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Lessons from Mumbai : Comments

By Warren Reed, published 1/12/2008

Bureaucrats running intelligence agencies; inter agency rivalry; political cronyism: they all affect Australia’s preparedness for terrorist attacks.

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Hi Warren

I'm almost loathe to say that on the basis of your uniformed experience leads to effective leadership argument that Keelty comes out well.

Arguably his joining, in 1974, what eventually became the AFP provides him with the necessary contacts and experience to be efficient. When one blends such experience with foreign liaison experience useful for the head of ASIO etc then that may be the formula that explains the lack of bombing here since the Sydney Hilton (1978).

Though accountability should have occurred .

Basically I think that the record (no bombs for 30 years) indicates that the security leadership mix is working despite political exercises.

Then again Australia could just be lucky – so far. We are so far away from bombing action (Bali excepted) and share no land borders that terrorists (of the Mumbai calibre) have not gotten around to doing us yet.

What I do agree on is politicisation of police and other security agencies - which involves creative stretching of legislation as well. The Haneef miscarriage would be glaringly obvious to most in Canberra, most in the AFP and I suggest Keelty long recognised it as a miscarriage. He just can’t admit it yet because it may end his career.

So politicisation is the main problem. Liberal politicians and their hack staffers would have seen an opportunity with Haneef and ordered the AFP to come up with the Right Result. The DPP was also coerced toward the pre-election terrorism scare objective.

As you say all these shenanigans cause expensive conflicts in the security services, demoralise staff, lose public support and alienate moderate Muslims. Australia is geographically lucky but politicians flogging security people could indeed aid terrorism.

Its better to have experienced security bosses around (with a few sins) than clean, inexperienced, newbies.


Peter Coates
Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 1 December 2008 11:27:25 AM
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All I can say is that Hemant Karkare was an absolute legend. He regarded terrorism as a political phenomenon, and was prepared to investigate all forms of terrorism. Just before he died, he had instituted proceedings against Hindutva terrorists, for which he was severely criticised by the pro-Hindutva fundamentalist opposition coalition. Now they are tripping over each other to praise him!
Posted by Irfan, Monday, 1 December 2008 11:46:08 AM
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I remember reading a quote by a terrorist;

"We only have to get it right once,
You have to get it right every time !".

This is the crux of the prevention problem.
I would suggest that no matter how many ears to the ground the authorities have they will only detect a small number of terror attempts.

With time the terrorists get better at their own security but all they
have to do is keep quiet about their plans. Because they mainly
inhabit a semi closed society this is easy to do.
Even after the event many of those in that society will either
cover up anything they may realise in retrospect or just ignore it.
The police have already complained of this.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 1 December 2008 12:17:21 PM
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I notice that we have a return visit from the idiot who thinks that cybersquatting is oh-so neat.

I can't remember his name, but he was an idiot then, and clearly is still an idiot.
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 1 December 2008 12:58:48 PM
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How in the Blazes did those 2 posts get through?

If left here they would reduce the dignity of OLO to a drunken street brawl.

The major lesson from Mumbai my view:

"If you have different cultures/religions/races among you, which see their identity in terms of those cultures/religions/races, rather than being members of the State, and those things contain justifications for or.. don't have prohibitions on... violent advancement of their cause, it is inevitable that no matter what you do, they will at some stage feel the majority are out to get them, impoverish them, persecute them or victimize them...and over time, will become increasingly violent toward the majority and the State"

Communal clashes are happening in Nigeria as we speak...with higher death tolls than Mumbai. It is in the city of Jos, where the Muslim and Christian communities meet.

It is so serious that the 'Shoot on sight' for curfew breakers/trouble formenters has been issued.

It's the same lesson as Mumbai, where now (if the Indian police are to be believed) the surviving Terrorist has confessed that they are from Lashka e Toiba.. an Islamist group in Pakistan.
Posted by Polycarp, Monday, 1 December 2008 1:14:33 PM
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Wayne Smith is his name Pericles. Cleaned the posts up again. If you see him again, can you let me know? He's likely to keep coming back.
Posted by GrahamY, Monday, 1 December 2008 2:27:00 PM
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