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The fatherhood revolution : Comments
By Warwick Marsh, published 12/9/2008A fatherhood revolution will mean many more involved, committed and responsible fathers.
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Posted by pelican, Saturday, 13 September 2008 10:48:07 AM
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Fatherhood to me is only natural, i couldn't think of any other way. But thats me. I know a female with 4 kids and 4 different fathers, and yet she doesn't seem anything out of the norm; Its just her way of life, I told her to record the family history before dementia moves in ......
Posted by jason60, Saturday, 13 September 2008 8:24:10 PM
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sorry guys...but lot of these posts show a gross lack of understanding to the main issues its your duty to make yourself of 'street_smart_intelligence'...whos origin begins from a realization recognized thousands of years ago...and immortalized even in law...'Cross on Evidence' evidence bible says...and judges expect...'no man\women women would declare anything against him\herself, unless it were true; but that every man\women, if he\she was in difficulty, or in the view to any difficulty, would make declaration for herself'...
for example hrs, what he said originates from past practice of family court which gave dominant power to mothers to achieve whatever they wanted...and to other side dk leland...almost living in a bubble of selected information for worse...knowing the facts and applying 'street_smart_intelligence' to deceive and hide them... there is no right or wrong all works...for each person...and their chosen approach...but its indeed a fool whom blind to all but whats fed/manipulated to them without any attempt to protect themselves in their own body space...a god given one can take applying 'street_smart_intelligence' get to the real facts/truth...offered and make a choice of act...remembering that a 'balanced_outcome' for all is the standard at which each is judged from...any society grows...or dies if fails...just logical scotty... for example...I say any man is a fool to believe a women who says she is faithful to him alone...its nature of women to explore/exploit their sexuality...and its nature of women to hide behind pre-conceived images for best survival in any situation...combine these two...and you get...yep... men are blinded...either by genetics...or oppressed childhood upbringings...usually leading to 'unthinking income generators'... so to fatherhood revolution...its origins are rooted in the above of simple truths of life...but from the posts it seems we men are still at kindergarten... Sam Posted by Sam said, Sunday, 14 September 2008 10:23:18 AM
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Sam I really didn't understand most of your post but this took me by surprise.
"for example...I say any man is a fool to believe a women who says she is faithful to him alone...its nature of women to explore/exploit their sexuality...and its nature of women to hide behind pre-conceived images for best survival in any situation...combine these two...and you get...yep..." I am not sure how this is relevant. Are you implying that it is women's nature to be unfaithful and that all women are unfaithful? I suppose you think men don't cheat on their wives and they are as pure as the driven snow. There are many women including myself that have never been unfaithful and it is insulting to be generalised about in this way. Posted by pelican, Sunday, 14 September 2008 10:42:46 AM
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“The Father's Day card ban has been introduced by schools in Glasgow, Edinburgh, East Renfrewshire, Dumfries and Galloway and Clackmannshire.”'s-Day-cards-banned-in-Scottish-schools.html I have heard of similar occurring in some Australian schools, although I don’t know the specific details of which schools are involved. There has been at least one kindergarten that would not allow fathers to attend their children’s concert if the father was classed as “non-custodial” If fathers do not strongly object, then banning fathers-day in schools will definitely become the norm. Removing reference to fathers from school curriculum will also become the norm. That is simply how it will be. Sam Said, It will be extremely interesting to see the results of the Family Relationship centers. I have heard of no great change to Family courts, and no significant decline in the suicide rate of fathers. Posted by HRS, Sunday, 14 September 2008 10:46:57 AM
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You are very one-sided on issues of gender. There have also been bans on Mother's Day celebrations and cards in many Australian schools including the Primary School my children attended. It was changed to Carer's Day so as not to alienate any children who may not be cared for by biological parents such as fostered children and children in single parent homes, or where one parent might be a step-parent. This is more the curse of political correctness than feminism. Posted by pelican, Sunday, 14 September 2008 10:52:24 AM
Trouble is no matter what the 'system' might come up with it won't stop the tensions, bitterness and rage that exist after some relationship breakdowns and this more than anything is what affects children the most.
Arthur N
You write as someone who thinks carefully and caringly about important matters and I am sure you will bring those characteristics into your parenting. You may not have had the benefit of a father but you know what qualities you would have liked in a father - someone to love you, spend time with you and who listens. If you do have children I am sure you will muddle on like the rest getting some bits right and making some mistakes.