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Global hysteria : Comments

By Ben-Peter Terpstra, published 10/5/2007

Gore can fly in a private jet but we must carpool because Greenland is 'melting'.

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Dozer, the problem with Terpstra citing Horner is that he is citing a lawyer to support his claim that Gore & the IPCC are unscientific.

The IPCC/Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is however the biggest & longest collaborative science project in the history of the human race, research by its participating scientists is thrashed out in dozens of peer reviewed journals over years, with plenty of heat and lots of witnesses.

Hmmm, who to trust, the lawyer (whoever he works for) or the 2000+ scientists?

Maybe we can throw the lawyer into a shark tank and see if he floats, is that suitably scientific for Terpstras christian logic?
Posted by Liam, Tuesday, 15 May 2007 12:28:56 AM
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That claim about global coolong was floated about 30 years ago but was quickly dropped, about the same time as global warming was mooted. I am not getting into a fight with global warming deniers as their arguements and lack of knowledge are beyond belief, I will just say one thing, what is smart about waste.
Howard and other deniers are always rabbitting on about the cost of alternatives, yet the cost of fuel in about 5 years has gone from about 80c to over $1.30 over 60% rise.
Now here is the rub,
My family fuel bill is about $1300.00 per qaurter
My electricity bill is about $220.00 per quarter
If the cost of electricity doubled it would still be considerably cheaper than fuel.We could reduce our electricity bills by 50% for $15000.00 per house using solar, the government should be paying for this as it would be cheaper than nuclear, which we will never have by the way the Nimbys will make sure of that bless their little hearts.
Now consider this, we sell gas to China for 6c a litre, yes 6c, yet we import fuel for about 30c a litre , the gas we sell to China can be used in any vechicle with the right modifacations.
How smart are we? not very by the look of all this.
Posted by alanpoi, Tuesday, 15 May 2007 12:56:33 AM
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Liam writes

(AVS - causation is amply implied by the demonstrated properties of co2 and diff wavelengths of radiation, duh!)

Sorry Liam thats only a theory, there is the nagging problem of infrared band saturation and IR competitive GHGs like water vapour. The sensitivity of the climate to CO2 is still largely an unknown. Global temperatures haven't moved for the last six years, maybe sensitivity has been over estimated.
Posted by alzo, Tuesday, 15 May 2007 6:42:45 AM
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