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(Don't) dare to be different : Comments

By Georgina Dimopoulos, published 25/10/2006

The basic premise of multiculturalism appears paradoxical - feel free to celebrate diversity … just don’t dare to be different!

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Boaz, in my experience it assists in these kinds of debates if participants actually read or listen to what others have to say. I realise the rules are somewhat different for sermons and preaching - perhaps you're confusing the discursive forms?

Your purported question of "principle" is unanswerable, because - as I have pointed out - cultures don't actually "do" anything. Individuals act in various ways that are influenced by various factors including their cultural background, their environment, their education, their individual genetic makeup etc. If people treat each other with a modicum of courtesy and respect, then it is my experience that cultural differences rarely predominate in interpersonal relations.

On the other hand, in the absence of mutual respect and courtesy, it is very easy indeed to cause offence.

Speaking of which, it seems that you have also completely misinterpreted Annie251's post above. Otherwise I'm sure even you wouldn't have stooped to the use of such an offensive hypothetical example in your very intemperate response.

Perhaps you should sermonize less, and debate more?
Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 30 October 2006 12:03:58 PM
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A number of alleged "absolutes" are being used as examples. For instance, shaking hands with women. When I came to Western Australia from England 44 years ago, one of the first things I noticed was that most Australian women didn't seem to either want or expect to shake hands with men. In fact I got the definite impression that, although British women customarily shook hands, Australian women didn't. I didn't try to make anything of this, to me it was irrelevant.

For many years, I had jobs in sales and sales management, where I was doing business with both men and women, basically with whoever made the purchasing decisions. I noticed a gradual change in the number of Australian women shaking hands, generally starting with the younger professional women. It's still irrelevant to me, I don't read anything into it and don't try to push it either way.

Now for the assumption that all predominantly Muslim nations are undemocratic and misogynistic. Indonesia has more Muslims than any other nation on earth, but also lots of Hindus, Christians and various others. Indonesia is incredibly multicultural, with dozens of different ethnic races, religions and languages. It is a democracy, albeit a fledgling one, with free and open elections. I was in Bali during the first democratic elections after the overthrow of the Suharto dictatorship. It was great to see the businesses and vehicles decorated with the banners of the party and candidates of the owner's choice. Something we take for granted, but impossible during the Suharto era if you wanted to stay alive.

Of course Indonesia has some extremist MPs, religious leaders and lobbyists. What nation, democratic or not, does not suffer from some forms of extremism? But these are the exception, rather than the rule. And Indonesian women, in general, have plenty of say in what happens in their society.
Posted by Rex, Monday, 30 October 2006 5:12:57 PM
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CJ Morgan, go and get some life experience. Try actually leaving Australia, go and experience these countries yourself which you so rightously defend, these people whose honour you fight for. Go and live in their countries, understand them and the way they think, where their opinions and ideals are coming from.....then give me your opinion on muslims. Until then, shut up. You really don't know what you are talking about.
And generally, to the people who keep trying to draw similarities between muslim immigrants and past waves of British / European immigrants - this is an entirely different thing. Muslims generally have no identity with adopted countries of christian faith. Even to a 10th generation 'Australian' Muslim, this would only ever be considered a place to earn a better income, have a better life and a convenient place to breed like rats.
Posted by trueaussie, Tuesday, 31 October 2006 1:48:13 AM
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Why did Cronulla happen? Because it had to. Remember that out of the whole day, only a small amount of it was violent and only a small percentage of those involved were violent, contrary to the lying hype by the media.

An example of how this multiculturalism is a major failure is look at the local councils and companies in Sydney who are now too scared to fly the national flag of Australia because of a current history of violence against those who do fly it. Violence committed by children of immigrants. Geez, I wonder where they get their hatred from for they are spoilt by Australian governments.

Wake up Australia, you're prostituting yourself to those who are raping our children.
Posted by Spider, Tuesday, 31 October 2006 11:06:47 AM
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Boaz_David. Please stop trying to co-opt my opinions. Just because I agree with certain aspects of yours doesn't mean I am with you 100 per cent. For instance: Re: your assessment of Food Law issue with the Muslim mayor who you claim tried to "deny the 87% of non muslim residents the opportunity to partake of 'Ham'(haram) sandwiches at Council/Public functions. He caused community and STATEwide outrage at his discriminatory behaviour. He polarized the community."

Of course it would and should cause outrage etc. However, that is only one aspect of the overall situation in Australia that you have "conveniently?" articulated - one aspect. I suspect that you have jumped on this aspect to attack Islam which seems to be an obsession of yours.

Please consider.

You say:
"So, again, I re-state my view on the 'limits and boundaries' which you so conveniently articulated:

'Where a cultural clash occurs, the predominant culture must prevail'".

David I disagree and agree at the same time - depending on the situation. For instance: If an Aussie is fair dinkum and invites a Muslim person to their home for a meal they are not going to plonk a leg of ham on the table; or if we invite a Catholic to our home on a Friday night we will try and muster up a fish dish of some sort. The same applies to vegans and others who are different to us. I mean that is just being respectful of others’ cultural sensitivities - good manners.

I‘ll concede that multiculturalism relies on goodwill and the Australian principle of fair go. But it is not just the Muslims who don't understand this.

It is a good old and simple Australian cliché that, if want to get along, a little give and take goes a long way. Give and take is an Australian cultural more - do you agree?

Maybe you Boaz are the one that is too demanding, too religio-centric - like the Muslim mayor. Who are you to imply you represent all Aussies? Consider the way you polarise and cause outrage on OLO.
Posted by ronnie peters, Tuesday, 31 October 2006 11:47:34 AM
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Boaz-David Why can't culture be individual? Haven't you ever met an eccentric person? Why is their behaviour seen as eccentric? Haven't you ever met a genuine misfit who you can't determine where he or she is coming from? Ever heard of true avante garde. For instance: Remember Jesus Christ who started a whole new cultural revolution (which the churches quickly co-opted for their own ends).
Posted by ronnie peters, Tuesday, 31 October 2006 11:53:44 AM
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