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Bigots shield behind conservative facade : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 12/3/2007

Liberty and xenophobia don't make comfortable bedfellows.

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Lets not have any facts come into the picture to clutter it up. lets just display a left-wing anti-conservative rant and in no way mention that both Australian and American conservative governments are in power thanks to the left. The people decided on a change of government.
Liberty. Irfan takes great liberty with his broad sweeping political statements. Conservatives are bigots. Conservatives are xenophobic. Conservatives hate Muslims. Conservatives hate Americans. My goodness those Conservatives are really bad people. Not emotional huggers like us. They engage in dirty politics we never do. We're so shinny and bright and innocent and are never never deceitful. "Vote for the left" couldn't be shouted any louder.
Posted by aqvarivs, Tuesday, 13 March 2007 2:30:09 AM
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Well done, Gitmo guy! I was suspicious of Irfan's reference to Jefferson's Koran, as I've read a little US history and found no love of Islam anywhere there. (I did find the Barbary pirates, who precipitated the US' first foreign armed venture to prevent the pillaging of US traders. It was also the first time, and not the last time, in which the US asked for an international coalition to stop this pirating, under which many European countries also suffered.)
And as another poster has written, Australians are not xenophobic, but they have had some experience of one religious/ ethnic group and are not impressed. In fact, they are so unimpressed that they kicked them off one beach, after the same group had been kicked off another beach by concerted police action over four years.
Most Muslims are better than their religion would have them be on most issues most of the time. But this is little comfort, as the religion is prefuedal fascism, and this fascism is want to flare at the least, or no, provocation.
Posted by camo, Tuesday, 13 March 2007 8:54:22 AM
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Recently Sheik Omran, of Melbourne, advocates that muslims take advantage of our low birth rate and breed more muslims. Now sheik Hilali, of Sydney, advocates the forming of a muslim political party.

Take note that muslims now have some laws specificly for muslims in England and the influence muslims have in most European countries.

Thankfully, both our major political parties have "seen the light" and have dumped Multiculturalism. Now we have to take the next step to prevent these non-compatible people from gaining more political sway here, by stopping muslim immigration.

Fred Nile and his mob were staunch supporters of multiculturalism and even they have now changed their minds. If they can see the need surely our Federal politicians can.
Posted by Banjo, Tuesday, 13 March 2007 9:40:23 AM
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Irfan's "xenophobia of Muslim haters" would surely be more correct if it read Muslims "xenophobic hatred of Westerners"
We see it all the time in our country, with gang rape,cat's meat and all the dirt dished up by imams who should never have been allowed into this nation.
Now they are wanting a Muslim political party. That should never be permitted, we do not need more of the divisiveness of Islam.Never have Australians been so provoked by those who have such different and opposing values and lifestyles.
If the Muslims are so unhappy at our rules and regulations, the answer is simple. Leave.
Posted by mickijo, Tuesday, 13 March 2007 12:58:07 PM
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A moslem political party ?
Shades of Sinn Fain !
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 13 March 2007 1:46:44 PM
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I’m sure that if you wanted to set up a club of like-minded people there’s nothing to stop you (I for one won’t be joining, however). In a democracy there should be tolerance even for opinions like yours.

The presence of ethic organisations in our community isn’t sinister or racist, it’s a natural thing for people with things in common to do. Should we close down our local Irish club or Greek Orthodox church? Are the associations set up by Australian ex-pats living in Asia or Europe sinister or racist? Or are these only unacceptable when done by people of a different colour or religion than yours?

Both sides in the Cronulla riots behaved appallingly, and people from both sides were prosecuted in about equal numbers as a result. I see no sign of discrimination here:

Today’s Australian newspaper reports that Churchill wrote in the 1930s that “the Jew is different. He looks different. He thinks differently . . . He refuses to be absorbed".,20867,21368936-7583,00.html?from=public_rss

The emotion and language underpinning racism remains the same through time and culture. Only the targets differ. At least Churchill recognised Nazi antisemitism was vicious and evil, and fought to oppose it.
Posted by Rhian, Tuesday, 13 March 2007 3:13:08 PM
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