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Reflections on a multicultural nation : Comments

By Andrew Jakubowicz, published 15/11/2006

The energy directed against multiculturalism has been truly evil, for it has been advancing an agenda of superiority, while disregarding the consequences.

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When I was completing my course almost everyone at Uni was planning to go overseas, and many of us did. Coming from a family with two cultures (ie multicultural) we already ate better food than the average Anglo-Australian. Modern medical reserach shows that the food we ate was healthier.

The Australia I left was incredibly narrow and prudish. Censorship laws made us look ridiculous and prevented us access to some of the best literature and films. Intelligent discussion was limited and discussion Forums like the one you are taking part in could not have existed. We were insular and technical advances were held back by a conservative community.

How different it is now!

Take part in other cultures. Enjoy the company of Greeks, Italians, Turks and our modern theatre. Go to a few foreign language films. Better still enroll in a course in another language. Watch SBS. There is a marvellous world out there. I only wish I could live forever to enjoy it all.

Open your mind, you are missing so much.
Posted by logic, Sunday, 19 November 2006 4:37:32 PM
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Braindrain, (make sure you read my post to Mercurious too, it will benefit)

Your attacks of a personal nature, i.e, "maggot" and other nonsensical terms only reinforce that, having lost the argument, you resort, as do many, to name-calling.

Constructive criticism is welcolmed, and I'll even change my outlook if you show me where I'm wrong, but insults do nothing to further one's argument. I learnt that when I was about 13, mabye 14, embarressingly late.

You, in a cheap attempt to answer my questions, which you weren't able to do, actually quote comments I made that are totally logical.

The only one that could be construed as not proper was the one about Australia being held together by Anglo's, I should have said western Europeans, but still, as I've said before, and do again below to Mercurious (who doesn't seem to get it either) Asians and middle-easterners, and by Asians I include Indians to Afghani's, do not, repeat DO NOT, join the vocations like the police, fire brigade, ambulance, but ESPECIALLY volunteers.

Why is this hurtful? As it obviously was given your name-calling.

You still must, somehow, think I'm wrong to suggest that western values are superior to non-western ones, although you don't show how, but altering my comments as if to suggest I am some sort of white supremacist is cowardly.

You can say I'm a European Enlightenment supremacist, a title I'll gladly accept as a badge of honour.

But trying to twist my words as though I believe white skin is better shows you are grasping at straws.

Why can't you answer my argument, instead of name-calling?

Show me how, say, Indian values - caste system, are better than those I, and you as you live here too, live under in the west? Oh, by the way, millions flock every year to live under those values. To deny that they are better is to give creedence to those value systems that Africans, middle-easterners, and Asians, are fleeing in horror....
Posted by Benjamin, Sunday, 19 November 2006 6:26:01 PM
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....Systems like what gave rise to Australia's first political assassination, with Cabramatta councillor Phuong Ngo doing only what comes natural in Asian politics, murder your rival.

Or with Arab politics, as we seen during the Auburn election with gunshots fired at the poll booth, with Sunni's bashing Shi'ites with iron bars because they voted - as voting is un-Islamic you see.

Go on, show me how non-western cultural values are better than western ones....or are you such a coward you can only hurl racial insults like "whitey"?

Mabye you're insulted because I say western values, but what I mean is that they are human values, it's just that they started in the west.

To be against this is like saying just because one particular tribe of cavemen were the first to use fire, that no other tribe should use fire because they then lose their own culture and become like the culture of the tribe that uses fire.

Try harder.

I'll have to answer Mercurious in my brothers post, antiBigot, an apt name......I might add.
Posted by Benjamin, Sunday, 19 November 2006 6:28:03 PM
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By the time I was your age I had lived in 19 different countries (my dad designed electronics for naval warships).

The one thing I learned is that wherever you live people are the same. They strive to put a roof over their heads, care for their kids and improve their lives.

This was true even in apart-hate Sth Africa, I have lived in Jo'burg.

You may wish to demonise people because of their ethnic or racial backgrounds but this is a fallacy.

Crime, gangs etc are a result of social inequality. If you demonise a group it is only natural that they fight back.

Cabramatta was once exclusively Italian, then Vietnamese, now Middle Eastern. It is not the race it is the poverty that beeds these ghettos.

Go and say hello to your african neighbours, you will find they are just like you.


You are a zionist racist, don't worry there are many more of your comrades on OLO.
Posted by Steve Madden, Sunday, 19 November 2006 6:29:25 PM
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I have had to answer you in my brothers post, he won't mind. Won't happen again. It took a while to answer Braindrain as...well, the name says it all really...

Mabye you shouldn't read this because it destroys your cheap argument and will make you cry. You attack me before even hearing my logical response as though

I'm racist. How weak. Your cheap comment that I think my values are superior and so do others so it will lead to conflict is stupid.

Western values tolerate all others apart from intolerant values, this is why so many come here mate. This is also why western nations are diverse with many religions, whearaes muslim lands, those where there are still christians, india has a caste system, so they don't value equality. if you've ever met a south korean who comes from japan, you will know that japan is a racist dump (wealth means nothing, look at saudi - illegal to be non-muslim there!).

So others who claim their values are superior, unless they can show REASON in why they are better, they will be ignored. Western values are based on logic and reason. Do you disagree?

How do I know they don't join the police force, military, you ask? With they, you must mean non-westerners (to say "they" sounds awfully derogatory don't you think? Your not some sort of redneck are you?)

For a start I don't believe your that ignorant, as you must have eyes, you must see that almost all police are European in nature, even in areas where 90% non-western, like Bankstown, Cabramatta (where I grew up).

I have seen figures everywhere over the years, from the police website drives that are desperate to get them in, and in government statistics.

I saw a full page double story about a year ago when a Muslim joined the fire-brigade, which shows you how rare that is....
Posted by antiBigot, Sunday, 19 November 2006 6:41:14 PM
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...A 4 Corners documentary about 3 weeks ago (that's on the leftist ABC, mate) of the state of our military readiness spoke to the head of Duntroon academy, forget his name (you could probably find out from the 4 Corners website) and he stated that only miniscule numbers in the military are non-anglo's let alone non-western It's worse in the police, with a Daily Telegraph report after the intake of officers this year at Goulbourn revealing that in the current police force, there are 4, repeat, 4 Muslims, and 17 Asians, although this excludes the Asian

Crime Squad which has translators to deal with Asian gangs, which, like middle-eastern gangs, make up about 1/3 each of N.S.W's crime.

Just these two groups!

Astonishing isn't it? But racist to report it? No. Hey, I don't say these things as a "See I told you so" type of mentality, rather a horrible sadness that those who have come here since the policy of multiculturalism was initiated, particularly the Vietnamese and Lebanese, have been encouraged to think of this place as nothing more than a place to make money (as Braindrain spitefully claimed, as though that's all this place is good for) and educate their kids.

I also knew that they didn't join such vocations from my own eyes, as I grew up in Cabramatta in the 1980's and early 90's.

Steve Madden was it?

You call me a zionist racist?


Or are you so weak you have no reasons?

Show me how saying that western values, i.e, human rights, the way we live in western nations, is superior to non-western values, like Sharia Islamic law, or caste-system India, is racist?

Go on, show me.

If you really think they aren't superior, go and live in Iran. You won't though, because you believe western values are superior!

Hey hey, you must be racist too!

So weak!
Posted by antiBigot, Sunday, 19 November 2006 6:46:59 PM
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