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Disempowered young Muslim men turn toxic : Comments

By Shakira Hussein, published 1/11/2006

The offensive views expressed by Taj Din al-Hilali are all too common in many Muslim families.

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The authoress of this article has keen vision and has a kind sympathetic soul. I commend her.

Yet, despite her ability to perceive the toxic - her words - problem she has not been able to form an insight into the matter or identify the greater problem. Something akin to seeing the trees, but not the forest.

She correctly identifies aberrant behaviour of a young man in her life, but has not, probably only due to a lack of life experience, identified the the malaise which afflicts a broad spectrum of a significant number of boys, becoming men, across the socio-ethnic spectrum outside of Islamism.

The problem is EXACTLY the same for Muslims as it is with other boys in Australia. Young men/boys disenfranchised from society, being told constantly that they are and have been the cause of all misery in the world, lose confidence and disengage from society and may become feral.

Who can blame them?

I certainly don't. And I understand their loneliness and angst. I certainly don't blame them for becoming "toxic". In fact I consciously attempt in my writing to put across this exact condition to catch the eye and attention of the mediocrity.

I'll finish simply by saying this, those who treat young men with disrespect and attempt to disenfranchise them from social integrity are lighting the wick of an enormous disaster, which can only end in shocking tragedy. Don't underestimate the force of a young buck.

Young men of the world MUST be engaged in it or they'll rise to conquer it with as much mercy and care as Genghis Kahn. Do not treat young men lightly. They are a fearsome and dreadful force to reckon with if their energies are not encompassed and utilised constructively within the community.

Those who subjugate the natural creative exuberance of young men do so at their - and everybody else's - peril.
Posted by Maximus, Wednesday, 1 November 2006 7:58:02 PM
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Although I entirely disagree with the reasoning you give for such people turning against our society, your article gets down to reality way more than any other.

But it all comes back to racism, although your notion of whites that go "Asian bashing" is laughable, and a tactic I've seen used before to cover for the humiliation one feels at those of her kin treating the society which welcomed them as dirt.

If England was that sort of society, don't you think Muslims would have been run out of town generations ago? All western, particularly English speaking nations, are extremely tolerant. We don't have herd mentalities, and can't get 60 carloads of people to go on a racist bashing spree at a moment's notice.

Nice try though.


Once again you can't bring yourself to condemn non-whites can you? You had to "enlighten everyone to the fact that some white people have done some pretty horrible things to, like the Columbine School killers.

You need to work through this, people can criticise someone of another culture without having racist motives. You need to start looking at all people in the same manner, again, one isn't racist if they condemn someone of another colour.

You must be spinning out that this writer basically says everything those of us who you argue with, say.

Everyone else,

Interesting times ahead. I predict that the protest on Saturday will turn ugly (I can't believe that instead of protesting against the scum that is Sheik "racially motivated pack rapist supporter" Hilali, the Muslim community are supporting him.

Mercurious said generalisations are always wrong, although one would have to admit, the support for Hilali, when you take in the notion of 5000 at the hate sermon, how none condemned him at the mosque this week, on Arab radio, means that one could safely say about 80-90% of the Muslim community agree with him.

What great times we are in for. You leftists behind multiculturalism are responsible for letting in almost an entire culture of rednecks!
Posted by Benjamin, Wednesday, 1 November 2006 10:06:32 PM
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The religion of peace?
It seems that Muslims don't only commit rape against white people, they also commit murder. Had to be three of them against a defenceless 15 year old boy, though:
Posted by Froggie, Wednesday, 1 November 2006 10:36:57 PM
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Indian males and Muslim Pakistani males look identical right? Yes, since they are the same people.

Why then in England is the unemployment rate of Indians as low as everyone else, but for Muslims it's disgustingly, horrifyingly, outrageously, high?


Because they are taught from day one to think we are inferior scum, we see in their mosques where their Imam's preach racism to them (but their parents do just as much) about whites, about women.

They do this, just as Muslims do out here, because they have a paradox, THEY ARE SUPERIOR yet they have to live in a western nation because they're culture and religion leads to intolerance, murder, mayhem.

So they have to hate us, just like an old homeless drunk hates guys who walk past in suits because they're rich and he's poor.

They blame the west for everything, the fact that there are dictators, even though they have never known anything else.

If it wasn't for the oil they would be another Africa.

I can't wait until it runs out, so Islam joins all other failed totalitarian ideologies on the scrapheap.

Islam gives excuse for hate and racism such cultures naturally feel towards outsiders. It is the only religion that gives into man's passions:

One is allowed endless women (four wives and endless temporary marriages - i.e, prostitutes)

One is allowed to lie to, cheat, and kill the infidel, Islam gives into man's lust for blood.

I remember a Muslim on TV (who had to hide his identity of course) citing Mohammed's life and actions and then asking the host what would one expect of such a man's followers.

One thing for those of you ignorant about Islam, is to consider Jesus & Mohammed on their death beds.

Christ forgave those who killed him, an act of peace, while Mohammed ordered the ethnic cleansing of non-Muslims, i.e, pagan Arabs, Christians, and Jews, from the Arabian Peninsula.

This is why only Islam is permissable in Saudi Arabia, they are following his order.
Posted by Benjamin, Wednesday, 1 November 2006 10:42:40 PM
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Lovely article, thanks Shakira. It's also good to see some civil and intelligent debate about it too, mostly.

On that subject,

Boaz: "So, we have this very predictable cycle wherever Muslim communities exist.
1/ Government makes decisions to assist in community integration.
2/ Radical Muslims take this as a 'threat to Islam' and threaten to kill them."

Evidence, please?
Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 1 November 2006 10:48:26 PM
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Yes Benjamin,if they turn out in force without any counter protests from the moderates,we will know the truth.

Australia is a big continent,and we can readily give them their own piece of turf without the social security benefits.Groote Island comes to mind,just off Darwin.Just living off the land,unable to steal or sell drugs to the abandoned meat of unclad skippy whores,would be an edifying religious experience.

There is no doubt that we are not hearing from many of the moderates who are just plainly too scared,however now is the moment of truth.If this impasse remains unresolved,we can create a separate state for those who seek our destruction.Better sooner ,than later.
Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 1 November 2006 11:06:35 PM
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