaysia and Indonesia.

Those who have benefited from the freedom, peace and economic prosperity of living in the West should not espouse a 7th century barbaric life-style and ideology (like Islam). Muslim migrants to the West who want to bring their failed ideology of Islam with them should consider living in Saudi Arabia or countries of their Arab masters.

Islam began in a bloody manner. Its founder murdered hundreds and raped many women. The leaders (four of them) immediately suceeding Muhammed were assasinated by Muslims. The creed of Islam is based on hatred, murder, intolerance, hypocrisy and half-truths.

Muslims are told to emulate their founding leaders. No wonder there is so much bloodshed coming from Muslims.

"Although the first caliph Abu Bakr's death is mysterious, the later three pious caliphs—namely Omar, Usman and Ali—died to the knives and swords of assassins." (Islam watch)

"Given that Islam's brightest stars had been killed by Muslim assassins at its commencement, the religion of Islam does not reflect a creed of love, compassion and peace; it does not propagate ever-pure and -eternal message. On the contrary, it is reflective of a creed of hate, intolerance, terror and bloodshed." (Islam watch)
Posted by Philip Tang, Thursday, 18 December 2008 12:12:57 PM
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Well, I hope the christians aren't ever stupid enough to start a holy war. I don't think they can compete with this dedication. Makes world youth day look like a quiet BBQ...

Check out picture 8...

Also the death star pictures 5 and 6.
Posted by Houellebecq, Thursday, 18 December 2008 1:24:25 PM
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If the author wants people living a free country like Australia to display less Islamophobia, she would do well not to expose the hypocrisy of her position by failing to acknowledge the complete failure of the Muslim world to set any examples at all, anywhere.

For example

1. The Saudis can spend billions pouring money into new mosques all over the world to further expand of their idiot belief, Mosques are going up allover Italy, but when the Catholic Church wanted to build a church in Saudi Arabia it was refused. In fact the mere possession of a bible in that coutnry is illegal.

Who is it with a phobia then ?

2. The bible has been given a thorough going over for the last many centuries as part of the enlightmement. The Koran and its attendendant Haddiths etc have no such going over and indeed the delusional followers cant even ackowledge the historical records and evidence with an open mind, which if they did, would be no doubt be surprised to learn that it does indeed have a history- and a well documented one at that.

Meaning, that there is not a chance in hell it is the immutable word of anyone in particular.

Who is it with the phobias and/or delusions then?

What we need from people like Nursul Guzeldini are examples in the Muslim world, however she wants to describe it, of the sort of behaviour she expects
Posted by bigmal, Thursday, 18 December 2008 1:26:58 PM
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>> So why do some people think that all these Muslims
>> with diverse identities should feel related to the
>> Indian Muslim terrorists

But the men who attacked Mumbai were not Indian Muslims.

They were Pakistani, from Punjab province.

The author should ask why Pakistani Muslims leave their country to murder Indians, Israelis, Americans, Europeans etc.

And why do Muslims with diverse identities find it so easy to protest about cartoons, books etc and call for the death of the offenders (IIRC even Cat Stevens said Salman Rushdie should die, and bounties were offered on the heads of the Danish cartoonists) but these same Muslims do not call for the death of Hafiz Saeed and other LeT members. Where are the protests and calls for Osama to be killed for insulting Islam?
Posted by john frum, Thursday, 18 December 2008 2:17:54 PM
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Let me quote from a survivor of the Mumbai attack:

Lynne Shaw, from Penarth, Wales, was being led through the Taj Mahal hotel by staff, with her husband... During the short journey they were seconds away from the gunmen. Mrs Shaw said: “All of a sudden gunfire broke out in the corridor and they had executed a six-year-old in front of his parents”.

Consider the people behind the Mumbai massacre: Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Muhammad. These radical Islamist groups have, like Frankenstein, developed a life of their own. Initially created by the Pakistan government (ISI) to fight India in Kashmir. Over time, the creature began to identify itself with the worldwide “conquer-the-infidels” jihadi groups. So? According to experts, these groups are backed by Saudi money and protected by officials in Muslim governments that are sympathetic to the war on infidels. According to William Kristol in the New York Times, “Jihad’s True Face,” these groups ”have developed an independent capacity to raise resources and an independent capacity to plan and prosecute operations in Afghanistan, in India, and increasingly within Pakistan.” This group has links to jihadist groups around the world.

There is no reason not to believe that the tactics used to terrorize Mumbai cannot be used in London, New York, Sidney or anywhere else (except maybe Israel). These are often members of the Muslim Brotherhood, a transnational Wahhabi organization dedicated to the spread of Islam and domination of infidels.

So what does this have to do with Australia? Well, only that the Muslim Brotherhood is alive and well Downunder. Only that most of the Mosques in Australia were built with funds from the Wahhabi establishment and government in Saudi Arabia. Most of the Imams here are trained by and follow Wahhabi doctrine, even if watered-down when explained to Australians.

Ms Guzeldeniz is making excuses for people that murder children and for those that work with them and take their money. Do Muslims in Australia go to mosques built with Wahhabi funds? Yes. Yes, this is guilt by association. Killing 6-year old for the glory of Allah is fine sport, then.
Posted by kactuz, Thursday, 18 December 2008 2:39:27 PM
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