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Time to put the small 'l' back into Liberal : Comments

By Greg Barns, published 15/12/2008

Demonising asylum seekers is a tactic of the past. It should be left there.

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I, for one, would love to see the Liberals become more 'small l', however this isn't the issue that I would like to see them focus their attentions on. There are a whole raft of issues which the current 'big' government approach should be challenged (in a small 'l' style):

Marriage - this is a private agreement between two people to which the government shouldn't interfere

Government itself - we have grossly bloated goverment (3 levels no less!) which have enormous overlap and redundnacy. Make it smaller and less invasive

Taxation - Our current tax system is a debacle


A closer move to small 'l' policies would be a good move. However, I don't see them doing it, at least, not without a long period of warming up the electorate to it.
Posted by BN, Monday, 15 December 2008 10:46:49 AM
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A small l Liberal party will see at least 3 terms of Rudd come Gillard goverments, probably 4-5 if Gillard takes over circa 2012. You cannot challange goverment policy from opposition if your own policies are a mirror.

The biggest mistake the Liberal party could make is to believe the 2007 election was any more than change for change's sake. They cannot outleft the left and should not try.
Posted by Jai, Monday, 15 December 2008 11:01:10 AM
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Nice article from Greg Barns, which echoes my own analysis of Howard's cynical manipulation of the electorate's xenophobic underbelly - which I expressed in the last OLO discussion about asylum seekers ( ).

However, I doubt that the Libs will able to resist using their tried, true and tawdry tactics again, and it will be interesting to see how long Turnbull can keep a lid on the inevitable pressure to go down that shameful path again. I expect that this article will elicit the same old hateful comments from the same old xenophobes, who are excellent examples of those who responded to the same dog-whistle from Howard.

Anyway, well said Greg Barns - I often disagree with you but you're spot on with respect to this issue.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 15 December 2008 12:13:10 PM
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If the Liberal Party of Australia were truly to put the 'liberal' back into their policies that would place them somewhat to the left of the current ALP and nudging the Greens' position.

We haven't had that sort of political scenario since the 1940s (when of course we hadn't heard of the Greens).
Posted by Spikey, Monday, 15 December 2008 12:43:37 PM
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I remember when you were one of the lonely voices of sanity within the Liberal Party Greg. It's a pity they lost you. As usual you are right on the mark.
Posted by Helen54, Monday, 15 December 2008 2:25:56 PM
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Why is Labor in power? Hmmm... could it be that the Libs knew that there was a World recession about to happen & didn't want to be in power when it happened? Of course they did. Then they can say, "see what you get with a Labor Government, Recession." And, I'd rather have Chopper Reid as the leader of the Libs than Turnbull.

Now, on to these suppossed Asylum Seekers. There is not one of these people an Asylum Seeker. You cannot pass through several countries that are better suited with their, way of life, customs & religion, board a boat and come to Australia, then claim that they are being pursecuted in their own country so we can't send them back. What was the matter with any of the countries they passed through. Indonesia is good, Malaysia is good. Pakistan, Iran & all the other istans around their own countries would be fine & better suited for them.

Pack them all up & send them to an amenable country.
Posted by Jayb, Monday, 15 December 2008 7:27:48 PM
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