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Reconcile or count the cost : Comments

By Ted Lapkin, published 18/7/2006

Israel has a moral right to defend itself against brutal jihadists.

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Where did you learn your history? The PLO?

It's one thing to be anti what Israel is doing in Lebanon and to the Palestinians, but just blatantly making stuff up undermines your credibility.
Posted by Kalin, Wednesday, 19 July 2006 1:48:18 PM
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Does anyone remember the 1960's peace song "the universal soldier" personally I think we should reverse the UN's 1947 resolution to create Israel. War solves nothing, the only good that comes from war is economic, profit for ammunision and weapons factories.

My father who was a forward scout in WW11 told me many times "if politicians had to face the horrors of war themselves, there would be no war."

Killing innocent people is never correct, Iraq is already Australia's Vietnam, now Bush has Iran and North Korea lined up, how much longer until he ceates WW111?

This is not about "terrorism" it is about oil, as we approach "peak oil" surely the blind can see that fact.
Posted by SHONGA, Wednesday, 19 July 2006 2:45:58 PM
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Dear Kalin.....

I rest my case :) (re Strewth)

Is there any point in discussing with him? well.. there is one positive.... he demonstrates exactly WHY it is impossible to negotiate with that side of the situation.

He does indeed rightly point out that Israel is not without 'spot or blemish' when seen through purely human eyes.

What he fails dismally to see though, is the bigggggGGG picture, and how this relates to world stability.

He is either an apologist for the Islamo/Facist Militant radicals or is one of them himself.

He seems better informed that the typical Greeny or Lefty, who only learn enough to make a public fuss about things and suck in the ignorant through emotive shallow slogans...

But we need the Strewths and Marilyns in one case to display the stiff necked bias of Islamo facists and in the other the uninformed political naivity we should all avoid like the plague.

In the case of Israel, in spite of David Ben Gurions noble but overly optimistic cry of:

"The State of Israel will not be tried by its riches, army or techniques, but by its moral image and human values."

COMMENT: Dream on David, I prefer to see Jews calling for repentance and obedience to the Law of Moses and the covenant to which they were called by God.
At least "That" has a promise associated with it.

Menachim Begin said: "The Jewish people have unchallengeable, eternal, historic right to the Land of Israel, the inheritance of their forefathers"
COMMENT Yes Menachim...when they HONOUR G-D.Not when they are carnal.

Hayam Nachman Bialik "No power in the world will dislodge us from our place in the Land of Israel"

COMMENT Hayam.. you are power in this world..... but G-D exiled unfaithful Jews in the past.....HE might do it again.
Remember Deuteronomy ? Covenant....Blessings "IF" and Curses "IF NOT"

Jesus said "I am the Vine, and you are the Branches... if a man remains in me, and I in Him, he will bear much fruit. Apart from me, you can do nothing" John 15:5
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 19 July 2006 3:15:34 PM
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Stewth's only problem may be that he looks too far back in the past to make his point.

All he needed to do was mention the 1996 massacres at Qana and "Operations Grapes of Wrath" to
illustrate Israel's true sentiment toward it's neighbours.

The biiggggg picture is simply one about oil and the ongoing Middle East instability that the USA
needs to perpetuate.

You don't have to be an Islamo Fascist to see this, you just have to open your eyes.

The manufactured myth of Israel being the perennial persecuted victim has worn very thin indeed.

Getting your opinions from the mainstream media or Hollywood is as dodgy as trawling all the loony web-sites
for information.

It's one-eyed bias like that that simply perpetuates the situation, which is exactly what is
intended to happen.
Posted by rache, Wednesday, 19 July 2006 3:56:54 PM
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Has Bamboozle developed Parkinson's?
Posted by Strewth, Wednesday, 19 July 2006 4:52:03 PM
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Re the current pressure on the Australian Government to save dual nationals.

Are these the same charmers who recently held Sydney to ransom, bashed passersby and destroyed property, all the while proudly proclaiming that they were lebanese, not Australian?

If so, they should stay at home and protect their country. Far be it from the power imputed to the Australian GOvernment to remove these people from the defence of their true national affiliate. I do not believe that $1 should be expended by the Government to remove these darlings from their current, self-imposed, situation. Especially given that so many are only Australian Nationals because they could not return to Lebanon because of fear they would be harmed. As they did not fear to return, their citizenship should be revoked as having been procured under false pretences.

Additionally, any of the new proud Australian's with outstanding criminal warrants, especially which are outstanding only by reason of their flight to Lebanon, should be left on the docks. They don't accept the restrictions imposed by law, they cannot invoke it's protection.


2 bob
Posted by 2bob, Wednesday, 19 July 2006 5:12:54 PM
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