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The Forum > Article Comments > Acknowledge the hidden grief of abortion > Comments

Acknowledge the hidden grief of abortion : Comments

By Alison Campbell Rate, published 4/9/2008

Grief is an experience which, like all other tough times, provides opportunities for personal growth.

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What a strange article, or maybe not so.

Abortion can lead to grief – Probably true.

Grief is an opportunity for personal growth - Hmmm

Therefore, abortion is an oppurtunity for personal growth – Double Hmmm

With the decriminalisation of abortion I feel sure that there will be a move towards encouraging women to have abortions, and all sorts of reasons will be given to encourage abortion.
Posted by HRS, Thursday, 4 September 2008 12:36:32 PM
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This article states the obvious really.

Of course abortion causes grief, it is a big decision that anyone has to make. I had a friend who in her 40s still feels deep sadness about an abortion she had when she was in her early 20s. To the point where she felt that God had punished her when she lost another baby to miscarriage in her 30s. The emotional impact of abortion is probably under estimated but I doubt it would be overlooked in counselling services although I cannot speak from personal experience.

I guess there might be a tendency to overlook the possible effects of abortion on women and men later on if there is another agenda at play. That is the sad truth of politics and those with agendas on both sides of any debate.

The utopia would be for there to be no abortion but we all know that utopia does not exist and that there are many rights to be weighed up.
Posted by pelican, Thursday, 4 September 2008 1:03:29 PM
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Like the two previous posters, I too can see how a decision to abort carries an emotional price with it.

And like pelican stated “there are many rights to be weighed up”

Personally, I figure we all have to bear the consequences of the decisions we make, be they abortion, migration, who we marry and how many children are born to us etc. etc.

We can and must accept responsibility for those decisions and if need be, grieve for where our decision was, in hindsight we feel (subjectively), the wrong one.

However, how should we grieve for decisions imposed upon us?

Does anyone grieve for the amount of tax we pay?

No because we do not have a choice to pay tax.

Does anyone grieve for the circumstances of their birth and wish they were born to different parents?

Maybe some do but it is pretty silly.

So what about pregnancy

Where is the greater harm

In someone grieving for an abortion they regret”


Grieving for a life they could but never, had because they decided to continue with a pregnancy regardless


Should they just be as negative as most are about paying tax because, the law said “abortion is illegal” and you do not get to make a choice?

We can grieve for the decisions we make and I believe “personal growth” is a matter of accepting personal responsibility for all those decisions.

BUT We cannot grieve for decisions imposed upon us and thus, we cannot experience any personal growth through them either.

‘Life’ has a lot to do with personal growth and where there is no growth, there is no point.
Posted by Col Rouge, Thursday, 4 September 2008 1:31:16 PM
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Grieving is a healthy thing because it can lead to acknowledging the crime and coming to repentance. When hearts are so hard that they suppress the fact they have murdered their child (along with doctors and nurses) our nation is in a very poor spiritual condition.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 4 September 2008 3:56:29 PM
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"When hearts are so hard that they suppress the fact they have murdered their child.."

Nobody has murdered anyone. In a normally-timed abortion the foetus is about as developed as a mature lobster. Yes, it is regrettable to destroy something unique that has the potential for life: but I connive at exactly the same thing every time I have lamb chops for dinner. Let's not get hysterical here.
Posted by Jon J, Thursday, 4 September 2008 4:56:12 PM
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Jon J,
I have heard of pro-abortions and aware and loving feminists talk of the fetus as being a ”bunch of cells” , a “toe nail” and now a “lobster”.

Pro-abortion propaganda has been very effective in desensitizing and removal of human emotion.

I wonder what will happen next?
Posted by HRS, Thursday, 4 September 2008 5:52:02 PM
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