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Trapped in a genocidal history : Comments

By John Passant, published 24/1/2008

The myth of Australia Day reflects White Australia's amnesia about White settlement.

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January 26 is the commemoration of James Cook landing at Botany Bay (or something) - anyway, the commemoration of the english arriving to settle in australia. IMO, the day should not be forgotten or erased from memory but should rather be sent to the back of the class. We have celebrated it enough already.

Rather choose another day and create it as our Reconciliation Day. For an appropriate and symbolic act of reconciliation towards Aust. aborigines not to have occurred by now is indicative of our highly conservative and paranoid worldviews. I have no history background or expertise, however i am a logical person. To believe that the English were (in general) benevolent towards aborigines is completely preposterous. Of course there were sympathisers, but for the majority it was war. Us or Them. No genocide? And i suppose Jesus walked on water too... For the record genocide is not just about systematic murder (which most certainly occurred) but also less obvious forms of racial elimination. Religion, alcohol, guns, changed land use, changed laws, slavery etc.

Why are so many Australians in denial? Why is it so hard to say "OK, that stuff happened. It was wrong. I feel bad for the Aust. Aboriginal peoples who it affected and still affects. I personally did not do it but that does not mean my ancestors did not. We share your grief."
Posted by The Mule, Sunday, 27 January 2008 4:27:04 PM
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The childish and puerile use of the "racist" card shows that your arguments are intellectually bankrupt. Please show where my comments could be construed as racist other than disagreeing with your vapid PC view point.

The reason that Passant can be forgiven for misusing the term genocide is that because of its strong emotional response people have been quick to use it to elevate their cause from the mundane. This is similar to the tactic of using the epithet racist to tar anyone not agreeing with a particular view point and is the last resort of the scoundrel.

Genocide literally means the killing of a people. It has been so abused that I am expecting some day to hear of a genocidal bar fight.

However bad the stolen generation issue was, it was not genocide. Cultural corruption, child abuse, yes, but until you can show me the mass graves, genocide no.

That the stealing of a generation was wrong I agree, that an apology and some form of rectification need to be put in place, I also agree, but that Aus has nothing to celebrate, I strongly disagree.
Posted by Democritus, Sunday, 27 January 2008 7:12:59 PM
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Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Foxy.

I am surprised that you would use Prime Minister Keating as an authority on aboriginal affairs, could I remind you that under Keating's august leadership, Australia's home loan rate reached an unprecedented 18% while the Aussie dollar dropped to $0.46 US? But I suppose if you are a totally incompetent leader you can always impress the gullible by pretending to be a Paragon of Virtue.

As to the delights of "50,000 year old aboriginal culture", could I remind you that this culture was hardly utopian for women and children? Even today, with white laws to give some protection to aboriginal women, these women are being murdered at a rate six times greater than for their white sisters? Could I also point out that the ghastly practice of punishing aborigianl women by plucking out an eye with a stick is still being practiced in "aboriginal" communities today? No wonder every aboriginal woman of any celebrity gave Rainier and his mates the flick and chose to marry a racist white man.

On the subject of aboriginal dispossession being a reason why aboriginal societies are so dysfunctional, could I also remind you that it is precisely those aboriginal communities which kept their traditional lands and who are still living within their own cultures in self imposed apartheid areas, which are the most dysfunctional? They are so dysfunctional, that we recently had to send the Australian Army in to restore order.

Australia is one of the most desireable countries in the world to live in today, because white English speaking people made it so. Attacking achievment and success in our people, while making excuses for every failed culture and finding spurious reasons to blame white people for everything, could only be the deliberations of an individual who has been thoroughly conditioned and house trained by their Socialist teachers.
Posted by redneck, Monday, 28 January 2008 4:56:41 AM
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A couple of things. First my innocuous comment that some of the comments (note I say the, not your) on this blog are racist should not shock you. Re-read some of the other contributors.

Second, genocide does not just encompass mass graves, although those do exist if you look through the literature.

Third, the Bringing Them Home Report on the Stolen Generations (led by an ex-High Court judge - hardly a bastion of radicalism) analysed the legal and social meanings of genocide and concluded unequivocally that the Australian state was guilty of genocide in stealing Aboriginal children from their parents. No ifs, no buts. Pure and simple genocide.

Fourth there is considerable evidence that Western expansion - eg the establishment of Austraia - is of its very nature genocide. Driving indigenous people off their land and destroying their life and culture, their well being and their lives is genocide.

Genocide deniers exist all around the world unfortunately.
Posted by Passy, Monday, 28 January 2008 6:01:48 AM
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Rainier “Col, You remind of many I've met in the real world, gutless, pointless and pompous.”

So you know of some folk who you met in the “real world”?
When was that, on some special, supervised “outing”, to mix with “real people”?

Hold whatever opinion you like of me but since nothing in my (and most other peoples) life relies, in any way on your opinion, you can guess how much you matter and I care.

Your negative invective displays an inability to deal with the issues which confront your personal sense of righteousness, founded in arrogance and fostered by your seclusion from real-world issues, the price paid by any cloistered academic hermit.

As for “Do something more than looking up the skirt of Margaret Thatcher every time you find yourself wanting. Not for us, but for you and your poor suffering family”

Margaret Thatcher was a women who walked the “real world” as a political colossus and did what needed to be done. Because of her personal strength, she is a woman who many find a worthy inspiration. She was a woman who did not shy from the negativity of the ever whining malcontents and impotents. Your distain suggests you become acutely aware of your own inadequacies at the mention of her name.

As for my “family” oh we do not suffer, I cannot think where you would ever get that idea. My daughters are happy and enthusiastic in the lives they are making for themselves. I became engaged at Christmas to my lover of the past 6 years and we even received a Christmas gift from my ex-wife, when we met her and her boyfriend on Christmas day.

So where is the “suffering”?

I am buggered if I know. but then, living in this real world, I do not have the same opportunity for reflective consideration as you, in your remote academic tower.

I would suggest some “real world” experience would not go amiss rainier, then you might hold those from that “real world” with some regard, instead of just mouthing off your hollow judgmental sneering.
Posted by Col Rouge, Monday, 28 January 2008 10:33:52 AM
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Dear Redneck,

Just so that you know - I am a female, and you may address me by the name that I'm logged in as - 'Foxy.' That's the appropriate, polite, and civilized thing to do. Also, labeling people you know nothing about is again stooping rather low. Attack their comments by all means, but don't get personal. That's not your entitlement on this forum. I don't make any assumptions about you, your political inclinations, your level of education, or your IQ.

But it is obvious that you don't know your country's history.
If you didn't like Paul Keating's speech, perhaps Malcolm Fraser may have more appeal to you... He said:

"It's an attitude of mind, it's an incapacity to understand the reality of what happened and, as I understand Aboriginal leaders .. and I'm sure in many ways my understanding is very imperfect-- a large part of healing, matters of the spirit, matters of the heart involves a recognition by the highest authorities in Australia that there were some terrible things done and we wish with all our heart, with all our strength that they had not been done and that an official apology on the part of the nation..."

To read the full content of what Malcolm Fraser has to say go to:
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 28 January 2008 11:48:39 AM
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