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Middle East peace remains a mirage : Comments

By Parama Sinha Palit, published 26/8/2008

Even though Middle East peace is a global aspiration, the world will have to live with turmoil in this region for the foreseeable future.

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"Might also point out< that Mubarek of Egypt when cornered by a UK reporter< did admit that the real problem for years in the Middle East has been Western intrusion and injustice"

The middle-east does NOT belong to Muslims, nor does it mean other peoples, who predate islam and the Arab race, have no rights in this region. It is hardly the US, one sole ally of Israel, which is doing the injustice, but the Arab regimes, fostering corrupt doctrines against others. It is Europe who created the Regime states, disregarding the rights of all others, including the Jews, Coptics, Druse, Kurds and Christians - this was not America's doings. Briton dished our vast lands to individual families, put crowns on the heads, and made the lands the personal and private ownership of those Monarchs: this was the corruption which stalks the world today - it caused millions of innocent peoples being killed, and allowed these regimes to promote poisonous agendas throughout the world. This caused 9/11 and all terrorist bombings from Briton, Spain, Australia, Indonesia, India and China: nothing whatsoever to do with America or oil or lands.

There was no US or Palestinian issue when the Arab states declared genocide on athe UN re-established state of Israel in '48 - nor was any land issue involved - Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem was in Arab hands. Yet we see no UN Resolution against its worst violation - how come? Please explain what are the rights of Israel, which is varied from the rights of the post-60's Muslim Palestinians?
Posted by IamJoseph, Wednesday, 27 August 2008 4:33:18 PM
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We have said many times, Iam Joseph, that the UN has been a failed entity ever since America took charge.

Notice that it is nearly always the unelected Cindy Rice who moves in ahead of the UN.

Also it is an historical fact that America has inherited Britain's ME mistakes.

It was after the end of WW2 that the Yanks first joined the Brits in the thieving of Middle East oil - Iran's at the time.

Cheers, BB.
Posted by bushbred, Wednesday, 27 August 2008 6:44:42 PM
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The Israeli warmongers and their supporters are at it again.

How can they justify an attack on a neighbour and then expect the attacked not to respond. Beyond my comprehension.

If Israel attacks Iran it will be obliterated. Iran already has the missiles with the ability to deliver destruction to Israel. And so has Hezbollah.

Hey Hagweasel: Mate those fabulous Merkava IV's were useless in Lebanon. Don't you remember? And mate I think Putin would severely threaten Israel if Israel started to try to meddle in it's affairs and relations with it's immediate neighbours. I'll scratching my head wondering what are the limits to your wish for aggressive involvement in others affairs and your warmongering.

Punching above it's weight is something Israel might find itself doing once the US starts to insist on moves to peace in the mideast..

Syria is holding the aces (Long-term) and Israel will have to deal with them in a reasonable manner eventually. Of course you with your blinkered vision cannot recognise the realities.

The peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan were forced upon Israel by the Yanks after Sadat's efforts. Jez don't you read history?

Peace will come to the mid East when Israel stops it's illegal expansion and desists with it's occupation, persecution and repression of the Palestinians.

And you want to watch developments in the US. I think the major players are finally shrugging free of all the old contraints and that will also eventually include the Israeli lobby.
Posted by keith, Saturday, 30 August 2008 6:04:57 PM
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"How can they justify an attack on a neighbour and then expect the attacked not to respond. Beyond my comprehension."

Beyond comprehension is that Iran's nazi-styled goals are forgotten. The Arabs are now occupying 82% of the land allocated to Israel in the Balfour - and they still call for her destruction and question her right to exist. Fact is, Israel is not a ficticious state made from oil borders 120 years ago - and she is the only state re-established legally via the UN.

Thus far, 100s of 1000s of innocent folk have been murdered across the globe, directly because of S. Arabia and Iran's oil $ funding and poisonous doctrines.

Israel has never invaded any neighbours nor occupied anyone else's lands in all her 4000 year history. The Regimes belong in Gitmo long ago. Israel's light unto the nations is being made manifest - from Europe and America, to China, India and Australia. The disdained truth wins, and those who clung to falsehoods are enraged.
Posted by IamJoseph, Saturday, 30 August 2008 7:28:19 PM
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" the UN has been a failed entity ever since America took charge."

Yes, the UN Madarasa is a failed entity, and the US and Israel should abandon this body. The greatest violation in the UN's history - is one still without a Resolution #. Israel, a UN established state, was subjected to a multi-state arab attack in '48, with a declared goal of genocide - after the attacking parties actually voted in the UN Motion. At this time there was yet no Pretend Pals invented, nor was any of the lands in the current conflict in Israel's hands: this was nothing other than Nazi-styled genocide goals - and no UN Reso - the cause of the continueing conflict! That the UN made no resolution against its financing Regimes - made this attack repeated four times - and terrorism became an international phenomenon. Israel is a light unto the nations - and she has never been wrong to date. Howzat!?

The UN is what it is not because of America, but because of Briton, who established these monster Regimes, handing them great swats of lands as their personal and private property [sic] - the cause of upto 5 million inncent people murdered the past 100 years. Briton was a non-fictional Judas for 30 barrels of oil.

These Regime infested lands should be abolished - or hell with come to those who play dumb blonde. Jordan should be dismantled and the dwarf sent back to the Saudi swampland he came from, half of Egypt should be given to the Coptics - they predate the Arab race, the Kurds, who also predate the Arabs should be given Iraq, and Lebanon should be made 100% Christian. India should also take back her two states, which Briton carved out to please its Regimes. Today, there is terrorism in China and Thailand - with demands of lands to become islamic. Britonistan is today rightly facing what she wanted for Israel: Islamization.

Watch out Eurostan and Australia - Shariah Law is crouching on your doorsteps while you obsess for a new golf course in soccer-sized Israel.
Posted by IamJoseph, Saturday, 30 August 2008 7:50:15 PM
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For those who wish for Tiny Israel to retain its most modern Atomic Armoury, please endeavour to attend University Lectures on the scientific principles of Strategic Power Balancing.

Cheers, BB, Buntine, WA.
Posted by bushbred, Monday, 1 September 2008 1:47:25 PM
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