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Mainstream Islamophobia : Comments
By Syed Atiq ul Hassan, published 7/1/2008It is debatable as to whether the media promotes harmony and solidarity in a multicultural Australian society.
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Posted by Philip Tang, Tuesday, 8 January 2008 11:31:34 PM
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online_east, You look like a damn fool when you continue to engage in assertions that have been previously disproved. Erroneously you claim that Muslims will not debate the issues of September 11. This is demonstrably untrue. Even the more fundamentalist Wahabi/Salafi scholars have condemned the actions (see:, "Muslim Americans Condemn Attack" Robert Spencer is just upset because he's being ignored - it's not that Muslims don't debate the issues, it's just the people he approached can't be bothered debating with him in particular, which is not surprising, given that he doesn't even seem to know what 'jihad' represents. Likewise it is demonstrable nonsense to claim that "no one, Muslim or non-Muslim, has ever yet refuted the contention that Islam teaches warfare against and the subjugation of unbelievers"; I have already provided some basic and introductory references on the subject - plenty have refuted it, perhaps not your satisfaction, but they have been nonetheless refuted by scholarly context and interpretation.
The core problem with Islam, as previously mentioned, is a lack of separation between Church and State. If that separation is introduced into the faith, then many of the gross violations of human rights that are common in Islamic states would disappear (of course, they would cease to be "Islamic states" even if they remained "Muslim countries" - the distinction is important). At the moment however, they represent an embodiment of a religious-traditional legal code with modern institutional powers and technology; it's rather like having the Episcopal Inquisition conducted by knights with assault rifles and backed by KGB. So what is one to do about this (the practical question)? Well, essentially there are two options; either engage in warfare against the Islamic states and those who wish to establish Islamic states, with all the misery such a strategy of never-ending war entails or support those Muslims, whereever they are, who advocate a modernist transformation of their society. There have been times when Muslim socities have been among the most secular, liberal and advanced in the world (especially during the period of the Mu'tazili); those times can be replicated. Posted by Lev, Wednesday, 9 January 2008 9:38:49 AM
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You just don't get it, do you. Whilst you and your co-religionists continue to follow the rantings of a caravan raiding, Jew-murdering, kid screwing bigot, you will all continue to be mocked and ridiculed here in Australia and abroad. It is called "free speech", something not available in Islamically influenced cultures. It is not the media or non-muslims that give you and your co-religionists a hard time, it is the very insane message of Muhammed you have attached yourself to that causes your suffering. Get over it! Bassam Posted by Bassam, Wednesday, 9 January 2008 6:23:41 PM
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Almost without exception,Muslims here view themselves as being Islamic first and Australian last.Most Aussies don't even entertain the idea of being a Christian first and Australian second.We take our religion with a fair degree of scepticism.
The concept of a protective almighty father gives us some comfort,but we never let religious,illogical dogma over ride the reality of social harmony or survival.Islam is poison to our society.It was not god who freed us from the shackles of poverty and drudgery,it was the freedom of thought spurred on by an open mind and democracy that made the West so creative and powerful.Religion is only our comfort blanket,and it should always be reminded of its' place when dealing with reality. The "Mainstream" have a lot to be phobic about,since Islam has a very poor track record that isn't about to undergo a radical metamorphisis.The Pacifists are far outweighed by the fanatics,and the open minded intellectuals at the tertiary level, are the exception rather than the rule. Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 9 January 2008 7:49:46 PM
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As the Catholics have the right to establish religious based schools, so do the Muslims.
However, in the light of islamic schools around the world and especially in Britian being used to radicalise young men who later commit acts of terror, the fears of the residents are not without foundation. The proposed Islamic school has the ball in its court to convince the residents that it will produce good citizens and be a benefit to the society to which it belongs as would any new business venture otherwise the fear and mistrust will continue. Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 14 January 2008 10:34:34 AM
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What an absolute load of Garbage.
This twit is referring to the scandalous acqusition by Al Amanah College of State public Land in Bass Hill. They were unanimously knocked back by council , the residents fought the fight on planning grounds only.They will go to the Land and Environment court - Bring it on. The word muslim or Islam was not used once in all the residents groups correspondance to council. This is where Camden residents will come undone. Posted by Roni, Monday, 21 January 2008 11:50:52 PM
Non-Muslims are not out to demonise Muslims. There are many good Muslims, as there are many good people found in other religions, secular societies, etc.
Non-Muslims are stating what they have experienced, read from the newspapers or, watched it on the telly, of how Islam can turn Muslims into rather irrational beings, marching down the streets shouting threatening words or, blowing themselves up, committing rape and murder sanctioned by Islam.
If you have the stomach , read Abul Kasem an ex-Muslim from Bangladesh
“What I discovered horrified me. It was beyond my comprehension that a religion, touted to be the religion of peace could contain such blood-curdling, terrifying, barbaric verses, cultures, and laws to entice the entire Islamic community to slaughter the infidels and the not-so-good Muslims. Access to authentic books and Internet gave me more freedom to learn and express. I was greatly impressed by the writings of many honest critics of Islam.”
All the sources about Islam are taken from and by, ex-Muslims or reformed Muslims because they've been through it all e.g.
Ali Sani
Islam Watch hosted by ex-Muslims
International Society for Islamic Secularization