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The Forum > Article Comments > Our narcissistic selves > Comments

Our narcissistic selves : Comments

By James Cumes, published 13/9/2006

We shouldn't use our perception of our Australian-ness to attack those who are different.

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people may wear different clothes and have different traditions but the human being is the same animal the world over and you can always back a horse called self interest when it comes to their reasons for doing things no matter how they may seek to present a different face to the world.

By the way has your family given back any of their land or houses to the aborigines yet or have you booked a passage on a boat to go and leave the country so the aborigines can have the space you"re taking up and the territorial resources you're using, back?
Posted by sharkfin, Friday, 15 September 2006 7:47:51 PM
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