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How does God exist? : Comments

By Peter Sellick, published 9/11/2006

We are privy to God’s address to us but not to God Himself.

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You do exhibit that a priori mindset, I have referred to several times. Your "theology" is Christian theology. Herein, several positions are taken as "givens". Narrow and unsystematic, I put.
Theology [ incl. How does God exist?], is best studied, as a subset of history and anthropology. Albeit, reinforcement schedules are likely to psychological, neurological and bio-chemical.


Interesting post. Thanks.

Greek influence was dying even, before Jesus. Nazareth was a Hellenised city in cultural decline. In the broader course of intellectual history, it was Greek (Attic), Latin, then Greek again (Koine) linguistics. Albeit, I think Philo of Alexandia might have written in Attic.

Latin and Koine Greek are held to be less proficient than Attic Greek in articulating abstract ideas (Wells). Our line of Christianity is the Latin line. The split between Greek/Latin occurred when Charlemaine added "filio que" to the Nicene Creed. Wherein, Latin Cristains maintain the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father and THE SON. [Causality before Plank-time seems problematic to me.]

The latter is more slatted towards Arianism. Charlemaine's oath of alliance, sworn by subjects, asserted the Latin view. Detractors were killed. [

Also, as noted above, a split also occurred under Hadrian (177 CE?), wherein, the Pella exiles formed two groups, from the Christian sect Jews. The first thirteen bishops of the Christian sect were Jews, post-Jesus.

The interplay of Greek concepts in a Latin Church, with Hebrew roots is complex. Wherein, Greek infleunce ebbs and flows.

There are many views out there. Other religions are fractionised too: e.g., Islam.

I suspect Sells' would deny the above accounts [which is his right]. Just the same, I wish Peter would engage the topic, without, so many affixed assumptions.
Posted by Oliver, Monday, 20 November 2006 3:16:54 PM
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Strewth! I reckon that deep down Peter Sellick still wishes he had puffed on that joint, went out with that girl, told that certain someone to get eft, bought that Harley Davidson and took another path in life to that of a frustrated god botherer. Alas, we here on OLO must read his regretful pieces (dressed up as deep thought theology) until he meets his maker. (whoever the hell that is) . For dogs sakes, give us a break Poiter!
Posted by Rainier, Monday, 20 November 2006 5:44:11 PM
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It is obvious you read and believe in all the Bible says (only however with the perspective you choose to accept).

You do make some questionable points in support of your claims.

Consider: Jesus Himself did not turn the water into wine or raise Lazarus from the dead - He does not his own will but the Will of the Father. Jesus made it clear it was the power of the Father that performs miracles, not my power, or yours, or his as a human being before the resurrection. God is His Father just as God is your and my Father and it is only Faith in Him that gives us any power over His creation.

If we had the Faith in God that Jesus had, by his own words, we could do greater miracles than these.

That is not placing man as God but as His servant. Understand?

Secondly - enough with the Finite Mind metaphor already.

Human's have a physical body AND a spiritual one Just as Jesus had. How else could he possibly show us the way? Much of mankind today has forgotten about or ignored this spiritual part of ourselves that ties us to God and is the vehicle for our 'direct' communication with Him whilst in meditational prayer.

It is our physical body that is vastly more finite than our spiritual one which is also far less than the sum total of God. (but closer in kind to Him than is our physical shell)

My PC has a 'finite' RAM - this is in direct contact with a supremely larger information source - the Hard Drive and with a simple modem i have access to an almost unlimited amount of knowledge with my tiny, finite 256MB of Ram...

If man can make a machine like that why do you keep knocking God's invention by refusing to acknowledge the creation's ability to more fully know and appreciate the Maker than you seem willing to give him credit for?? (cont..)
Posted by BrainDrain, Monday, 20 November 2006 6:12:07 PM
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Complex infinite vector-space in quatum mechanics allows for Hamiltonian flow of the vector field, permitting unity change in finite time derived from the discontinous infinities, to a continous finite state [as with Schroderinger evolution] through Hamiltonian action. This posit would represesent an alternative explanation to a God the infinite to the finite. Moreover, the Math supports the aforesaid conclusion, unlike Bible scriptures.
Posted by Oliver, Monday, 20 November 2006 7:00:49 PM
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Sells has asked the wrong question.It is not a matter of the existence of god,but more a matter of our common humanity working together to discover a higher level of consciousness.To seek the concept of god alone,is to seek easy options.Life is all about evolution and knowing what motivates ourselves.

Sells, the concept of god is irrelevant,since it is not the supernatural miracles that give life it's meaning,it is the daily interaction of family life that creates magic moments of fun and insight into our common humanity that inspires us to greater horizons.

Our society has lost it's community spirit,it's sense of awe and imagination,and we are all the poorer for it.When I lose the passion to enquire and question all things that are deemed true by the "status quo",then it is time to say "good night".

There are no absolutes such the concept of "god",only the constant of change and the anchor of family life.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 20 November 2006 11:40:39 PM
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Finite mind is not a metaphor, it's a description. How do you know it's not a description, but a "metaphor" as you suggest? What are the metaphysical tools of mind are you using to test infinity?

How does your brain know you can know God fully?

Again, how does your brain know Jesus is not God, if John l:l says he is?

You "know" whatever it is you know, because you do not trust what God is saying to you. And why the lack of trust?

He is revealing himself to you. You can take it or leave it. The consequences, however, are the same, whether you believe it or not, as God exists independently of what you think with your mind.

The reason that only Moses was allowed to speak directly with God is that the circuits of the human brain would be "blown" if exposed to that which God is -- the observer would die. God gave Moses special
protection, because he was most humble of all humans (he knew who he was, relative to God), and was unlikely to be arrogant (to his own harm, and the harm of others).
Posted by Hawaiilawyer, Tuesday, 21 November 2006 3:15:41 AM
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