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Fair go for women : Comments

By Kellie Tranter, published 7/3/2008

Women who speak out for equal rights - the same rights, not special rights - are often described as being 'man-haters', or worse.

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Kellie Tranter let me present you with a WHITE FEATHER!

White Feather Feminism

The order of the White FEather

War: One of the Bad Things that Women do to Men

Kellie wrote;
women do more than twice as many hours of unpaid domestic work than men, provide the most unpaid childcare and family care, and do more voluntary work;

Glenn Sacks;

"Warner, Hirshman, and other feminist critics compare the work men and women do at home but fail to properly account for their disparate obligations outside the home. Census data shows that only 40% of married women with children under 18 work full-time, and over a quarter do not hold a job outside the home.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ 2004 Time Use Survey, men spend one and a half times as many hours working as women do, and full-time employed men still work significantly more hours than full-time employed women."

Ladies, you quite rightly object strongly about sexism and misogyny, so why the double standard when us blokes object?

Is not deliberate distortion and misrepresentation SEXISM? or is it only sexism when men do it?

Members of your gender often claim that us blokes do not listen, yet when valid concerns and objections are raised it is you who close their ears.
Posted by JamesH, Friday, 7 March 2008 11:32:30 AM
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"Many women, particularly young women, shudder at being labelled a feminist and are reluctant to speak or act."

Why is this? Why can't women stand together on this and wear this badge proudly?

It seems that many have been cowered by the ongoing and concerted campaign to paint all feminists as militant man hating, bra-burning zealots.

I like the statement of Rebecca West's. I wish all women today would clearly "express sentiment" to "differentiate" themselves from the role of "door mat" or "prostitute". If the situation today hasn't much changed from 1913 and I don't think it has there would be an avalanche of feminist accusations and we could all wear them with pride.

We're fighting for equality after all, nothing more and nothing less. We're not a threat to men and the only men who think we are are those who for whatever reason haven't dealt properly with their own insecurities.

Timely article, Kellie, and a good one. I agree with Vanilla though that it will be a red rag for the usual suspects here. I can just see them trawling through their trusted hoard of statistics looking for rotten tomatoes to hurl at those pesky feminists!
Posted by Bronwyn, Friday, 7 March 2008 11:35:09 AM
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‘....storm a comin’, ‘crawling out from the shadows’. ‘out of the closet’ OMG the death of free speech
Just shut up & don’t dare to dissagree because any diverging view is s..t & that person hides in the shadows & can only crawl like some animal…..terrible.

Women want same rights not special rights pleeeese

Like same pay for less work [tennis]
Perhaps all kind of help & funding from The Dept. of Women & their Minister but No such Dept. or Minister for Men!

Like no ‘special rights’ from massive funding for women only from the sexist Fed. Govt. Dept. for the Status of Women & its Minister yet no such Funding or Dept. or Minister exists for Men & Boys who have their rights to equal representation & be heard trampled on every day.

How about ‘ A Fair Go For Men’ not special rights just equal rights.

Sorry, how dare I even speak eh, don’t worry your safe just crawling back into the shadows so you don’t have to see.
Posted by DVD, Friday, 7 March 2008 12:52:19 PM
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DVD: "OMG the death of free speech
Just shut up & don’t dare to dissagree because any diverging view is s..t & that person hides in the shadows & can only crawl like some animal…..terrible."

Interesting. So just to clarify, you class some bad jokes and a couple of disparaging comments as the "death of free speech". (Rather than, say, an *actual* constraint on free speech, like a forum where bad jokes and disparaging comments would be deleted.) However, you obviously don't include yourself in this classification, and your post demonstrates you're happy to make bad jokes and disparaging comments *without* this being an infringement on others' right to free speech. So basically, your opponents shouldn't be allowed to poke fun at you, but you should be able to poke fun at them, or to put it another way, you can dish it out, but you can't take it.

Oh, that's right, and you think *women* want special rights.

Peace, love and warm girly cuddle to you DVD.
Posted by Vanilla, Friday, 7 March 2008 1:18:01 PM
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The arguement about stalling womens' salaries/advancement I believe is more complicated than what the author presents. In the real world of couples with and without children I see amongst friends a whole range of reasons as to why women may not advance to the highest paying echelons. Many women and some men with children will gravitate towards professions with child friendly hours -this is obvious in many areas which are almost employment ghettos of middle aged parents-most middle aged teachers have kids for example. Most principals however are men however usually with kids and a partner in a less demanding job. Most families end up with mothers taking more time out of their careers for raising children-this is fact. Women are then less likely to catch up. Very few couples with kids have both partners in the most demanding and high paying roles-it does happen but is really rare. Many people in the forties/fifties are looking to scale back on work and careers and this leaves the truely driven often men, who end up earning the highest salaries.
Posted by pdev, Friday, 7 March 2008 2:10:07 PM
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There once was a MAN who was well thought of, top of his class and paid among the highest salaries in the land.

One day he invented a new robot that would grow up, consume food and petrol for energy, drive cars and machinery and emit wastes like people do.

Well the Rudd government loved him and subsidised more ABR care centres for robots. Rudd rubbed his hands with glee and said YES more votes for Labor and more importantly more safe GST: The immigrants are getting dodgy a la Wollongong and home grown GST is always best.

The Generals were ecstatic: more soldiers as PEAKOIL2025 approaches. Australia will be the uber nation of the Pacific. No one will mess with us.

Well all was fine till one day all the real people of Australia got sick and tired of all the crap, all the cars, all the competrition and violence these new robots were causing. Worst of all they were so well adapted that they became fat, disrespectful and abusive to all the citizenry.

Then one day a man said lets not pay this robot man as much as the rest of us. Lets make it harder for him and his high carbon footprint robots and their climate changing ways. The government can go to hell. We'll just vote them out in three years so don't worry about Rudd. In short lets treat this robot person as a second class citizen, pretend to give him equal rights and treat him like dirt.

Well upon hearing word of this movement the man turned all his robots into beautiful women to compensate for the malfeasance that had been inflicted on him.

Posted by KAEP, Friday, 7 March 2008 2:24:55 PM
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