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Catholics limiting choice : Comments

By Rodney Croome, published 6/6/2007

Who defines 'Catholic'? Will students be turned away from Catholic schools because their parents are single, in de facto relationships or not regular church goers?

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So the Bible states "The Truth". This line of thought has lead to countless deaths over the centuries thanks to fanatics telling everyone else they have "The Truth" and killing those who are supposedly unenlightened. And I don't just mean Catholics. Protestants are just as bad and of course we have Islamic terrorists blowing people up just because they have "The Truth" (the Koran in this case) and "the infidels" don't. Not to mention the likes of Hitler, Mao and other dictators who set up cults of personality where the leadership cannot be wrong.

How about a bit of self-doubt for a change? How about thinking you might be wrong once in a while? Good educators teach students to question supposed truths and not hold up particular books as be all and end all.
Posted by DavidJS, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 9:31:38 AM
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it may come as a surprise to you but gratuitous insults are not argument.

Your lady friend, CMO3, stated that: "Homosexuality is a sin"
I am being entirely reasonable requesting her to define what she means by "sin".

This shouldn't be too hard. Would you like to have a go on her behalf; or don't you like being questioned on your god's wisdom?

And what about the lady's thinking, to which you attach so much importance?
I quote her:

" But to sanction and or support homosexuality does nothing for a homosexual except aid in the destruction of their soul. Something NO Catholic or Catholic college should EVER be a part of. If they are willing to aid in the destruction of a homosexual's soul, then I, as a parent, could never allow my child to be around such individuals."


"In the Bible it states, the CHURCH is the pillar and foundation of TRUTH. The Bible was canonized to SUPPORT the Church. The Bible itself supports the Church as the pillar and foundation of TRUTH"

Aqvarivs, mate, what is there in this religobabble that I should be thinking about? It is nonsense.

Or perhaps, mate, you have to be especially thick to get it?

If this is the sort of silly tripe that you wish to be taught in your New exclusive Catholic education system, then the best of luck.
Is this the sort of thing you want your kids to be taught? If so, then god help your kids.

The non religious community is getting tired of religious brainwashed, delusionary, nutters like you and your "lady" friend, CMO3 , spouting absolute tripe. Wake up, mate, you are living in a mediaeval cloud cuckoo land.

Aqvarivs, mate, you and your "lady" friend seem to be intent on imposing Catholic psychobabble on other members of the OLO community, in what was an interesting discussion.

Can I suggest that you join an online religous newsgroup?

Here you can indulge with other Religio-lobotomised indivividuals in your fantasy beliefs, without offending and insulting the saner members of the online community.
Posted by last word, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 11:15:38 AM
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It may have already happened, but let's find a parallel.

Me and my mates thing that historically Unions gave protection, but, we really don't like strident unionism, but prefer AWA's, so we join the union, en masse, and change its manifesto to reflect the mind of big business and what suits us.

Meanwhile, real trade unionists become disillusioned and are reluctantly forced to support a concept and tradition that has now been hijacked, because, unfortunately, not many are left who remember seeing the light (or cross!)on the hill.

The Union leadership, shocked by the disrepect for tradition from growing numbers of 'members' then decides to implement or enforce some of its membership provisions and purge the Union of 'non-believers.'

Now that leadership might get ousted, or the Union might just get closed down or change into a social club, but, it aint the Union is used to be.

This is the problem facing Catholic Schools. Being compassionate to gays or shoplifters, drug users or abortionists and the like doesn't mean we should tolerate their behaviour or life choices and reaffirm them as positive experiences. You don't need a Bible to know that.

Treating people fairly in employment doesn't need an AWA either, but, employing someone as an instructor in plumbing who doesn't like water will see them less able to provide hands on learning for apprentices. Likewise, non-practicing Catholics teaching students in a faith saturated environment doesn't 'hold water' either if they are too busy pushing other agendas.

Why send your children to a school system you so deride or can only support when it blindly accepts your secular agenda? Shame on the Church for being so out manouvered on this one is Tassie. Shame on Tassie being ruled by minorities...
Posted by Reality Check, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 11:31:08 AM
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last word, I suggest you read my posts and discover my opinion. I have submitted some personal thinking about having non-believers attending a religious administrated school.
Your post in question was base derision not anything more and your answering post was no more opinion on the article or any articulate argument to CMof3 post. Your just ranting against the machine ridiculing religion and anyone of faith who has a religious POV. What you really want is a quorum where you can rant against religion and show everyone how clever you are. Your on the wrong thread. "I'm too clever to understand religion or what constitutes sin." Is so punk. And begs the question why your even reading a religious thread? Every idiot who suceeded in passing through kindergarten knows what sin is.
Better than having to use your scroll wheel, read the post by Reality Check. I couldn't have said it any better.
If your not Catholic or religious what are you doing sending your children to a Catholic school or attending one yourself? It's not like there is no public school for you to coast through
Posted by aqvarivs, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 12:57:24 PM
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some history:
Education in NSW 1866. In 14 years, upto 1880, changes proposed to alter the law making the education under it to make it more secular and more directly the function of the State (Sir Henry Parkes, 50 years Australian History, ChI Vol II) -- The 1866 Education Act provided for the establishment of Public Schools of a non-sectarian character, and contined support of denominational schools upon conditions (trained teachers, same text bks, inspection). One hour a day to be set aside in public schools for RI.
Their were those that opposed the non-sectarian nature of public education, and Parkes saw control exercised by the priest as oft overbearing.
The Roman Catholics maintained their own schools. The argument was RCs would be supporting non-denominational schools if they did not receive public funds, otherwise RCs could argue the situation was oppressive. (1870's; 1/3 of population RC). Parkes advocated equal funding from the public purse.
IN 1879 the RC Church attacked secular schools as 'godless education' and as 'seedplots of future immorality, infidelity and lawlessness'.

Unfortunately, the RC Archbishop & Bishops saw something in a secular education system, that some 140 or so years later is appearing all too true. Immorality, infidelity and lawlessness have become acceptable social habits in 2007.
The Anglican Church, and Protestant Churches seemed all too willing to join the new secular system. The fact that one hour per day was set aside, in the original Act, for RI has all but faded to a miserable ignorance of Christian principles in our lives.

If one wants to divorce Church from State, a highly significant means of achieving this is with a secular education curriculum. Divorcing Church and State has potentially devastating affects on society. Men with power will ensure that potential is used for EVIL.

Lewie 15 Jun 07
Posted by Lewie, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 8:50:57 PM
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Last word, since you brought up my kids, I will tell you they are 15, 12 and 8. All of them attend Catholic schools and come from a devout Catholic family. Not perfect, but always striving.
The schooling and homelife they get is well grounded in Christianity. They are taught what sin is, and how to live a faithful Christian life. They are taught the most important aspect of Christianity which you will find in Beatitudes for instance. They attend a very strict and orthodox Catholic school that does not shy away from teaching what sin is, and how one can overcome temptation. They are also taught to love, respect and honor all human beings. They are not taught hatred or how to degrade other human beings. In fact, just the opposite is true. I know this doesn't sit well with those who prefer to think that Catholics simply want to torment homosexuals. The fact of the matter is, they are the last people who would harm another person based soley on the fact that they were gay. We are all sinners. It doesn't make sense to commit sins while harming other sinners. Yes, one can teach that homosexuality is a sin and at the same time, not teach them to hate homosexuals.
Posted by CatholicMomOf3, Wednesday, 13 June 2007 5:54:59 AM
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