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A united Iraq - an impossible dream : Comments
By Khatab Sabir, published 19/6/2007Unofficial referendums tell us that Iraq will divide sooner or later, and the myth of 'Iraq' will fade into the past.
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Posted by southerner, Tuesday, 19 June 2007 4:49:39 PM
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I'd hazaard a guess that the author is Shiite or Kurdish judging by his lack of concern for the position of minority (oil poor) Sunnis in his proposed Iraqi Federation. Basically the Shiites are sitting on most of the proven oil areas in Iraq and the Kurds are on most of the other oil areas. With no viable tourism or agricultural industries in occupied Iraq the Sunnis would be left with little to do except practice Palestinian camp style terrorism. So the Sunnis miss out - one reason why they are fighting the US/Shiite dominateed status quo so much. The author mentions Yugoslavia in passing as though it is a model. He forgets that Yugoslavia was united by Stalinist communists (including the Red Army in 1945) in a process more severe than the Baathist takeover. The later religious based genocidal civil war amongst the fragment states of Yugoslavia should concentrate the author's mind a bit. So the author's suggestion is a recipe for continuing civil war from which Shiites and Kurds might temporarily benefit however it will probably be the US, UK, Turkey and (maybe) Iran who will ultimately win the oil prizes of Iraq. Pete Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 19 June 2007 5:16:05 PM
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and a supplementary to Grey's question; how long after the French Revolution did it take for democracy(sorry Demos) to win out in France?
Posted by palimpsest, Tuesday, 19 June 2007 7:51:47 PM
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Southerner. History also shows that the USA has only won two wars. One against itself. Their Civil war. And you could call the Atom bombing a win I guess. So two max.
I am quite aware of most of the dictators the US has supported and if you must follow the "USA had to remove Hussein" then why haven't they removed all dictators that work against their interests? I'm rather confused about your Vietnam response mate. Initially you said Iraq cannot be allowed to become another Vietnam and now you concede it has become so. I only disagree about when it started. You seem to be of both opinions that it is and isn't. Which is your actual opinion? I'd also point out I didn't ask why it became a Civil War. I stated that in my first post. 3 groups that hate each other. Not sure why you wrote this to me as I didn't ask such a question. If you want the reason for the war against Iraq of course oil has much to do with it. But it doesn't explain the timing as nothing has changed regarding oil. It was always there and only since the Shah went on long term holiday (terminal now) has access been a problem. So this invasion could have been any time. They just needed a reason people would believe. I also think Bush has given the real reason as to the timig. First of course 9/11 which allowed him to attack anyone he cared to name. But mainly because of this statement which he made seriously early on : "Saddam tried to kill my Dad". Seems petty but do look up the video of that staement. He was deadly serious. The future of Iraq is that there will be 3 countries, or States if we compare with us. They cannot and will not ever work and live together. Like Victorians and NSW men. Jest, before you jump out of your trees. Posted by pegasus, Wednesday, 20 June 2007 2:40:58 AM
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The dream of Islam of ever regaining its self-respect or imposing their political and military might ruling the rest of the world is gradually fading away.
Islam had a real window of opportunity post 9/11. It was really a chance for a final showdown: “us against them” – Islam against the great Satan: the West. But alas the true colours of Islam won the day. The world watched an angry dragon… without a head. A ruined empire divided against itself. Destruction for the sake of destruction is the new motto of Islamists…and the game now continues in “overtime”. Islam cannot accept defeat. Islam will never be a united front, one house, one nation, because of the hatred, fears, and insecurities that run in their blood. Sectarian wars, terrorism, and political assassinations has always been part of Islam. Especially with the concentration of Shiat in relation to Sunnis in that region, no borders will be strong enough to ever keep them from killing each other. What about the Iraqi Christians who could not escape this mess? Who is going to guarantee their protection in a divided Iraq? The Christians are the sitting ducks waiting for their final slaughter. The greatest mistake Bush made was to act irrationally (on his emotions) and fall into the trap laid by Islamists. He made things worse by overstaying his welcome in Iraq thinking he could get the job done. Except he did not have a clue what he was getting himself into… Islam is a sure recipe for disaster - a cancer that needs to be eradicated, or to be radically modified to fit with the rest of the civilised world. And since Islam thinks the same about the civilised world, we have not a chance for peace, until Jesus returns. Posted by coach, Wednesday, 20 June 2007 11:16:26 AM
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Of course it is an impossible dream. The Iraqi's simply can't get over their tribalism, inherent racism, to build a society.
But why did we think they could? Arabs have no understanding of liberal society, they are all dictatorships in some form or other. Geez, I hope the idiots on the far left understand now why the west deals with brutal dictators, since democracy isn't possible for those with such backward values. Until those in al-Sadr town care about those who aren't in al-Sadr town, and truly care about others, nothing will work. The US shouldn't be attacked for trying though, as they are fellow humans after all - savagely brainwashed to hate the 'westerner' mabye, but human nonetheless. The west can never win against cultures that don't respect human rights. Our principals make it so we can't fire back when a terrorist fires at our troops from a crowded marketplace or mosque, and they know this - which is why they do it. If we destroyed the mosque when this happened, and shot back in the marketplace, propaganda would go their way still because they're people are largely racist intolerant filth. This isn't their fault, they have all been brainwashed, but it is true. So, yes an impossible dream as long as we stick to our human rights in dealing with the situation. We should do what Russia does, get all the cameras out of Chechnya, and go and do what one has to in war. As unfortunate as that may be. I don't know why we should even care anyway, I mean, they should just bomb from the sky any factory or place they suspect of having weapons of mass destruction - like they will likely do in Iran soon. Let them work it all out, as long as they can't fire western developed missiles at us. Cowards. They hate us but want our technology. Posted by Benjamin, Wednesday, 20 June 2007 12:53:48 PM
History will tell you that the west has never won any war in the Middle East. They supported Dictators like S H because the Iranians over threw the Shah of Iran who was the lap dog of the United States.
Than they had no option but to remove S H, because the man was becoming a threat to their interest. They should have engage the Arab League of Nations in his removal. Why not, OIL.
As to the future of Iraq, it will simply become another Iran dominated by the Shia.
To answer your question, Iraq only became another Vietnam for the Amercians because they want the country to adopt western values. Oil is the driving force behind their decision.