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Trapped in a genocidal history : Comments

By John Passant, published 24/1/2008

The myth of Australia Day reflects White Australia's amnesia about White settlement.

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Col Rouge says about my previous posting: “Stalinism was the consequence of communism. As for “occur after a democratic and socialist working class revolution in Australia. Great line, oh a classic, gotta write that down somewhere and bring it out at dinner parties. Don’t hold your breath Passy or you will die of suffocation."

Col is correct when he says that revolution is not about to occur, although a French left wing academic André Gorz wrote in January 68 that there would never be a revolution in France. In May 1968 10 million French workers went on strike, the President fled to West Germany and French capitalism seemed on the brink of being overthrown. The stalinised French Communist Party saved French capitalism because it feared workers more than it feared capitalism. What the PCF wanted was stalinsism, a form of state capitalism in which wage slavery continues.

Col says he will bring my classic comments out at dinner parties. That at least should increase the intellectual level of what I assume are boring gatherings of boring people with the same boring ideas.

The idea that Stalinism was a consequence of communism is wrong. Stalin wiped out every one of Lenin's inner circle and the Old Bolsheviks who led the revolution. These people clung to the dangerous idea of socialism from below, ie democracy and socialism. They stood in the way of Stalin's plans to rapidly industrialise the USSR (ie introduce state capitalism) at the expense of Russian and other workers.
Posted by Passy, Tuesday, 29 January 2008 5:36:14 PM
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Passy, nonetheless, we should be grateful that we have Col here to remind us of how sophisticated ignorance can be.

Its not a very complex state of mind.

On one hand lots of useless information - on the other a concrete set of draconian ideological priniciples to dig it up with.
(in other words, shovelling shite
Posted by Rainier, Tuesday, 29 January 2008 5:46:22 PM
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Passy “That at least should increase the intellectual level of what I assume are boring gatherings of boring people with the same boring ideas.”

You will never get to know.

That’s the problem with lefties, they go nowhere, do nothing, because they are never invited. The only way they get to act is by violent revolution and murder.

As for “The idea that Stalinism was a consequence of communism is wrong.”

Tell that to the 30 million people who died in Stalins concentration camps

And as for

“Stalin wiped out every one of Lenin's inner circle and the Old Bolsheviks who led the revolution.”

But only after Lenin had brought the worst famine onto the proletariat of Russia resulting in 6 million dead on top of the mass murders and Siberian concentration camp deaths those “Good Ole Boys” (Stalin and Trotsky included) perpetrated in the name of the “glorious peoples bolshevik revolution”.

If Lenin’s supporters
“had clung to the dangerous idea of socialism from below, ie democracy and socialism.”

They would have unified under Kerensky and joined with the Mencheviks, instead of killing them.

but in keeping with Lenins philosophy that “A lie told often enough becomes the truth”, you are getting used to rewriting history Passy, just as Lenin would have done.

Of course I am sure you could mention how terrible was Stalin for his alliance with Germany (Ribbentrop/Molotov Pact) to carve up Poland whilst conveniently forgetting how Lenin sought Germanys help to smuggle him back into Russia to foment revolution to take Russia out of WWI.

France, well they are a wishy-washy bunch, with an exaggerated impression of their own importance and not much bottle.
That is why they were overrun in WWII and would have been overrun in WWI but for British support. However, having said that (exaggerated sense of self importance and not much bottle), I understand how you find empathy with them.

Rainier, still talking down from the ivory tower

I defer to your expertise in “shoveling shite” but surprised you’d get your academic soft hands dirty, probably book learned “shite shoveling
Posted by Col Rouge, Tuesday, 29 January 2008 7:01:47 PM
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Thank you to all contributors!

I've just read the whole thing: good to see the frank/honest contributions.

I tend towards a mix of DocHolliday, Leigh, ColR, Easy Times, Country Girl, Horus, Democritis and perhaps CJMorgan & Redneck viewpoints!

For my part, I can't help thinking there's a real problem when we allow people to say they are Aboriginals and the Government will accept their unchallenged statement, and its that basis taht says under 2% are!

Claiming aboriginals are not equal when it comes to things like Abstudy, free vehicles and boats and a wealth of historic compensations; not least of which is two thirds of the NT in land rights, half of South Australia and ever increasing grants under the (non-Aboriginal, but Torres Straight)Mabo decision.

Countless billions over the years has been allotted to their welfare, much making little difference. Give a western house/good facilities, and its not unknown that it'll be substandard quite rapidly - because we expect them to be 'civilized' like the multicultural pot porri.

Look, if honest with ourselves, all of us and our forebares made errors of judgement. Get on with life TODAY, not dwell on historic wars/barbarism. You and I know that a few are the ratbags in society who seek the very last drop of blood/compensation and all that goes with it. Many others in times past had the heart to help and give their lives for Aboriginal welfare. Tens of thousands dished out private donations, sweat and tears to assist them. In return they are unfairly smeared, denegrated by Aboriginal leaders who trained in Libya, sought alignment with Canadian extreamists, or who sat on ATSIC/in Government Dept's for self-serving reasons.

So, let's keep the "Sorry" on the basis it was by SOME of the invaders, but that today we seek to assist and help, equally, all CITIZENS of Australia. Let's not talk of Aborigine and White, but of all being Aussies! Lets not burden the current/future Australia with the sins of the past.
Posted by 146, Friday, 1 February 2008 2:52:21 PM
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Gee wiz 146, that was the most unoriginal post on this topic i have ever read. Only one thing was missing - you forgot to declare that you are not racist.
Posted by Rainier, Friday, 1 February 2008 3:30:57 PM
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The Australian state does not treate all equally.

For example muslims are dragged before the courts on spurious terrorism charges, spat on and abused in the streets.

Life expectancy among aborginal men is 17 years lower than the life expectancy of non-indigenous men.

That to me is the figure par excellence which shows how unequally aboriginal people really are treated.

By way of contrast, we use the tax system to give away about $60 bn in grants each year - almost all of this goes to rich white people. Read Treasury's recent Tax Expenditures Statement for confirmation. $60 bn a year sure could do a lot to help our health, education and housing systems.

And we waste $20 bn on defence when again that could help employ more teachers and nurses and build great infrastructre in health, housing and education with some left over for transport (such as a national rail system).

And some of that wasted $80 bn could be used for compensation. Reparations for stealing Aboriginal children is an important part of the reconciliation and healing process - reconciliaiton with the indigenous population and the beginning of healing not just for indigenous people but for all of us.
Posted by Passy, Friday, 1 February 2008 4:43:58 PM
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