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Fair go for women : Comments
By Kellie Tranter, published 7/3/2008Women who speak out for equal rights - the same rights, not special rights - are often described as being 'man-haters', or worse.
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White Feather Feminism
The order of the White FEather
War: One of the Bad Things that Women do to Men
Kellie wrote;
women do more than twice as many hours of unpaid domestic work than men, provide the most unpaid childcare and family care, and do more voluntary work;
Glenn Sacks;
"Warner, Hirshman, and other feminist critics compare the work men and women do at home but fail to properly account for their disparate obligations outside the home. Census data shows that only 40% of married women with children under 18 work full-time, and over a quarter do not hold a job outside the home.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ 2004 Time Use Survey, men spend one and a half times as many hours working as women do, and full-time employed men still work significantly more hours than full-time employed women."
Ladies, you quite rightly object strongly about sexism and misogyny, so why the double standard when us blokes object?
Is not deliberate distortion and misrepresentation SEXISM? or is it only sexism when men do it?
Members of your gender often claim that us blokes do not listen, yet when valid concerns and objections are raised it is you who close their ears.