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Privileged 'whites' : Comments

By Jennifer Clarke, published 8/10/2007

Australia’s migration and citizenship laws privilege ‘whites’ in all sorts of ways.

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As a "CONSTITUTIONALIST" I am too aware that the Commonwealth of Australia is in principle racist, and so the States, as it is approved for this in Subsection 51(xxvi) of the Constitution, which continue to provide for the "white only" policy. Personally, I oppose racism but have to concede that constitutionally it is permissible. Getting rid of Subsection 51(xxvi) might then be the better way to go! The 1967 referendum was a con-job on Aboriginals and so the unconstitutional “Racial Discrimination Act”. Aboriginals are constitutionally no longer "citizens" just that this is overlooked!

While Kevin Andrews introduced the “citizenship test” it is a sheer and utter nonsense, as learning who was a cricketer has got nothing to do with current cultural, social and conduct and legal position of Australians.

While the test seems to make out that Edmund Barton was the first Prime Minister, the truth is that Lyne was the first one commissioned on 18 December 1900 and when he handed his commission back then Edmund Barton was given the commission on 24 December 1900, as the second (not first) person to be Prime Minister!

The “citizenship test” neither does expose constitutional reality that “citizenship” is constitutionally a State legislative power dealing with political status (including franchise) and nothing to do with nationality, as we are and remain (subjects of the British Crown”.

If we expect others to learn about Australians and heritage would it then not better that we teach our politicians some constitutional facts?

My book, published in July 2006” about “INSPECTOR-RIKATI® & What is -Australian way of life- really” makes it very clear that it means that every person of whatever religion, colour of skin, nationality, etc, can live his/her life in whatever way he/she desires, including customs and traditions provided it is within the provisions Australian laws!

See people as equal and we all are better off!
Posted by Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka, Tuesday, 9 October 2007 11:36:55 PM
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CJ Morgan: "It always boils down to skin colour for you, doesn't it Dresdener - no matter how cleverly you weasel around it?

You don't happen to own a dog or two, do you?"

You don't happen to engage your brain before posting, do you?

Playing the everyone opposed to mass immigration is a 'racist' trick won't work. You can shrilly scream racist all you want. This type of nitwittery will simply be ignored, especially coming from someone who sees a racist behind every tree. Melanin challenged? Guilty until proven innocent!

In a previous discussion, I asked you whether you believed ethnic nationalism to be a form of racism. You didn't answer my question - other than admitting a link between ethnicity and the nation-state.

But this little revelation was most interesting:

"I've been deeply engaged in notions of race, ethnicity, nationhood and sovereignty for a long time - both personally and professionally."

Certainly explains your "racists under the bed" psychosis.

So, my dear retired anthropologist friend, would you care to explain your thoughts on Gore Vidal's speech? I'd be very much interested to know why you think it is 'racist' to oppose cultural and civilisational suicide.
Posted by Dresdener, Wednesday, 10 October 2007 4:06:55 AM
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Fair dinkum, what a bunch of scared wallies. All so frightened of being called "racist". Australia was settled by Europeans, not Asians, not Africans.
As such, as much as the home owner makes the house rules in his own home, we get to make the rules (You WILL take off your shoes if you enter my home. I don't care who you are).
Why do we make the rules? Because everyone aspires to the WESTERN way of life with all its warts, not the Asian way, not the African way. It's true, the tallest tree cops the most breeze and we're used to it.
We appear arrogant because our forefathers went through centuries of wars, feasts, famines, revolutions et al. to arrive at an understanding of remaining strong and knowing compassion, which has left us more self-confident and willing to be tolerant of those who are respectful of the opportunities presented by stable government and sound society rules. Those that don't subscribe can sod off.
You want to call me (and others) "racist", go for your life. Doesn't make you right, does it?
Australia is European in nature, has sounder economic management than our neighbours, greater social stability, and is a better place to live as a result. Why shouldn't we be privileged? Reward for effort I call it.
If the pinko lefty basket weaving crowd don't like it, tough!
Posted by tRAKKA, Wednesday, 10 October 2007 10:23:20 AM
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The industrial bargaining power of Australian workers is being diluted by unprecedented numbers of imported labour. Yet protest is difficult because of constant propaganda to persuade them that they have no right to democratic representation on this issue which will push down wages and push up the cost of living. (The cost of living goes up with the demand for land although land-prices are not counted in the CPI, making this difficult to complain about.)

People are reluctant to complain about blatant importing of labour and of consumers of housing and vital resources when the increase in those newcomers is obvious because of a different appearance - be this due to their clothing or their physique - because Australians realise this can rebound on those people personally.

Yet it is only through such obvious differences that numbers of immigrants become apparent to locals who would otherwise not recognise this source of population pressure.

Citizens are entitled to expect that their government should not put them in such an invidious position.

They should denounce the organizations which market propaganda to suppress political discussion and expressions of protest against mass movements of labour. Multicultural propaganda, for all its good intentions, has been financed by government and by private enterprise, and can be shown to benefit government and private enterprise by discouraging the expression of important industrial relations concerns. It has served to prevent open protest against the impact on the environment and affordability which arise from the augmentation of demand through population increase well beyond that which would occur naturally.

The same economic and environment problems occur through the importation of large numbers of ethnically similar labour and consumers. It is not easy to complain about them either because of the tendency for ANY complaint about immigration numbers to be reflected back by a complicit media as if it were a complaint about ethnically different labour.

In other words, industry and a complicit government are not going to make it easy for workers and citizens to protect what they have and unfortunately multiculturalism has been mis-used to disarm protest. More at
Posted by Kanga, Wednesday, 10 October 2007 10:34:05 AM
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Good for you, Dresdener. I am reminded of an American joke: "A racist is a person who is winning an argument with a Leftist or Neoconservative."

There is a further issue to do with Jennifer Clarke's project for ethnic replacement (which the Left clearly identifies as genocide when the Indonesian government floods Irian Jaya with Javanese or the Chinese government floods Tibet with Han Chinese). This was touched on by Fester and involves the sheer numbers (assuming she doesn't want to do away with the existing population). On p. 10, Oct. 6, 2007 New Scientist you will find a graph plotting rank on the UN Human Development Index (measure of human well-being) versus number of Earths required to support the average level of consumption. Giving everyone a Western European standard of living would require 3 Earths and 2 Earths for an Eastern European standard of living. Only Cuba combines sustainability with a reasonably high human development rank. Somehow I don't think most of us would like the austerity or lack of freedom. These figures don't even consider peak oil, climate change, further population growth, etc. We can't solve global poverty by taking people in, just immiserate a lot of our own people.

Our own environment is deteriorating, as admitted by the government's own State of the Environment reports. There are permanent water restrictions in all the major cities, except Hobart, and even some of the politicians are beginning to admit there are limits to growth. See this exchange from a recent Senate hearing:

CHAIR—Do you think they should pump another million and a half people into the area [SE Queensland]?

Mr Currie—I think they should bring them here!

CHAIR—No, let’s be serious. Will the area sustain another million and a half people or not?

Mr Currie—Not without rain it will not.

CHAIR—You know the forecasts. I know the long-term predictions. It is going to get worse not better.
Posted by Divergence, Wednesday, 10 October 2007 10:40:44 AM
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Shadow Minister, Mark Richardson et al - all those not ignoring the posts by a 'non-native-to-UK-product"

Please, read my message posted on 9 October, 12;29:34 in a topic
Posted by MichaelK., Wednesday, 10 October 2007 1:08:26 PM
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