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'Sorry' first, but progress later : Comments

By Howard Glenn, published 8/2/2008

The most encouraging part of the debate is that it has the prospect of re-kindling a bi-partisan approach to Aboriginal issues.

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lIEGH AND Rusted on Col.

AS PEOPLE WHO HAVE NEVER ENTERED THE MIRKY WATERS OF PUBLIC LIFE and Making public comment OR HAD THE GUTS TO - ON ANY ISSUE, I CAN UNDERSTAND WHY YOU FEEL SO COURAGEOUS VENTING YOUR SPLEEN HERE ON OLO. You have both proven over and over again that you know little Aboriginal people or culture and even less about your own.

What the author of this article has flagged is for community leaders, politicians, and people that are engaged in the real world you both run away from - attempt to resolve outstanding issue.

You both bring down the quality of debate and discussion on these issues simply by posting your names. Everyone knows you for what you both are and what you both think.

It would be a miracle if you could think outside the social, economic and cultural prison you have created for yourselves.

In fact, you represent the ugly white Australian most Australians detest.

I really think you should be banned from making comments on these issues -NOT because you are making alternative comments - but simply because you make these comments to protect your racist ideals. -These is a difference.
Posted by Rainier, Friday, 8 February 2008 1:45:39 PM
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Twenty years ago they were still having this tedious debate and they will be at it for another twenty years. And it gets more and more tedious.
What ever or how ever the colonists did at that time is not the fault or the responsibility of modern day Australians. Yet the activists still keep stirring, stirring because if they stopped, they would cease to be martyrs and heroes.
To say 'sorry' is to put the blame on today's Aussies and it is just stupid theatrics.It is also downright untruthful.
Posted by mickijo, Friday, 8 February 2008 2:49:31 PM
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Oh dear, shouting in forum, not good form.

“you know little Aboriginal people or culture and even less about your own.”

“little aboriginal people” like dwarfs?

my knowledge of my own culture, believe me, shows how little little rainier knows about me.

“in the real world you both run away”

I stand fast, always have.You mere try to piss down on us who engage in the real world, from the sanctuary of your ivory academic tower, far removed from the sweat and dirt of real work.

“You both bring down the quality of debate and discussion on these issues simply by posting your names. Everyone knows you for what you both are and what you both think.”

rainier's apologist, appeasement attitude, motivated by his own ethnically coloured prejudices!

“In fact, you represent the ugly white Australian.”

Thanks to the British heritage of public oratory, you can call me what you like.

That you object when I respond shows the limits of your democratic appreciation. Hence, you find no difficulty in pursuing your racially motivated demands for special consideration for you and your selected ethnic minority.

Just as a curiosity point what % of you is actually ‘aboriginal’, 100% or something less?

“I really think you should be banned from making comments on these issues”

You are incapable of arguing against a dissenting view so demand the voice to be banned.

rainier, has disclosed his real self, burn the books, the black shirted fascist has spoken.

“but simply because you make these comments to protect your racist ideals.”

I think you forgot what I have already said on another post

"Racism is to distinguish between people based on race. I do not support racism and those aborigines who demand different treatment or rights to the non-aborigines born in Australia are pursuing a racist agenda.

I support the aspirations of Dr ML King who considered race in the same context as I have expressed it."

Now you can bring it all on, rainier or piss off
Posted by Col Rouge, Friday, 8 February 2008 3:51:08 PM
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I agree that this is a good article, and particularly with Dan when he refers to its "sense and balance". Given that some of OLO's most entrenched detractors of Indigenous activism have evidently found areas of commonality with some parts of the article, Howard Glenn has succeeded in initiating a potentially useful discussion about this very important issue.

Such a pity then that a couple of people have so quickly descended into the ad hominem crap that usually silences intelligent debate about Indigenous issues in this forum.

Glenn's general idea that it's a positive thing for Australian society, including Indigenous Australians, for the Australian Government to issue a formal apology to the Stolen Generations, is valid, in my opinion. I also see it as a kind of 'line in the sand' with respect to achieving what used to be called 'Reconciliation'. And until Australia reconciles itself with its Indigenous people, we have little hope of forging the kind of strong national identity that so many correspondents here seem to crave.

My only problems with Rudd's apology is that it doesn't go far enough. I think the Australian Government should be apologising to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people for the irreparable destruction of their way of life, and the way that their former lands now comprise the very basis of the Nation in which they are peripherally resident, for the most part.

And of course we still need a Treaty :)
Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 8 February 2008 9:06:19 PM
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CJ Morgan says:

"My only problems with Rudd's apology is that it doesn't go far enough. I think the Australian Government should be apologising to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people for the irreparable destruction of their way of life, and the way that their former lands now comprise the very basis of the Nation in which they are peripherally resident, for the most part."

"And of course we still need a Treaty."

I agree. But I think we need to go further than just apologies. A treaty, if it were to recognise orginal sovereignty, land rights and set up a system of recompense for disposession, would be a step forward.

However in my dotage I become more and more cynical about the ALP in Government. I think Rudd and others see an apology to the stolen generations as the end of the matter, not the beginning.

They are through their reluctance to go further dog whistling to the racists in their support base. Some of that constituency can't see that yet.

The struggle for justice is just beginning.
Posted by Passy, Friday, 8 February 2008 9:20:32 PM
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Now we should be banned from making comment. Your temper and hatred of white people has really got the better of you, and you have given yourself away for the uncontrolled person you are. You are like a child throwing a tantrum, shouting and screeching names at anyone who dares say anything you don’t like. You are a disgrace to your race.

If you think Col or I, or anyone else you hate, should be banned for what they say, take it up with Graham Young. Send him an email. Tell him you want Col and Leigh, and whoever, banned.

I wouldn’t want you banned because you represent the boofheaded arrogance that keeps your people from moving on.

Your penchant for calling people like Col Rouge and me ‘racists’ doesn’t hurt us; it isn’t true by any definition of the word, and just shows how desperate and sad you are. You are a loser: a bully used to people backing down when you call them names.

Your tactics don’t work here, but keep going by all means. Unlike you, most of us believe in freedom of speech, and it’s good that you keep us in touch with the nasty sector of the indigenous community. We are lucky to have such a shining example.
Posted by Leigh, Saturday, 9 February 2008 2:02:17 PM
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