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Terrorists attacking Mumbai have global agenda : Comments
By Ashley Tellis, published 15/12/2008The barbarity in Mumbai represents the ugly face of Islamist terrorism that threatens India, the US and its allies.
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Posted by daggett, Tuesday, 16 December 2008 8:21:35 AM
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(continuedfromabove)... in the Office of the Secretary of Defense
Major General Albert Stubblebine, U.S. Army (ret) – former Commanding General of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command Major John M. Newman, PhD, U.S. Army (ret) – Former Executive Assistant to the Director of the National Security Agency. Former military attaché in China. 21-year career in U.S. Army Intelligence. William Christison – Former National Intelligence Officer and Director of the CIA's Office of Regional and Political Analysis Major Scott Ritter, U.S. Marine Corps – Former Marine Corps Intelligence Officer and Chief Weapons Inspector for the United Nations Special Commission in Iraq. Capt. Gregory M. Zeigler, PhD, U.S. Army – Former U.S. Army Intelligence Officer Melvin A. Goodman – Former Division Chief and Senior Analyst at the Office of Soviet Affairs, CI William Rodriguez, (acknowledged hero and last man out of the north tower); Robert David Steele – Co-founder of U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence Command Bogdan Dzakovic – 14-year Counter-terrorism expert in the Security Division of the FAA Daniel Ellsberg, Former Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense (ISA), DOD General Leonid Ivashov, Former Chief of Staff of the Russian armed forces, and chief of the department for General affairs in the Soviet Union 's ministry of Defense; --- Thanatos, "Tell that to the families of victims." It is victims of the September 11 atrocity who are the principle supprters and drivers of the 9/11 Truth. These include the "Jersey Girls" Kristen Breitweiser, Laurie Van Auken, Patty Casaza and Mindy Kleinber, who lost husbands on that day. They forced the Bush administration to hold the 9/11 Commission, but more than half the questions asked the commission remain unanswered (Barrie Zwicker "Towers of Deception", 2006, page 93) --- BTW, in 2004 Barrie Zwicker created an excellent documentary on the 9/11 'false flag' attack: "The Great Conspiracy" (1hr 10 minutes) at The pdf transcript is at See also Colonel Robert Bowman USAF (ret) in broadcast "I call it Treason" at Posted by daggett, Tuesday, 16 December 2008 1:06:25 PM
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After each attack, we will hear almost the same exact words from Muslims and their "see no evil" liberal friends, telling us that the terrorists are either not really Muslims (or another of 27 other common excuses) or that it was the evil people at (insert name of favorite conspiracy here). They believe the West and ISrael are evil and that is that.
After the murder of men women and children in Mumbai, we find things like this in the Pakistani media: Tehrik Taliban Pakistan is known to have connections with American CIA, Indian RAW and operating to further American plan to destablise Pakistan. Even if someone in Mumbai attacks is a Pakistani, there are chances that these elements are working for American CIA. Every Pakistani has condemned these cowardly attacks. We believe that Mumbai attacks were designed to some forces which want to derail the peace process. http://islamabadobserver.wo... At Harry’s Place, an English blog, a journalist tells of the strange mentality encountered while participating on a Talk Show directed at Muslims in the UK (Ummah talk): What ensued on Ummah Talk was nothing short of farcical. The host and my co-panelist attempted to wrestle me into a preposterous discussion of conspiracy theories. In their view, the attacks were just as likely to have been the work of the Indian intelligence services or Hindu militants as that of Pakistan-backed terrorists. My protestations about evidence (and the lack thereof) were ignored because all their pointless conjecture was, in fact, very pointed at a single argument: Islamist terrorism is an exaggerated fiction, no more serious than any other kind of political violence. These are the kind of people that would stand on a pile of bodies freshly murder by bearded young men named Mohammad yelling "Allahu Akbar" and tell us it was the Jews or the CIA. Pathetic. We will see more of these attacks. This is called jihad and you, me, your family and all of us are targets. Don't expect "moderate" Muslims to stop this because they, by their denial, contribute to the evil that is to come. Kactuz Posted by kactuz, Tuesday, 16 December 2008 2:26:08 PM
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Talk it up all you like, kactuz, the fact still remains that these are terrorists, not armies.
>>We will see more of these attacks. This is called jihad and you, me, your family and all of us are targets.<< I haven't the faintest idea why you feel it is necessary to share your fear so aggressively, but that is all that you are doing. The conspiracies are all in your head. I am not a target, you are not a target, your family is not a target, except in the loosest of all senses, a random victim of a terrorist attack. It may simply be that you have never experienced religion-based terrorist attacks before. Fear of the unknown is after all the most powerful of all. But anyone who carried on working while the IRA bombed pubs, shops and tube trains will tell you that - while individual attacks are deadly, killing and maiming innocent people - they are at the end of the day carried out by nothing more than a bunch of really nasty people who believe their ideals transcend morality. >>These are the kind of people that would stand on a pile of bodies freshly murder by bearded young men named Mohammad yelling "Allahu Akbar" and tell us it was the Jews or the CIA. Pathetic.<< Nobody makes legitimate excuses for terrorism. I certainly haven't seen any here. What you are doing is the age-old game of "anyone who disagrees with me is a cowardly leftist liberal appeaser", which - while it might give you a warm glow of righteousness for a few minutes before it turns wet and cold - doesn't actually mean anything. And many thanks Philip Tang, I shall treasure this one: >>Perhaps you should try a name like MOHAMMAD GOEBBELS Bin Laden<< Hmmmmm. Has a nice ring to it. Shows originality, style, precision. Perfect. Does this mean that you disagree with me? Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 16 December 2008 3:48:49 PM
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THANATOS.. When is the funeral ? :)
I liked your handling of poor silly dagget.. I hate to venture close to deliberate ad hominen..but dagget.. your writing betrays what might be called a terminal disease of the mind.... I don't know the name of it,but self hate might be a beginning... I've seen some of those 'credible notable names' you listed.. the same ones who come out of the woodwork in the Oklahoma bombing event.. they do 2 things: 1/ Claim VASSSSSST experience in their field.. in which of course they are an 'expert' of messianic proportions. 2/ DENYYYYYy the clear facts when they are proven scientific, independant controlled studies. You just make ur self look a dill with all that tripe you trot out. I'll totally agree that bad things have been done.. false flag operations have occurred... but those which I know of... the 'Gulf of Tonkin' one for example.. are quite provable... and the conclusion does not rest on idle empty speculation and arguments from silence as most of the rubbish you present here does. Thermistocles.. well said mate. Pericles.. no matter how much of a battering you get here... please don't leave :) Posted by Polycarp, Tuesday, 16 December 2008 5:25:22 PM
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A useful introduction as to how Western intelligence agencies can and have used deluded patsies to carry out 'false flag' terrorist attacks on their behalf is "Webster Tarpley - False-Flag Operational Structure Explained" (3 min 10 sec) at
If the Mumbai attack was a 'false flag' operation, then similar means would have been employed. --- Polycarp, what is the basis for stating that all those names I listed from who dispute the Official 9/11 Conspiricay Theory are "the same ones who come out of the woodwork in the Oklahoma bombing"? Could you explain specifically why you don't consider any of those listed, in particular, former members of the US armed forces and intelligence agencies, to be credible? --- It seems that people will have to look very hard in Polycarp's post to find why he accepts the Official 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Terrorist attacks and why he rejects the case of the 9/11 Truth movement. Polycarp, do you suppose you could go to the "9/11 Truth" forum at and (preferably without including further ad homonym attacks) explain why you think we are wrong? Posted by daggett, Wednesday, 17 December 2008 1:17:22 PM
Those who question the US Government's explanation of the September 11 attacks or reject it outright are listed at
These include:
Col Robert Bowman (ret), Caltech PhD in aeronautics and nuclear engineering, Former Director of Advanced Space Programs Development - U.S. Air Force (Star Wars program) under President Reagan;
Ray McGovern, Former CIA Intelligence Advisor to Reagan and George HW Bush and founder of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity;
Senator Mark Dayton – Senate Committee on Armed Services, Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Services.
Kevin Ryan, former Department Head at UL (Underwriter Laboratories) company which certified the steel which went into the World Trade Center buildings at construction, and inspected it after the WTC collapses in 2001;
Paul Craig Roberts, Former assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury and former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal;
The Honourable Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian National Defense Minister;
David Shayler, Former MI-6 British Counter Intelligence Officer;
Sibel Edmonds, FBI interpreter (under a gag order not to release info damaging to US Business and Government Officials);
Morgan Reynolds, Chief Economist in GW Bush administration;
Andreas von Buelow, former German Defense Minister;
Senator Max Cleland, former 9/11 Commissioner;
Edward L. Peck – Former Deputy Director, White House Task Force on Terrorism. Former Deputy Coordinator, Covert Intelligence Programs at the State Department. U.S. Ambassador and Chief of Mission to Iraq.
Morton Goulder – Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Warning under Presidents Nixon, Ford, and Carter.
USAF Col. George Nelson (Ret), Aircraft crash investigation authority;
Major Douglas Rokke, PhD, U.S. Army (ret) – Former Director U.S. Army Depleted Uranium Project
USAF Col. Don de Grand-Pre (Ret), Former chief Pentagon arms negotiator for the Middle East;
Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, U.S. Army (ret) – Former Chief of the Army’s Controlled HUMINT (Human Intelligence) Program, A former member of the ABLE DANGER effort to target Al Qaeda’s global structure.
Lt. Col. Karen U. Kwiatkowski, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Former Political-Military Affairs Officer ...(tobecontinued)