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'Sorry' first, but progress later : Comments
By Howard Glenn, published 8/2/2008The most encouraging part of the debate is that it has the prospect of re-kindling a bi-partisan approach to Aboriginal issues.
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Posted by bushbred, Saturday, 9 February 2008 5:17:07 PM
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Leigh, Contact Graham and ask for my direct contact details. I'd be only too happy to meet you in person. Then you can tell me to my face exactly how you see my world and I suspect I would be the first Aboriginal you have ever met. Go on you gutless wonder - i challenge you!
As for my comments, why don't you give everyone here an explanation why you post on articles (often the first) with the negative and racist bile that you are well known for. Its as though you sit around waiting for them to be published on OLO. What a sad piece of work you are! Posted by Rainier, Saturday, 9 February 2008 6:11:57 PM
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I will be watching the opening of parliment and the apology on Wednesday.
I agree that this country was invaded by the British Empire. I agree that the indigenous people were treated appallingly by the Empire (as were my convict ancestors). I agree with the government offering an apology, as it is a continuous entity (though some might question the invasion part of the apology since that was there was no Australian government back then). If this helps everyone move forward then this is a good thing. I feel genuine sorrow and compassion for the disposession and inhuman treatment of our indigenous people and I can say that to them. The only thing I cannot do is offer a personal apology to any indigenous person who approaches me for one. The reason is that I cannot possibly be guilty of human rights abuses perpertrated by other people before I was born. Saying that someone is guilty of something based on their racial inheritence is a gross act of racism itself. I work with a number of indiginous people, all of whom I get on very well with. I do hope that they accept and agree with my position, as I cannot see how it would be reasonable not to. There will be those who think that a personal apology from other Australians based on the colour of their skin is owed to them. I am sure they are a minority. Let's hope this works without too many side effects.......... Posted by Fozz, Saturday, 9 February 2008 7:51:23 PM
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Fozz says:
"I feel genuine sorrow and compassion for the disposession and inhuman treatment of our indigenous people and I can say that to them. The only thing I cannot do is offer a personal apology to any indigenous person who approaches me for one. The reason is that I cannot possibly be guilty of human rights abuses perpertrated by other people before I was born. Saying that someone is guilty of something based on their racial inheritence is a gross act of racism itself." I would make the following points. The consequences of past actions continue today both for the people stolen and their children and grandchildren and great grandchildren and the beneficiaries of that stealing and their inheritors. Second, present policies, eg the invasion of the NT, are arguably the continuation of the thinking of the past that saw generations of Aboriginies stolen in the past. Jack Waterford in a great artcile in todays Canberra Times wrote that the rate of removal of aboriginal children from their families is today 50% higher than the rate identified in the Bringing them Home report. We may well be repeating history under the false guise of saving the children. Posted by Passy, Saturday, 9 February 2008 8:44:45 PM
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The bipartizans in the heat of their romantic fervor will be embracing the great historical fabrication forged by the revisionist historians Peter Read and Stewart McIntyre, not to mention the intellectually and morally weak Robert Manne and justice of the High Court Ronald Wilson, about the "stolen generation". It's plainly the case, and plaintively regretable, that "progressivist" ideology once again in its role as gravedigger, buried the historical facts. Posted by Themistocles, Saturday, 9 February 2008 8:47:05 PM
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Passy, then you must think that leaving Aboriginal children in dysfunctional camps where they are subject to terrible sexual and violent abuse, neglect,malnutrition is preferable to taking them to safety.
You are very strange.Poor children. Posted by mickijo, Sunday, 10 February 2008 1:20:54 PM
Though maybe too late to do much good, we owe to to the Aborigines as the foundation human stock of the Great Southland.
Regards - BB, WA.