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(Don't) dare to be different : Comments

By Georgina Dimopoulos, published 25/10/2006

The basic premise of multiculturalism appears paradoxical - feel free to celebrate diversity … just don’t dare to be different!

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Spot on mate. It's astonishing how little people who support the attitudes CJMorgan (what is that, a legal firm?)does actually know about what life is like in Islamic nations.

I've often found myself scratching my head that leftists in the west support right wing extremists from non-western cultures, instead of reformers, feminists, and the like, in Muslim lands.

This is how we can see the Greens Bob Brown shake hands with bigot, misoginist, and homophobe Keysar Trad at a Stop The War Function!

Yet the Kerry Nettle's, Bob Brown's, and the like, ignore those ex-Muslims who question Islam, who call it barbaric, who want equality for women.

How can the Greens support fascists? Mabye they have similarities after all...

The middle-east is a misoginstic, racist, tribal dump. The sooner it is occupied and westernised, the better for everyone, especially minorities in such nations.

If one good thing is going to come of all this Islamist stuff, it is that westerners are waking up, getting back to our roots, and values attained during the enlightenment.

We never abandoned them, but have forgotten and taken them for granted. I wonder how sick it makes those racist Hizbut Tahrir types to know that their quest for an Islamic state has awakened us to our roots, that all their entire cause and culture will amount to was as a wake up call for the west, for us to realise who we are (instead of copping nihilistic leftists tell us our culture is a meat pie), what our values are, and crush those who don't believe in universal human rights.

All they ever were was a mosquito scratching on the west's leg for a millisecond.

Western culture is impenetrable for it is fluid, it adapts. Islamic values are rigid, like concrete.

Their entire value structure was built on weak foundations, and as such, will collapse onto the scrapheap of history along with communism, totalitarianism, and all the other -ism's that ran into the mighty west.
Posted by Benjamin, Tuesday, 31 October 2006 2:47:13 PM
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Again mate, you have no idea do you. Stop listening to the words of hate from Bushie Boy. Being muslim is not equal to Fascism. It's those filled with hate like you that cause trouble.

You attack non christians for being backwards but mate, you're the one.

Note; for my note on 'raping our children' which I wrote...i meant that metaphorically except in some cases.
Posted by Spider, Tuesday, 31 October 2006 3:57:53 PM
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on the issue of inviting Muslim friends.. I totally agree about not serving pork. (and the vegan one)
You are quite right about a little give goes a long way.. no argument there.

Culture cannot be 'individual' some reading.

Bear in mind, that I maintain a strong position, for reasons of debate.
I don't mind if my position is challenged. It helps all of us clarify our thinking.

I suppose I should re-state my position as follows:

"By and large... within reason, the predominant culture should prevail"

but it should never be a legalistic thing, it must be based on common courtesy and manners.

I'm defensive because of acts like the Hume Council mayor, and the idiotic support he got from John Faine on ABC who "could not see what all the fuss was about" (who, is a Jew and not fussed about not eating ham) All he had to do was provide a table of Halal Food and there would not have been a discrimination issue. But no....he denied all the choice, and that I might say was a 'bad choice' on his part.

Its when people start using the LAW against our culture (such as with the CTF v ICV case) and freedom of speech, that I make lines in the sand.

Ronnie, having lived in Malaysia for many years, and experienced first hand the competitive nature of different cultures and communities in every level of society, perhaps I'm more sensitive to the 'endgame' when I see small beginnings.

You know the old saying about the camel with its nose under the tent...thin edge of the wedge etc.. the only thing needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.. all that.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 31 October 2006 10:05:08 PM
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trueaussie: "CJ Morgan, go and get some life experience."

Actually, I have travelled extensively and spent many years working in developing countries, including predominantly Muslim ones. Perhaps you need to get out of whatever benighted suburb you live in more often.

Benjamin: "It's astonishing how little people who support the attitudes CJMorgan (what is that, a legal firm?)does actually know about what life is like in Islamic nations"

No, just an ordinary person who, unlike virtually every commenter here who repetitively posts vituperous, ignorant and bigoted comments in this forum, posts under his real name. As I've said above, I've lived and worked in multicultural, predominantly Muslim countries. From reading the bile you post here, I get the impression your sum total life experience comprises living in southwestern Sydney and reading hate literature on the web.

If I'm incorrect about this assessment, then I can't wait for trueaussie and Benjamin to regale us with the insights gleaned from their deep firsthand knowledge of life in non-Western societies.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 1 November 2006 8:33:11 AM
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C.J. share with us some of your experience, I'd appreciate knowing. It may help us understand you. Which countries, how long ago ?

I think you and spider focused on only the vulnerable exposed emotion in Bens_post, rather than the deeper_aspects about our own awakening and cultural roots etc.

C.J. I think, no matter what your experience is of Islamic Countries, you would have your eyes opened by exposure to footage from Sky news (which I've not been able to trackdown since) of 'jihadists' from many Arab countries in Bosnia.
The activities of some of the Chechens... its mind blowingly cruel and done in the direct name of God. Russians are cruel...but they act in the name of 'man' not God.

If you had seen the faces of these people in Bosnia...and followed the story, especially the conslusion about 'where are they now' (answer being, spread out among Muslim groups in Europe, with names like 'Smith' and 'Jones' deliberately for a reason) you would have at least a greater sense of urgency about our own embryonic situation, and at best, a more realistic understanding of true Islam.

I don't fathom why you cannot see the connection between Amrozis "Jews remember Khaibar" comment and the Hezbollah missile named "Khaibar2" ... keeping in mind that one is Indonesian and Hezbollah Arab in Lebanon... yet they have the same focus on specific battles fought by Mohammed, who is the 'best of mankind'.

Hilaly insulted all Australian men, and women. "Uncovered women are like meat" if they are does anyone know they are Muslim ? clearly his 'you don't understand me' plea is moot.
Mohammed is reported as saying to Muslim women "Suckle your (post pubescent)male servants, so they will be like foster children to you and not seek sexual relations" duh... (I can give you chapter and verse for that)

We are not threatened by 'nominal/cultural' Muslims (which you probably encountered) individually but by the energetic radicals whom they follow.
Which does in turn make the Muslim "community" a cultural and social threat in spite of the nice ones we all know.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 1 November 2006 10:06:40 AM
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"Boaz": I'll consider providing more personal details in the unlikely eventuality that you demonstrate the courage of your convictions by posting in your real name, rather than hiding behind a pseudonym in order to express the objectionable and divisive ideas that you regularly post in this forum.

Really, for those of us who aren't intellectually disabled by adherence to religious dogma, there really isn't all that much that separates the obnoxious statements of people like Hilaly from those that you express repetitively - the issue of the hijab being a classic case in point, not to mention your apparent shared attraction to young girls that must be kept in check, and your shared homophobia.

"Hijab", as I understand it, refers in general terms to the practice of dressing "modestly" according to religious dictates, in order to prevent the inflammation of carnal desire. This seems to me to be very close to some of the ideas you've expressed in this forum concerning Christian ideas of "modesty".

I think you have more in common with Muslim idiots like Hilaly than you are capable of admitting.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 1 November 2006 10:45:14 AM
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