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Reflections on a multicultural nation : Comments

By Andrew Jakubowicz, published 15/11/2006

The energy directed against multiculturalism has been truly evil, for it has been advancing an agenda of superiority, while disregarding the consequences.

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Anglo's are the glue holding this place together mate. If it wasn't for people with western values, this place would be like the dumps you left.

And just exactly what dump is that Red.... go - on take a wild guess - I can't wait to see you try to figure it out...

"To think western values aren't superior means you are a bigot, as you don't believe that non-westerners should live under values of equality, democracy."


It's obvious that your that tiny little thing between your ears you laughingly call a brain has convinced you that the word 'Racist' is to be limited only to people who claim their own 'race' (define 'race' first dork) is in all ways superior to the one you choose to align with most strongly (no little 'dark skinned skeletons' in your lineage, are there Whitey?)

Maybe you know a better word for someone with an unreasonably held view of their 'own' culture's supremacy. Anyone called you a 'Culturalist' lately?? How about Klan member?

As for misinterpretting and jumping to unfounded conclusions - I made the comment about my father wanting to feed himself and his family with a JOB so you couldn't try to slur my family as being dolebludgers and that was the ONLY reason I made the comment. My Father had ABSOLUTELY NO belief that the Culture here was in ANY way superior to the one he lived in for the first 40 years of his life. I can state categorically that the culture here is in no way better than the one i left - just the weather is, and because of THAT the lifestyle, than if i had stayed at 'home'.

As for why 'non-westerners "don't" join the Police, Ambulance and Fire services as i have seen you and others claim, (then, clearly, there are only western run Police, Fire and Ambulance services in non-western countries?) Maybe it is a NUMBERS thing, Maggot!

Go crawl back into the rotting carcass you were swallowing.

No, wait! that's not very nice....

Don't go back into it. Just go away.
Posted by BrainDrain, Saturday, 18 November 2006 8:25:32 PM
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Braindrain - Something about you says your name describes an event - unfortunate but gee whIz self evident - why are you so angry?
in fact you are so angry I CANT EVEN TELL WHOSE SIDE YOU ARE ON.
Posted by INKEEMAGEE2, Saturday, 18 November 2006 11:59:37 PM
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Banjo wants to know where "multiculturalists" draw the line. Well, I consider myself a multiculturalist, and I draw the line where the law is. All multiculturalism is saying is that, beyond the law, the state (and other people in it) have no right to dictate to you how you should live. It doesn't seem that controversial or dangerous an idea to me, and it protects individuals from undue interference by the state, or from overbearing neighbours who want to tell them how to live.

I don't see how it's got so muddled up in some people's heads with support for Sharia law or being some sort of threat to the cohesiveness of society. Provided the law is upheld, the rest is up to individuals' private conscience.

A real society develops from the grass-roots, spontaneous, unforced action of people acting of their own free-will. Anything else is just tyranny, whatever friendly-sounding label you wish to apply to it.
Posted by Mercurius, Sunday, 19 November 2006 8:10:55 AM
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And I'd like Benjamin to substantiate his claim that "non-western" migrants aren't joining the civil defence forces such as police etc. I wasn't aware that the forces kept records on that sort of thing. Care to elaborate Benjamin? My guess is that in Benjamin's world, members of the police force (whatever their race) are by definition, "western migrants", whatever ethnic background they may have. Thus he neatly avoids the epithet of racist and can maintain his claim of western cultural superiority. But it's a circular argument Benjamin. The rest of us can see that even if you can't.

Benjamin, what you fail to see in your claim of cultural superiority is that many other people from different cultures feel that their culture is superior to yours. You are headed for permanent conflict with those groups unless you are all prepared to negotiate. If not, the future, like the past, will be one of genocidal warfare.

Western values have produced many great things. They also produced Marxism, Fascism, Nazism, the Spanish Inquisition, and an imperialist drive that has decimated populations on five continents since the sixteenth century. It's difficult to consider ideas like "democracy" and "freedom" as being part of western values, and then to look at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay without vomiting.

Try living in a country that's been on the receiving end of western values (pick any country you like, including a number of western ones). How many people can be murdered in the name of freedom and democracy before the words cease to mean anything at all?

Your ironclad belief in the superiority of western values seems to act as a soporific that makes it impossible for you to see the myriad failures of western cultures. I suppose it's easier to rant and rave at the perceived imperfections of other cultures, than to turn that laser-like perception inwards and consider how we might improve our own culture, or even live up to our espoused values in the first place.
Posted by Mercurius, Sunday, 19 November 2006 8:16:43 AM
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Like you, I am perfectly satisfied to see all people in Australia obey the rule of law, irrespective of their heritage or citizenship.
I do not know if many multiculturalists share this view.

If there is a problem with something it is up to our legislators to correct it. For example SA recently made a law prohibiting the human consumption of dog meat.

However my point is that, with so many aspects of other cultures not allowed, how can we claim to be multicultural. Some of the cultural practices not allowed here are very important to other cultures. I used bullfighting as an example but there are many others. We require all to obey our laws irrespective of a persons cultural beliefs.

We are somewhat hypocritical to maintain we are multicultural.

I understand that in India there is different laws governing different cultures. That, to me is multiculturalism, so the best we can claim is partly-multiculural. It is not clear cut, hence the ongoing debate. I think it better if we abolish the MC policy alltogether and promote integration.
Posted by Banjo, Sunday, 19 November 2006 9:22:43 AM
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Could you pro multi-culturalists, answer me these questions three:
Give answers in same way 1/2/3

1/ what has DIVERSITY given you?

2/ what would INCREASED DIVERSITY give you, that you haven’t already gotten?
Note- The answers to questions 1 & 2, can only be things that you can not get from a holiday

3/ And Is it worth the obvious negatives, and increasing extreme risks? i.e (crime, ethnic gangs, race riots, terrorism...).

Do you at least admit that the most Dangerous places in the industrialized world, are the most ethnically diverse (meaning no dominant race) like Los Angeles or Johannesburg.

“I could never countenence a return to the bad old days of Anglo-Saxon monotonous mono culture.”-logic, are you incapable of entertaining yourself? If you were born 70 yrs ago, would every waking minute, for you, be some type of inescapable monotonage? As I stated in a previous post, we had natural diversification (of a much more minor nature) of culture i.e (afl southern, nrl northern states), and no one complained how boring it was.

Don’t you understand! What is the difference between 1970’s Australia, and 1970’s middle east? We drink the same water that they do. We breath the same air that they do. The very thing that made Australia so great, peaceful, prosperous, safe, fun, was our “bad old days of Anglo-Saxon monotonous mono culture” the very thing you disgrace with your comment!

If the “bad old days of Anglo-Saxon monotonous mono culture” equals, peace, safety, prosperity, unbeliviable lifestyle etc, then you my friend have an considerably different definintion for bad, then what I do.

“Banjo wants to know where "multiculturalists" draw the line. Well, I consider myself a multiculturalist, and I draw the line where the law is.”-mercuris
have you seen Argentina, are you prepared for a possible future, which is a violent police state, because that’s what happens when you draw the line, instead of circleling the problem and solveing it .
Posted by obviously, Sunday, 19 November 2006 1:37:46 PM
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