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(Don't) dare to be different : Comments

By Georgina Dimopoulos, published 25/10/2006

The basic premise of multiculturalism appears paradoxical - feel free to celebrate diversity … just don’t dare to be different!

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Boaz - I'll let you into a little secret: cultures don't actually do anything, but people do. Each of your contrived scenarios is easily dealt with by people with good will, regardless of their cultural backgrounds.

It is stridently intransigent cultural imperialists like you who are the real problem, rather than obvious idiots like Hilaly or the Cronulla rioters. Multiculturalism is here to stay, and it is inevitable that "Anglo" dominance in Australian culture will be diluted over time.

Get used to it.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Sunday, 29 October 2006 9:47:22 AM
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CJ Morgan claims I am part of the problem, yet like many far leftists, has no basis for this.

What did I say that was wrong, or inflammable, other than my descriptions of what some Muslims think of our values?

What? What? What!

You say that multiculturalism is here to stay, get used to it, which in itself is a racist comment to those who share the values of human rights, secularism, which, as you correctly point out, will be diluted over time if nothing is done.

You obviously haven't been reading the papers in the last few days, as they show that most Lebanese Muslims support Hilali's comments, showing me that quite a few in this community are rednecks.

But you don't see that do you? You feel uncomfortable seeing any non-white as a possible redneck, it just doesn't feel right.

It can't be, no, those who say such mean things are wrong, racists themselves even.

Engage in debate properly or don't bother. If people like me are the problem, just for pointing out uncomfortable realities, show me how.

Can you do that?

Do you believe that all Islamic nations are hotbeds of racism, misoginy, and sectarianism?

Do you know how non-Muslims are treated in such places?

I'll assume you don't, but you really should read Amnesty International reports into such behaviour. This isn't to say they are all racists, or all horrible people, of course not, but it does say that on the whole, their value system is screwed.

Which is why they came here, isn't it?
Posted by Benjamin, Sunday, 29 October 2006 10:57:44 AM
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As far as I can see, "multiculture" means moving to a tolerant country where the soft hearted suckers pay you for all your needs.
You then turn around and import all the old ways with you and when you get into strife for breaking Australian laws, you shrug your shoulders and say,"but it is multiculture to things my way, we don't like Australian ways"
That is the real multiculture.
Posted by mickijo, Sunday, 29 October 2006 3:07:57 PM
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Mercurius, you really are an irritating little twat, aren't you.
Posted by trueaussie, Sunday, 29 October 2006 8:11:56 PM
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I think many of you are missing the fundamental point of the article: that multiculturalism invites us to celebrate diversity, but our differences must be already accepted by the dominant culture.

Perhaps that is why many western nations, including Australia & France, have difficulty accepting the customs, traditions & way of life of immigrants who are of the Islamic faith - because we can't embrace their 'differences' within our own socio-legal framework.
Posted by annie251, Sunday, 29 October 2006 8:53:38 PM
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Good grief....

C.J. has totally avoided a fundamental and important question of principle. Deflecting to so as not to face it.

Sorry C.J. you are not going to escape that easily mate :)

So.. as the pastor told the congregation when they asked "Why are you preaching to us the same sermon as last week?" ....."Because your lives didn't change one scrap.. so I need to say it all again !"

You (C.J.) could at least do the courtesy and respect to the debate, by giving a definite view of 'principle'... should the host culture give way to the invited guest or the other way around. ?

There is nothing contrived about my examples, they would form part of an orientation course run by Foreign Affairs for diplomats, or for missionaries (I did one) or for NGO aid workers.

Just imagine an NGO barging in like a bull in a china shop, offending local culture with every 2nd thing they did... brilliant.

Annie251.. have you joined Al-Qaeda or something ?

the 'Problem' as you see it is in WE not accepting cultural difference from THEM. errrr. tap tap.. annie.. refer my above paragraph or 2.
Why did you not say THEY are not accepting cultural difference in US ?
seriously... why ?
Did you not get taught when you were a child to respect your neighbour ? if you go to their home, to be careful not to touch things or pilfer the fridge or whatever ? If 'you' are the newcomer/visitor/migrant it is up to YOU to accept the culture and ways of those who provided you with a safe home. To do otherwise is to insult them.

We accept them into our socio legal framework to the extent that they COMPLY with it. I hardly think you want some Muslim to hold your legs apart and forcibly mutilate your genitals as happened to even grandmothers in Ambon Indonesia ?
Posted by BOAZ_David, Monday, 30 October 2006 7:26:32 AM
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