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Terrifying misconduct : Comments

By Greg Barns, published 13/10/2006

John Howard et al have shown they are prepared to throw out the rule of law when it comes to the war on terror.

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Sage if you were in any place where David Hicks could possibly have had you in the sight's of a gun you had to have been in Afghanistan. If you were not in Afghanistan I would sincerely suggest you get some sort of firmer grasp on reality than you seem to have.

Hicks has protested his innocence since the day the Northern Alliance bunch of murdering thugs, gangsters, rapists and extortionists sold him to Pakistan who sold him on to the US.

All this beating up on David Hicks from some sections of the Australian media and public is deranged when the man has not done anything. Do you think it serves any purpose beyond proving your own ignorance and bigotry?

In the latest demolition of Lebanon by Israel over 100 Australian Jews joined the killing machine that is the Israeli Defence forces and were in charge in some cases. One of the spokesmen, Mark Regev, is Australian.
By contrast the Australian's who were from Lebanese descent who went for a holiday and did nothing but run away were deemed to be scum for daring to want help from our Australian government.

One Australian Jew is killed and the country goes into mourning but when one Australian Lebanese man pointed out that 9 members of his own family had been bombed to bits not one person gave him an ounce of kindness.

There is a lunacy in Australia - just because Dubya or one of the coalition of morons says something is so the public believe them.

The problem is that this government has no idea what human rights are and seem to believe they are like a handbag to be picked up and put down at will.
Posted by Marilyn Shepherd, Friday, 13 October 2006 8:58:38 PM
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If either Marilyn Sheppard or Greg Barns told me that the world was a sphere that revolved around the sun,I would have it verified scientificly to make sure that they had not been tampering with the laws of physics.

If ever we fear the destruction of our democracies from within and don't recognise their inception,just observe the leftist ravings of these two.They will not address the reality of the supply of oil to the rest of the world as being a necessity.They conviently skirt around that reality and refuse to look at the benefit for the majority of the planet's population.

Yes the Bush Administration stuffed up in Iraq,but what other nation in a world of predominately totalitarian leaders is going to do a better job?A ruthless dictator like Saddham was the person to control a hate filled feral Iraq.If the US leaves now,security of world oil supplies will be in much greater doubt.It could trigger WW3 if other powerful nations were starved of fuel.With the US armed services being so taxed in the Middle East,would Australia just become collateral damage as was planned when Japan prepared to invade Australia.When there is great world instability,or confusion, many nations like China ,India and Indonesia could go on the prowl looking for ways to disperse their burgeoning populations.We ignore that reality at our peril since we with our large land mass and minute pop are prime targets.Once we are invaded nuclear weapons are usless.Neither the US or Australia have enough troops to expel a numerous,intrenched invader.
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 14 October 2006 12:26:12 AM
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Oh dear! Sagey declares a unilateral jihad on Hicks:

"I don’t like the term ‘fellow countryman’ applied to D Hicks. Any person who wants to get me in his gun sights is not my ‘fellow countryman’. When he lines me up in his sights he has judged me as the enemy. I feel the same about him."

Ah come on, Mr/Mrs/Mz Sage. You don't really mean that.

I mean, any dinki-di Aussie would come out from behind his shield of anonymity and give Dangerous Dead-eye Dave half a sporting chance -

- not so?
Posted by Chris Shaw, Carisbrook 3464, Saturday, 14 October 2006 12:01:53 PM
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David Hicks was trained by Al Queda when it was fully funded by American taxpayers, trained to fight of the Soviets, etc. David Hicks has never actually done anything against the west. Hicks even tried to join the west to help NATO against Serbia.

That is not a traitor. The only traitor here is the government prostituting their own people for the sake of selfish politics and gullible fools like yourself for needing to believe such tripe forced down our gullets by power hunger politicians.
Posted by Spider, Saturday, 14 October 2006 12:08:07 PM
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I'm delighted you've called it as it is. It's all about the oil!
Posted by bennie, Saturday, 14 October 2006 12:47:32 PM
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Guarding a Tank.. repeat TANK is not 'nothing' it is participating in WAR.
His training is irrelevant. His ACTIONS at a particular time ARE relevent.
He was guarding a tank, participating in un-uniformed combat teams AGAINST the United States/Northern Alliance. He was protecting Al Qaeda operational bases/training camps in Afghanistan.
Al-Qaeda declared WAR against the West/USA in a lengthy letter from bin Laden.

Your rant against the Northern Alliance who were on their last desperate gasp of survival is illuminating. Your SILENCE about the far worse Taliban they were fighting is also.

BARNS it should be remembered is working on the defense team for 13 alleged terrorists in Melbourne. I won't take that any further as I've been censored once.

With all this waxing eloquent about 'rule of law' I wonder of Greg Barns and Marilyn were at the forefront of the attack against legislation which saved us from hundreds of thousands of Chinese regarding Australia as their new 2+ child home after some Chinese assylum seekers used the 1 Child policy as a "basis of persecution, claiming they were members of a 'particular social group" as mentioned in the UN convention.
Had the changes failed, we could have had every homosexual from Arab/Muslim countries on our doorstep within days.

So.. lets take the gloves off, and realize this is a bare knuckle fight to the cultural/social death !

I would NEVER allow myself to be shamed by the unscrupulous use of words such as 'compassion' or 'unChristian' when I know jolly well that the reason for such attacks is the very destruction of our cultural identity and national integrity.

The most 'Christian' thing we can do, is guarantee a place free of social/cultural conflict, allowing freedom of speech, freedom of association, and criticism. The one thing we cannot do as Christians, is place our faith in peoples hearts. But by golly, we can use our vote to ensure they have the CHANCE to make that choice without some hate filled ranter gathering his congregation and yelling "Death to those who insult the prophet" while they burn my Church.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 14 October 2006 1:32:29 PM
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