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A Real Test of Diversity : Comments

By Saeed Khan, published 5/10/2006

Rather than leading the way towards a better future, opponents of multiculturalism are taking us back a century

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It must be so frustrating to be reminded every day that what you deem your true “homeland” is in a shambles, yet to be living in the land of those you to look down upon, perhaps like a Keysar Trad, as trashy convicts with no culture! All the while repressing the knowledge that it is just such bigotry that lead to that homeland's being rife with corruption and intollerance in the first place.

Those who question multiculturalism are not racist! To think such criticism equates to racism is to project your own tribalistic tendencies onto a culture such an attitude is totally alien to. Where's the evidence of vigilante groups over the last thirty years? Not one! Not a single mosque, but over a dozen churches been burnt and vandalised since 9/11!

There is nothing racist about being concerned about people who care only for their own tribes, their own little patches of Australia. In fact such a concern is a concern WITH racism, ethno-ism! One Nation was essentially, albeit inarticulately, a reaction to racism. But the far left, who 100% shared their trade policy and anti-Americanism, couldn't stand the thought of their little exotic pet-Others thinking negatively of them.

You are so transparent mate! Always focussing on the negatives about us! Someone needs to write a book called OCCIDENTALISM, and soon!
Posted by abyss, Saturday, 7 October 2006 8:24:28 PM
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Peter Abelard, I read your first post and agreed with it.

I read your response to the summation of Marilyn Shepherd and must concur completely with that too – particularly “your (MS’s) anger. It is your badge of virtue.”

The advancement of nations is determined by their ability to assimilate aliens, the alternative to which is social fragmentation, civil dysfunction to be ultimately resolved (if history is any guide) by external conquest from a force which would see assimilation enforced by non democratic means.

Sneekepete “Can any one tell me what difference it makes if some one can not speak english? –“

It is significantly harder for someone who does not speak English to assimilate, as effective “participate” within the development of the nation or comprehend their personal role and responsibility within it.

To end this modest post I could do no better than to quote from Peter Abelard’s first post

(although abyss’ sentence,

“Mr Kahn’s comments are reflective of the typical “herd instinct” all racists have, where given the far left’s three-decades of nihilistic denigration of their own roots, they jump in with the boot.”,

would suit admirably too)

“I want my children to grow up and participate in the life of this cool, Western, English speaking country. I love these things, I love this country and its promise. I find the constant nay-saying by ethnics rude and offensive. Put a sock in it.”

Well said Peter, best wishes to Eloise
Posted by Col Rouge, Saturday, 7 October 2006 8:32:23 PM
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Steve Madden obviously doesn't live anywhere near Cronulla or know anyone that does. As for his fanciful drug war scenario he obviously doesn't read papers watch TV or listen to what the police have had to say about what happened. he also fails to acknowledge that many ethnicities were there to protest the Lebanese and their bad behaviour over a period of 10 years. Too bad you don't let the truth influence your opinion making Steve.

I hope OLO censors your uncalled for flaming too.
Posted by T800, Saturday, 7 October 2006 10:08:31 PM
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Frankgol is not being honest here trying to down play the riots in France.These riots raged for 12 days totally our of control in 300 different locations around the country.The Police knew who had the real power.Frankgol would have been warned of all the "no go" areas so thus things would have seemed to be normal.France has had growth rates of 1% or less for many years.Socialism the break down of the rule of law is killing them.These riots have been occurring on a lesser scale for many years now.

John Howard initially tried to portray France's problems as purely economic.He said that France just needed to improve it's IR laws and those on the fringes would find work.France with a pop of 60 million has North African Muslims who account for 40% of their gaol pop.

Now if we compare the Chinese race and their immigrant track record,they are not over represented in gaols,in fact the most common criticism levelled at the Chinese is that they are so industrious and disciplined ,that they are derided for controlling all the host country's small businesses.They might live in enclaves but they mind their own business,hold no grudges and are almost totally comsumed with working.Religion is not an obsession with them.

We all discriminate in accordance with whom we associate with,invite into our houses or whom we employ.Why not do likewise with our country.Why bring people here of any race including Anglo Saxions who may have serious anti-social tendencies.

Trying to appease The UN in being totally PC will just see Australia just go the way of France and we will eventually lose our Democratic freedoms to crime corruption and over zealous religious bigotry.

Democracy and our prosperity did not happen by accident.It takes a lot of hard work and vigilence.We are "The lucky Country" by design,not by some freak accident.
Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 8 October 2006 12:38:16 AM
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Anyone canvassed the scenario of 'monoculturalim' that appears to be one of the root causes - by this I refer to Americanization?

It has been going on for many, many years, insidiously permeating our 'Australian' way of life. No, not the heads on backwards inside baseball caps, not the Microsorft US Spell checker in your PC, but the slow grinding down & erosion of what was percieved as Ocker if you please.

Have we True Blues really had an 'identity' since losing Chesty Bond the legendary Bronzed ANZAC to a Chinese tee shirt factory in Guanzhou, or Paul Hogan - to a blonde Yank bimbo no less?

Our 'real men & women' - those who drive V8 utes, drink Bundy, and shag incessantly on the main, couldn't give a rats rectum until it affects the watching of a footy game, or the price of petrol/beer/bundy/smokes.

Question these intellectual giants on a most basic question say: the separation of powers in the Constitution, and you would be likely told to " ...F**K OFF!" They all have a valid opinion though when it comes to ridding our collective consciences of undesirables.

Stone the bleedin now if we attack perceived American values - the rationale(s) for the War On Terror perhaps? This as well is seen as un-Australian.

What is happening is the lack of education about real issues. The deafening silences from the media on anything but state sanctioned, sanitised, perception management of our lives via the cathode ray tube. Yes it's happening right now as we sit here Googling and look at 2 or 3 news sites - 9MSN, The Age, SMH... whoever...?

If you no longer agree, find out information and facts to the contrary, or beg to differ with the official version, then you have become by default " a seditioner" a malcontent or other suitably applied label.

Watch your backs, sleep with one eye open, and above all - keep that fridge magnet handy.

Aspro - you sussed it! 100% Correct. And just why did Rastafarianism become the mast to which aboriginal Australia nailed its 'colours' to?
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Sunday, 8 October 2006 12:04:34 PM
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Steve Madden “Well said, the problem with the posters who hate anyone “different” is that they have no comprehension that they are the problem.”

Oh so well said Steve and so absolutely hypocritical of you when, because I hold different “social” priorities and values to you, you denounce me as

“Your superciliuos ravings about a moral society are a load of bollocks.” (spelling errors included)

“nasty little neo- fascist”

and then

Steve tells me “Unlike you I help others, I do not trample them for my own selfish, parasitic needs as you do.”

I guess you are as inflexible in your choice of “different” as you are in your ideologies Steve.

“Bring on the next election, then we can return to the tolerant society we used to have, Howard should be sent to the garbage bin of history where he belongs.”

Oh we have it,

remember the last election, “Biffo the fist “ Latham was the best the socialists could offer as leader. Latham, the picture of “tolerance”

and pray tell us, where is he now?

Who do they put up this time – Beazley, the Rhodes scholar who will be remembered for being just a few buckets of lard too many.

Steve, I suggest you will be seen to choke on your own words with

"the problem with the posters who hate anyone “different” is that they have no comprehension that they are the problem."

Now the real reason for the post

Unfortunately, Saeed Khan and most predominantly in current times, other muslims seem offended by the “differences” which confront them in the place they chose to migrate to and expect it to change for them, oh how wrong they are.

Assimilation will, as a natural process of human intermingling, see those who “assimilate” flourish but those who do not will die out.

So Saeed, if you do not want to see your grandchildren possibly wearing punk haircuts, high heels or sporting breast implants, go back to where medieval repressive intolerance bans such individual expression because you (as a set of so called values) will die out here.
Posted by Col Rouge, Sunday, 8 October 2006 1:13:23 PM
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