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Middle East peace remains a mirage : Comments
By Parama Sinha Palit, published 26/8/2008Even though Middle East peace is a global aspiration, the world will have to live with turmoil in this region for the foreseeable future.
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The middle-east does NOT belong to Muslims, nor does it mean other peoples, who predate islam and the Arab race, have no rights in this region. It is hardly the US, one sole ally of Israel, which is doing the injustice, but the Arab regimes, fostering corrupt doctrines against others. It is Europe who created the Regime states, disregarding the rights of all others, including the Jews, Coptics, Druse, Kurds and Christians - this was not America's doings. Briton dished our vast lands to individual families, put crowns on the heads, and made the lands the personal and private ownership of those Monarchs: this was the corruption which stalks the world today - it caused millions of innocent peoples being killed, and allowed these regimes to promote poisonous agendas throughout the world. This caused 9/11 and all terrorist bombings from Briton, Spain, Australia, Indonesia, India and China: nothing whatsoever to do with America or oil or lands.
There was no US or Palestinian issue when the Arab states declared genocide on athe UN re-established state of Israel in '48 - nor was any land issue involved - Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem was in Arab hands. Yet we see no UN Resolution against its worst violation - how come? Please explain what are the rights of Israel, which is varied from the rights of the post-60's Muslim Palestinians?