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Global hysteria : Comments

By Ben-Peter Terpstra, published 10/5/2007

Gore can fly in a private jet but we must carpool because Greenland is 'melting'.

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"There is no way he [Gore] could be as effective as he is if he was not wealthy and used the most efficient means to move himself and his support team around."

Unfortunately Gore has been very effective at creating hysteria in the under-educated or non-thinking majority. I hope he (the self-proclaimed inventor of the internet) will still be alive to be discredited (again). I'm sure his excessive wealth will cushion the blow. At the rate his girth is expanding you have to wonder how sustainable he is.
Posted by alzo, Thursday, 10 May 2007 11:57:42 AM
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I loved this article.

For one reason: somebody was allowed to present the proposition that GW may not be happening!

Personally, until I see some scientific evidence for this phenomenon, I am yet to put my faith wholly in it.

I have wondered why people have become so obsessed with GW and your reasoning about an Orwellian socialist agenda makes perfect sense. Especially because it is a "global" phenomenon and in schools we are constantly told we are "global citizens" etc. If there is an agenda, it's not just to take over one country, it's to gain control of the entire world.

(Hmm, fodder for the Conspiracy theory articles perhaps?)
Posted by YngNLuvnIt, Thursday, 10 May 2007 12:34:53 PM
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Why is it that deniers of global warming only seem to have mostly some un- scientific "feeling" to proclaim their position. I would just prefer to accept my own observations and the conservative scientific advice of the 2500 leading environmental scientists from around the world who all signed the United Nations IPPC. And please don't tell me it's a political conspiracy developed by all the countries of the world. Perhaps everyone should read Tim Flannery's book The Weather Makers, a book with scientific research which has pages of bibliography that indicate it is not just one man's opinion.
Posted by snake, Thursday, 10 May 2007 1:38:36 PM
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R there still people believing in global warming? And they criticize my faith in God. I suppose people still hold to the hopelessly flawed theory of evolution as science so nothing should surprise.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 10 May 2007 2:49:02 PM
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I find this a peculiar load of tripe.
Since when has Time been the accredited spokesperson for the enviroment? it was probably written by one of your fellow travellers to discredit climate change, as ridicule not science is your main weapon.As evidenced by your attack on Al Gore, you can't beat what he is saying so you try to discredit the man, shoot the messenger that is really pathetic, the oldest and most discredited tactic in the book.
Your ignorance about polar bears is appalling ofcourse they can swim that is the problem, they swim out to what formerly would have been pack ice, but due to global warming has broken into small pieces,then this drifts out to sea, they get lost , disoriented or too far from shore then try to swim back and drown.
I am just thankfull for one thing, that you are just writing this crap on an internet chat room, and hopefully you have no power in real life.
Posted by alanpoi, Thursday, 10 May 2007 3:21:20 PM
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Oh ho, Ho Hum! And your best contribution to this debate is an ad hominem attack on the author, and indirectly of the editors for allowing the author to express his perfectly valid views.

I must say that the argument that global warming is far from proven to be caused by anthropogenic CO2 is seriously damaged by the idiot fringe who seem to want not to believe that global warming is even happening. Global warming is most definitely happening - the uncertainty, and there are arguments on both sides, concerns the cause of the global warming. My view is that the anthropogenic CO2 case is far from proven (despite the 2500 climate scientists mentioned in one contribution - that group is largely self-selected) and that there are other possible causes. That the cause may be extra-terrestrial is given considerable weight by global warming on earth having happened in the recent past (Mediaeval Warm Period) and that global warming also appears to be happening on Mars at the same time as it is happening here.
Posted by Reynard, Thursday, 10 May 2007 4:45:45 PM
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