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God, the afterlife and meaning : Comments

By David Dawson, published 29/2/2008

Can religion exist without faith? Can a Christian be agnostic?

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This somewhat disjointed personal apologia makes some sort of case for pantheism, and none at all for the Judeo-Christian god concept as espoused by Mormons and indeed the whole gaggle of christian churches. To equate everything as a manifestation of god is to open up the question of why introduce the notion of god at all? Simply do away with the 'god notion' altogether - a very good idea.
Posted by GYM-FISH, Friday, 29 February 2008 9:40:55 AM
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Hi there,

Allow me to paraphrase your central theme; "In an ideal world, regardless of faith, we would all work in harmony with one another, and perhaps become more altruistic human beings... In reality, this is not so."

Gee, thank you captn, obvious, but I didn't receive anything new here - and I'd go so much to say that perhaps even some in the religious communities; christian, catholic, moremon ect have come to the same conclusion.

I would call this article a prime example of agnostic reasoning. Too permissive to upset religious groups or outspoken representatives of the church, too simple and a waste of time for any atheist who comes across it. I wouldn't call agnostic thought, ground breaking or any more reasonable than those that come from an atheist belief... It just comes across more diplomatic and socially acceptable.

Here's a tip...
- Harden up


Matthew Cozier
Posted by mattycoze, Friday, 29 February 2008 9:48:25 AM
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Contary to Matthew I would recommend that David quite literally lighten up instead.

Einstein's famous archetypal equation E=MC2 told us that everything, including our body-minds, is a form of energy or light. Quantum physics tells us the same thing. And that the indivisible universe is full of space-time paradoxes.

And yet the implications of these discoveries and understandings have hardly had any effect on the culture at large, except in the production of modern machines of all kinds.

Altogether our "culture" is getting thicker and thicker---more dense.
And then we wonder why so many people are depressed and/or take drugs in an effort to "lighten" up or relieve the thickening pressure.

But what if this energy or light is also Radiantly Conscious and that this Radiant Consciousness is our always already state of being---or put in another way, that prior to our "fall" into identification with our mortal meat-bodies. we are immortal indestructible light beings.

These two related references elaborate on this theme.


Plus two references which point out that right life only begins when one has understood the meaning and significance of death. Otherwise one is always crippled by a hell-deep fear.

2. on the primal urge to Happiness
Posted by Ho Hum, Friday, 29 February 2008 10:33:02 AM
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I think that Gore Vidal was right when he reminded us that Man has made God in his own image.

Posted by VK3AUU, Friday, 29 February 2008 10:46:58 AM
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Jesus was spot on when He said that the Light came into the world but men loved the darkness more than Light. Unfortunately the author shows no respect for Jesus words about heaven and hell. Either Jesus was telling the truth when He said He came to seek and save the lost (from sin and hell) or He was telling a lie. He never left anyone with any other option. Trying to rationalize away the plain texts of Scripture seems to be a favourite past time for some. I for one am pleased that He saved my soul from eternal damnation. A person would be a fool to disregard God's mercy in favour of their own sin. It won't be good people in heaven it will only be saved people. The grace of God is available to all those who call on the name of the Lord. All liars, immoral, homosexual, corrupt will end up in the lake of fire. I am thankful that I have been saved from my rotten sin. I pray that as many as I come in contact with will receive God's great pardon. It cost Him the life of HIs Son to purchase it.
Posted by runner, Friday, 29 February 2008 11:11:20 AM
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Runner, what a load of nonsence, the new testiment was written 90 years after the alleged events, by people not present at the time and justified by by christians as a leap in faith.

Jewish and Roman offical documents of the time make it very clear that this fairy tail has no real basis in truth, the resurection did not happen nor did the loves and fish story and others occur. If the family of jesus was the only witness to the events as told in the new testament, then how can they seriously be believed without any independant witneses.

I have more faith in Santa and the tooth fairy than some storline made up to market crosses.
Posted by Yindin, Friday, 29 February 2008 2:08:18 PM
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