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Bigots shield behind conservative facade : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 12/3/2007

Liberty and xenophobia don't make comfortable bedfellows.

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Aquarivs - the article indicates that some bigots use conservatism as a shield to express their views. It didn't say all conservatives were bad, that's just one spin on it.

Betty - So now you don't even need to read articles to trash them? For the record, the article didn't even mention christians. Maybe if you'd read it you'd see that. I won't ask you to provide examples to y'know, actually back up your case, because that would require you to actually read it. I see you feel free to tar the author as somebody who would support suicide bombers without the slightest shred of evidence to support your statement. That's cruel and insulting, and I bet you'd be damn annoyed if somebody assumed you'd join the KKK - why, you'd probably accuse them of bigotry.

Spider - "It is a legal fact that were a White Australian to form a club solely for the Aussie caucasian, there would be howls of protests with accusations of being white supremacist."

This is actually a valid point and I agree with you - though to be fair, there are plenty of organisations that manage to have almost entirely white-only members, or only a few token people of other beliefs or ethnicities.
I don't think it's fair either way. Perhaps I'll believe we've come a little further than that when we have a female or non-anglo PM.

Rhian: "As Irfan says, liberty and xenophobia don't make comfortable bedfellows. I’d rather rely on someone like Irfan to protect my democratic liberties than bigots and xenophobes."

Nicely said.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Tuesday, 13 March 2007 3:31:42 PM
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Fairdinkum, I wonder if some actually had a real job and or employment that this type of rubbish would be consigned to the paper recycling/ Deleted bin, and never reach publication.

Throw your progressive – Regressive crap in the recycling center and get a life. George Bush said it; you are with us or you are against us.
Get on the bus or get off and go away; stop bothering us with crap.

I wonder if the system will allow Australians to get a Restraint order against idiots; Islamic or Proletariat and to stop this intellectual terrorism.

Pure fertilizer food for mushroom.

Peter Faris QC Told you Irfan, (On His Blog) It is about time to grow up and take that fence post and have it removed. "Very Paraphrased"

Damn Agitprop has a lot to answer for.
Posted by All-, Tuesday, 13 March 2007 5:52:21 PM
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Islam has a problem understanding itself.How can the infidels and skippy heretics possibly grasp the personification of chaos
that is daily handed up to us with the likes of Sheik Hilaly.

Islam is a failed philosophy,and oil only gives it sustenance in the Middle East.Else where,poverty and cruelty prevails.It only survives in the West by being threatening us,thus getting undue attention and funding.

It is the parisite that will bring down our truely great Western Society.Just follow closely the events in Europe.Have a close look at Malaysia.Non Muslims are second class citizens there.They have no rights.

Irfan talks of "arm chair Nazis",yet it is this totalitarian system of imaginery Allah,created by Mohummad,that is the facist reality which exists in every Muslim country.

True democracy as we know it and Islam,are incompatible.The Imans have seen the demise of the Christian Faith in the West because of free thought.Do you think that Irfan and his ilk with total power will allow us to think without the fear of Allah?What Muslim country have these freedoms been allowed?Read Irfans articles carefully .He walks both sides if the fence.Muslims are allowed to lie to the infidels in order to achieve their aims.

It is all about the lust for male power and little else,all dressed up in the facade of religion.

If the reality of Allah and his truth is so omnipotent,why do Muslims have to project their ideology through threats of violence and often death to detractors?Who are the real Nazis Irfan?
Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 13 March 2007 7:10:25 PM
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There is another reason that some Australians oppose Islam besides the more typical reasons of propensity to violence and suicide bombers from Bali.

This reason is rarely talked about because it does not involve emotion or politics. It is purely an academic reason.

The reason that some Australians oppose Islam is because they believe it is factually wrong, incorrect, and untruthful. That is, some Australians believe that the Koran DOES NOT have a divine origin and that the Muslim claim that it does is pure nonsense.

Or to put it another way - if some Australians claim that the Earth is "flat" then they should expect some of their fellow Australians to inform them that their viewpoint is silly and irrational.

In the SAME WAY if Australian Muslims claim that the Koran was (literally) delivered via a talking angel to a man in a cave then they should also expect to be told by their fellow Australians that their idea is silly and irrational - and wrong.
Posted by TR, Tuesday, 13 March 2007 8:34:56 PM
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Yes, TR. And what's most disconcerting is that most Australians would rather rubbish the Flat Earth Society and elevate Islam and Islamist to the lofty height of victimhood. They will use religion, science, anthropology, history and even some hertory to promote their reasons but, they will never use just good old basic commonsense. In a year or two when the population has grown as it has in Europe and the bombs start going off maybe the leftie victimhood ideology will be discarded as a substitute for reason.

TRTL, Then there is no value in the implication and no purpose in singling out conservatives alone. Your saying in Irfans defence that it is people who are bigots, probably many lefties but, they use the mantle of conservatism to shelter their identity. Sheep dressed in the wolf's clothing so to speak. Very novel. Irfan gets to demonize the right as the home base for bigots while imploring through third parties that those bigots are not necessarily folk who think politically right of centre. Spin is just so important isn't it?
Posted by aqvarivs, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 12:10:01 AM
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After reading the comments here, I can only presume aqvarius, B_D and other assorted bigots would support the wacky American neo-Cons who have cast aspersions on Christians like Barack Obama.

I guess some so-called Christians think a black man shouldn't be allowed in the White House.
Posted by Irfan, Wednesday, 14 March 2007 12:56:48 AM
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