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The Forum > Article Comments > Acknowledge the hidden grief of abortion > Comments

Acknowledge the hidden grief of abortion : Comments

By Alison Campbell Rate, published 4/9/2008

Grief is an experience which, like all other tough times, provides opportunities for personal growth.

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Grief: Let's have a bit of perspective here please.

I feel grief when my aged arthritic dog dies, but it's temporary and after a while I can remember highlights of our life together.

I imagine a woman who has tried very hard to get pregnant and really wants a child feels grief when she miscarries or terminates a pregnancy because the foetus is not viable.

Many people feel relief when an unwanted pregnancy is terminated but probably idly wonder what might have been.

When I deal with sole parents surviving on single parent pensions I thank God that neither I nor my family are amongst that number. I think living on a social security pension would destroy me.
Posted by billie, Sunday, 7 September 2008 6:39:15 PM
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There would be a number of things someone on a sole parenting pension could do.
1. Get a job.
2. Get married.
3. Both

I don’t think any of that would destroy you, or be enough reason to have an abortion. In fact, I read recently that being married normally adds 5 to 10 years to your life, as well as being very good for the children.

However I don’t think that type of information would make it into feminist propaganda. It is more likely for feminist propaganda to say men = evil,
marriage = evil,
abortion = good.
Posted by HRS, Monday, 8 September 2008 9:34:39 AM
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You forgot that they could also adopt out their child instead of murdering it.
Posted by runner, Monday, 8 September 2008 10:46:49 AM
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Oy you really don't know much about feminism.

There are many schools of feminist thought.

Not all women who have abortions are feminist and not all feminists would terminate a pregnancy. However, most of us do understand that each person has to make a judgement about their own needs and situation and that, in the past, some have been so desperate that they've used very dangerous means to terminate a pregnancy; often dying in the process.

Also many feminists are married and have sons and spouses that they love; therefore your equations are rather silly.

I wish you wouldn't demonize feminism. I think if you knew more about it and went to a little trouble to read instead of griping at us for your personal troubles, that you might be very surprised and even, perhaps, comforted. Why won't you try ?
Posted by Pynchme, Tuesday, 9 September 2008 12:28:48 AM
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Pynchme, HRS is just scared of being obselete. And his whining about feminism simply dresses up the fact that he hates women, not feminists. Using a label such as feminism simply distracts from his rants against women, no matter what they do. The fact that he is new to the concept of the morning-after pill shows that there is little education- its been taught in school as part of sex-ed for at least the last 15 years.

What gets up my nose in any debate on abortion is the men wagging their finger at the immoral girls, when there is rarely a mention of the responsibility of the male involved in creating the pregnancy. There are always going to be a small number of accidents, but why arent these men engaging in sex (casually one would assume) using condoms! Surely that's a male responsibility. It should never come down to the pill except for secure long-term relationships (for which a surprise child whilst unplanned would probably not require abortion to "fix"). Think of the cost savings in the health system for a much lower number of STD's too.

That's it, its a conspiracy designed for men to have flings at will and avoid all responsibility for the outcome. Over the years its been dressed up to look like a women's "choice" debate, when its all about men trying to hug their cash a bit tighter.
Posted by Country Gal, Tuesday, 9 September 2008 1:08:00 PM
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Excellent post Country Gal.

Pynchme, are you new to OLO? If so, welcome. You will soon find there is no chance of having an equitable debate with HRS. In his little world, women who disagree with him are evil marxist feminists - no exceptions.

One thing that HRS is capable of doing - wearing a condom.

Two things he will never ever have to endure - being made pregnant against his will or having an abortion.

Very easy to be judgmental when one has virtually no responsibility.
Posted by Fractelle, Tuesday, 9 September 2008 2:05:43 PM
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