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Mainstream Islamophobia : Comments
By Syed Atiq ul Hassan, published 7/1/2008It is debatable as to whether the media promotes harmony and solidarity in a multicultural Australian society.
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Posted by White Warlock, Tuesday, 8 January 2008 3:13:57 PM
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Phillip Tang, it is incorrect to claim that muslims are "inspired by the Koran to kill non-Muslims until they are converted". The section from the Koran you quote applies only to pagans of the Saudi penisula at the time when monotheistic Islam was at war with the pagans in that region. For specific criticisms and responses, you can find a neat summary here (
Stickman, there were indeed strong predictions that CIA support of fundamentalist Islam would result in what is now called blowback. At the time the Soviets made this warning that the Mujahideen were no friends of modern secularism - indeed they were just flabbergasted over US interference over this issue. Read the transcripts for the excellent documentary "The Power of Nightmares"; whilst not immune to criticism, it really is a recall device for those old enough to remember the issues as they happened and as an educator for those who are not. White Warlock, you claim "not even one Islamic leader, from all the thousands of little factions and sects, have ever condemed Bin Laden or what happened on 911". This is false; indeed he has been roundly condemned even by fundamentalist Wahabi/Salafi scholars as a modicum of research will discern do some (you can start here; I am certainly no supporter of any Islamic state on the planet and never will be, but equally I do disapprove of ignorance and bigotry against Muslims. Posted by Lev, Tuesday, 8 January 2008 3:54:56 PM
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This problem affects all of us, the problem being government funding of religious schools. If you give to one lot then the others want a handout. It is time to start running down religious educational funding and put the recources into public education. Maybe this is where we start to draw the line. It is hard to see the day when Islam becomes the majority religion, but the time may come. Maintaining a secular state requires that government stay out of religious matters altogether. Leave the superstitious alone and have the children - all of them, mix together in a non-religious atmosphere where reason prevails, where all the children are equals.
In order to promote tolerance government must treat everyone equally, but putting public money into superstitious institutions only breeds intolerance. Christians are not the only non muslims afraid of the superstition. Our leaders have instilled fear in the Australian community about Islam and Christians in particular seem to feel threatened. Muslims are no more wierd than Christians, they are both whacky to the non-believer. The time has come to cap funding to religious schools and begin diverting future funding into public education. Let us start now. Posted by Barfenzie, Tuesday, 8 January 2008 4:09:24 PM
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Would anyone in Australia defend Nazism as a philosophy?Well,I view Islam in the same vein.Islam however is more insidious,it is allowed to deceive it's enemies about it's true intentions,and chaos/violence more often than not,is the reality.
Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 8 January 2008 9:35:45 PM
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Six years on from September 11, and still Muslims won't debate the issues. Robert Spencer explains why: ""silence is sometimes an answer." Indeed it is, and it speaks loud and clear, and it says that they cannot refute what I say about jihad and Islamic supremacism. So all they can do is cry "Islamophobe!" and try to turn people of good will away from the realities I am reporting about. And this is a much larger issue than simply who will or will not debate me, because it highlights the fact that peaceful Muslims have never formulated an Islamic response to the jihadists' claim to represent pure and true Islam -- and as long as they do not and apparently cannot do so, the jihadists will continue to hold the intellectual initiative within Islamic communities worldwide. "Moderate" Muslim spokesmen such as those above have not just not answered me; they've done nothing to seize that intellectual initiative and blunt the force of jihadist recruitment among Muslims .... Once one clears away the insults and attacks on my character and good will, there is dispiritingly little to deal with here, raising once again the question -- why can't, or won't, Muslims debate? Why must exchanges with Muslim spokesmen so often be of this kind? .... I am beginning to suspect that all the abuse they delight in is not just a manifestation of their abysmal intellectual bankruptcy, although it is that also; it is at the same time a demonstration of their Islamic supremacist assumptions. The filthy kaffir is not to be respected, much less his arguments answered; rather, he is to be rebuked for his insolence and put in his place ... I apologize for the length and tedium of this post, but I believe it encapsulates an important point: no one, Muslim or non-Muslim, has ever yet refuted the contention that Islam teaches warfare against and the subjugation of unbelievers. And so one thing is certain: that warfare will continue." continued ... Posted by online_east, Tuesday, 8 January 2008 10:59:49 PM
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Ergo, Muslims can't defend the indefensible unless they are either being deceitful or deceived. So when a Muslim steps up to the dais, all you need concern yourself with is which of the two they are: be ruthless with the former, and sympathetic but firm with the latter. We must conclude the debate is finished (and never even started) and now simply defend ourselves from the Islamic encroachment in the West. So stop holding your breath waiting for Islam and the West to get along - it's not coming. As Professor Israeli said: when the Muslim population gets to 10% you have trouble. So spread the word, educate others, lobby and vote accordingly before the Muslim baby boom takes over.
Posted by online_east, Tuesday, 8 January 2008 11:06:47 PM
Sheik Hilali, who until recently represented the majority of Australian Musims, the Arabic Sunni ones, is on record saying that 911 was God's work, the hijackers are glorious, he said that Aussie women are meat who, if they don't cover up, deserve to be raped, and if they are raped, the animal or "cat" as Hilali put it, should be chatised while the victim should be jailed for 100 years. No community leaders or even Muslim community members expressed anything but support for the man.
Keysar Trad, Sheik Omran, Wassim Duheriri of Hizb-ut-Harir, all have openly expressed that democracy is not for Muslims, that terrorism is the USA, and every other Islamic representative have continously been shadowy and decietful, two-faced, when they deal with the media about issues regarding terrorism.
On 911, there were Muslim people waving Lebanese flags and bipping horns, cheering Allah Akbar on the streets of Sydney.
I can take you to a thousand locations around Syndey where gangs of Muslim thugs, hang around yelling and intimidating mostly Anglo passers by, bashing and robbing young Anglo men, and in hundreds of cases, stabbing and shooting them, sometimes resulting in racial murders. Check with police and the rape crisis hotlines, they will tell you that
gang rapes of Anglo women by Arabi/Muslim packs, is happenning 200 times each year.
How dare you even open your mouth unless it is to apologize for not trying to stop these horrific racial assaults and murders, and for teaching your children that
it is okay to blow up whitie, skippy-convict trash on a bus or train.