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Privileged 'whites' : Comments

By Jennifer Clarke, published 8/10/2007

Australia’s migration and citizenship laws privilege ‘whites’ in all sorts of ways.

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Well CJ, if the Vidal quote is correct, which is hard to confirm, it's pretty indefensible and contradictory. To claim Norwegians would prefer to keep Bengalis out as a form of "preservation of species" then that categorically *is* racism. Last time I checked Norwegians and Bengalis are the same species.

OTOH, there are plenty of reasons why Norwegians would not want to simply open the border and allow 50 million Bengalis into Norway, no holds barred. The reasons Bengalis might want to come to Norway is because Norway is an open, liberal, equal, well-educated, economically prosperous society. Allowing the country to be quickly indundated with people that have not grown up in a similar culture and do not have the same levels of education and training would very quickly cause social and economic breakdown, benefitting nobody. The sustainable rate at which Norway could accept immigrants and maintain the advantages that make it an attractive place for migrants is probably no more than 100000 a year (given its current population of 5 million), meaning 50 million Bengalis would take a few hundred years to be successfully integrated into Norway (assuming of course its ecology truly could withstand that many extra people). In a few hundred years, the ethnic and cultural makeup of a nation CAN and does change enormously - Australia, the U.S. and Canada being obvious examples. Indeed, in another 200 years, the ethnic/cultural makeup of Australia is bound to be significantly different to what it is now. It is possible it could well be significantly *more* homogenous, as interracial breeding becomes more commonplace, however the experience in the U.S. would suggest otherwise.
Posted by wizofaus, Thursday, 11 October 2007 9:43:48 AM
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originalaussie, there are hundreds of white Australians in Qld government departments who cannot speak or write English at a functional level. Someone's got to employ them.
Posted by Rainier, Thursday, 11 October 2007 6:07:26 PM
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Do not worry – jobs have been reserved for the Anglos only as skilled, experienced and educated sustained a m a s s for educating English only.

What a waste of both life for newcomers and professional potential in Australia!

However, taking the most professional from overseas eases competition at the international market and creates jobs for local illiteral native-English-speaking rednecks.
Posted by MichaelK., Thursday, 11 October 2007 7:08:43 PM
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Rainier, one possible inference from your accurate observation might be that dear old MichaelK is employed in the Qld Public Service.

If so, I'm sure that it would be at a senior level :)
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 11 October 2007 8:31:04 PM
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Redneck couldnt have put it better.

The self loathing white guilt fraternity of which this site is full of have an agenda to destroy themselves and the rest of us as well.

There over joyed to be in on any trendy cultural thing that preserves an ethnic minorities roots. But if its white culture, then out come the knives.

You see, these leftist loony moonbats are the real RACISTS, your average white fella will be an endangered species if they have thier way.

Have a go at what the last couple of clowns were on about.

Give me one example of any dark races that run thier own country and thier not killing and raping one another.

All of Africa needs to be re-colonised to make it stable again.

And then after we force them to have peace they can live in thier own countries, bringing them here is just going to drag our standard of living down.

Selfish Pricks!
Posted by SCOTTY, Thursday, 11 October 2007 8:33:19 PM
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Gee Scotty, did you think that up all by yourself? Amazing. Simply Amazing.
Posted by Rainier, Thursday, 11 October 2007 10:48:32 PM
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