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Muslim academics must speak up : Comments
By Abe Ata, published 2/2/2007Muslims lack one very important virtue - that of self-criticism.
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I can easily throw your lines back to you:
Spirituality and religious beliefs are very personal matters. Those who keep sparking debates against other beliefs means that they are not convinced with their own positions (simple psychological fact). One day you will find a faith that makes sense to you. You will know that when you stop challenging other religions on public forums.
Except let me remind you that it is Islam that selectively and passionately attacks Jews and Christians in their books and sermon teachings – for reasons of insecurity of course.
If Islam had divine support it would not have to resort to personal threats and terrorism. We Christians leave the judging to our God Jehovah.
As for me, my faith in Jesus Christ the Son of God is strong and unshakable. I have 100% assurance of salvation; when my time on earth is done I will be united with The One true God The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit for eternity. What about you? Who is your personal saviour? Where are you planing to spend eternity?
You don’t answer my questions because you don't have answers do you?
The fact is your "faith" doesn't have the answers to life and death - it's all superstition and false hopes in a capricious god that keeps changing his mind.
Allah is not God - otherwise he would have made it clear to Mohammad that salvation is in His Son “alone” and not in a religion and/or laws.
Can keeping the laws of your religion save you?
All the biblical prophets attest to Jesus as The Messiah The Son of God. Therefore Mohammad cannot be a prophet and cannot have any association with The Word.
Have a good holiday and may Jesus prove real to you.