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New hopes and aspirations : Comments

By Syed Atiq ul Hassan, published 14/7/2006

India and Pakistan should be encouraged to come together for bilateral talks on the issue of Kashmir.

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Syed is dodging the religious influence on the region by giving it just one passing paragraph in his dissertation.

The real forces at play is Islam versus everyone else. The latest train incident this week proves my point.

Territorial feuds are but incidental issues for Islam. All land is their’s to invade by Allah’s authority.

Israel is another example.

Islam calls Israel a territorial invader when the war is absolutely religious. The Al-Aqsa mosque planted in the heart of Jerusalem is an Islamic flag signaling land ownership.

Pakistan is harbouring Muslim terrorists and has had its eyes on India for a long long time. Kashmir is but the bump on the road to regional Islamic totalitarianism. Watch that space.

India has the highest Islamic community in the world beside Indonesia.
Posted by coach, Friday, 14 July 2006 10:32:14 AM
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Syed assumes that "the Earth has also been threatened by the inventions of deadly nuclear and thermonuclear warheads".

What a load of crap. A recent study commissioned by the Federal Government and conducted by Adelaide University has found absolutely to the contrary. (

According to these organsiations exposure to Radiological Agents is not harmful, and you could have a picnic with the family at ground zero immediately after an atomic explosion with no ill-consequences.
Posted by Narcissist, Friday, 14 July 2006 12:37:47 PM
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GULF OF TONKIN 2 ? (and 3 ?)

With the absense of claims of responsibility for the Train Bombings, one has to wonder.

But more, and of much higher importance at the moment is this:

1/ Hezbollah has repeatedly threatened Haifa and Israel generally with Rockets
2/ They HAVE been launching numerous rockets at close by Israeli towns.
3/ 2 Rockets Hit Haifa
4/ Hezbollah DENIES it launched them... !

Does this strike others as odd ? I sure does to me. Why would you deny it (after threatening to DO it and DOING it to other towns) unless....u didn't actually do it ?

Which raises the question of......'WHO' ?


1/ Mossad ... to give an excuse to escatate.
2/ CIA ...... same reason plus the hope that Israel will lash out at IRAN on their behalf.

Now.. those who know me, will know that I don't jump into 'conspiracy' theories like for 911, but this has just a tinge of 'hmmmm' about it.

Lets see where it can lead.

1/ War is escalated
2/ Syria is blamed/attacked
3/ Iran jumps in...kind of.... (err.. how ? sea or missiles are the only 2 options)
4/ Israel sends some ICBMs and NUKES IRAN.....


America publically denounces this 'harsh over-reaction' and that night they PARTY like it never before.

Relevance to topic ? indirect... the bombings might have been done by Mossad, or CIA to distract....or.. by Islamists..who knows until evidence is seived.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 14 July 2006 3:20:40 PM
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Well!! Pakistan is Obsessed with Kashmir..but Indians(Hindus) are not. India doesn't consider Pakistan a worthy opponent to be able to fight with. If all Indians go to Pakistan Border and piss the whole Pakistan will be drowned in piss. These Pakis atleast are sensual to know that they can't win a war with India if they fight face to face, instead they are engaging in a proxy war by sending Kashmiri freedom fighters or foreign mercenaries to bomb trains, kill tourists, attack temples. This is thier way of fighting freedom and Pakistan only provides moral/spiritual(Yeah!! true spirit of Islam) and political support to all these freedom fighters. The problem is not with Pakistan or Kashmir or any Terrorist. The problem is with Islam. wherever it is there is a problem. They can't live well with other religiions or culture with peace. The time will come when infidel nations realise that Islam is not a religion but a DEATH CULT and will BAN ISLAM.

The best possible solution for Kashmir is give Kashmir to Paksitan but they have to take 150 million Mohemmadans living in India so that India won't have to deal with these animals anymore. You never know when the Mohemmandan next to you will blow himself up!!They have been the real bane of India.
Posted by Sudhir, Friday, 14 July 2006 4:58:56 PM
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This is the reason I don’t write on this forum because there are only few crazy monkeys who have enough time to just criticize and abuse just because they hate only one community that is Muslim and religion, they are absurd, biased and fanatics.

Boaz David (I feel you are Jew who hates Islam) , Narcissist and Coach, do you guys have any fairness on what you comments. Your criticism on Syed’s article is totally irrelevant. He talks about South Asian stability with very positive thoughts but still you are abusing Islam, Muslims and Syed…. Bombay train blasts, Israel and so on.

I am not sure what sort of education do you guys have….you need to learn how can you comment within the ethics.

I think, the moderator of this forum must screen out the irrelevant comments.
Posted by Alan_Bold, Friday, 14 July 2006 7:15:59 PM
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Hi Alan
let me clarify something first.

I'm not Jewish, my nick is BOAZ who is an old testament role model who I admire greatly. David is also an old testament character who I both admire and recoil from (at times) but its also my real middle name. Ethnically, I'm Scottish/English and 3rd generation Aussie.

Yes, I must confess, that my reference to the Israel conflict was not exactly on 'this' topic, but as my final remarks say, I see an indirect comparison where we have an incident that appears to be 'not' exactly what the initial speculation suggested. On the Train bombing, it appears now (since my post) that 2 Pakistani's caught in Nepal may be implicated.

Alan, I have very little patience for a faith which does 2 things

1/ Holds up its founder as the 'best of humankind' and an example to follow. (do you actually understand this ?)
2/ That man who is held up as the 'best' example indulged in not just the 'slow painful torture' and ultimate execution of some thieves and murderers, but he MUTILATED their bodies. (cut off hands and feet, gouged out eyes WHILE STILL ALIVE)

Now.. you put those 2 things together, and can you actually tell me you see any redeeming value in such a faith ? Considering that Zarqawi and company all yell out "Allahu Akbar" as they are 'carving' off the heads of 'enemies of Islam'... they are doing nothing less than 'following the best example' of their founder.

So, perhaps, in regard to Kashmir, and the bombing, we should realize what is actually at stake here. The bombers, if they are from Lashkar E toiba again, are following the example of their founder against the enemies of Islam.

Is this something you have a fondness for ? do you have warm hearted compassion for them ?

You accuse us with 'hating Islam' ... please show how our 'hate' as u put it, is wrongly founded and in error based on the available facts. Can u ?
Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 15 July 2006 8:36:32 AM
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Dear Boaz and others;
You did not reply to the concerns I had about the level of writing in your feedback to Syed’s articles. I have read his articles published internationally. I found him a writer of very positive thoughts; he talks about peace and harmony in most of his articles. Now instead of acknowledging the end-conclusion of his write-up, I found you and some other crazy members, just abuse his background because we feel that he is from Muslim background. Even if he is a Muslim we should admire his thoughts more but I believe you people never give much attention to his writing… as soon as you find a Muslim name you just going crazy…. classifying him like osama, zakawi and so on. I am shocked when I read the feedback of Sudhir…the words he has used (pissed…) he should be banned to use this forum.

Come on guys, if you would like to provide your feedback on this forum you must have some ethics and your feedback must be logical accompanied with references… otherwise I wonder we wouldn’t see any professional writer to submit his work on this forum.

Dear Syed, I apologize for the misbehaved writings of some the members on this forum…. I can see in your article, you have referred the people of India as multicultural, multi-religion and expect them to be remain peaceful, harmonious and unite for positive relations with neighbouring India… this is a great message to the people of subcontinent… Please forget about these crazy members and keep provide your feedback on this wonderful forum.
Posted by Alan_Bold, Saturday, 15 July 2006 10:57:56 AM
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When someone with an Arab and/or Muslim-sounding name writes something balanced and sensible, the usual gang of in-bred jaundiced lunatics comes forward to sprout forth their conspiracy theories.

Syed has tried to provide a sensible and balanced analysis on why 2 nuclear powers need to sit down and work things out. His analysis is especially needed at a time when forces in India are presurring the Indian government to end peace talks with Pakistan.

The likes of coach, sudhir and others aren't interested in sensible and rational discourse. In fact, they are incapable of such discourse. Coach has never said a single positive thing about Islam. As for B-D, on one occasion on these forums he even ventured circumstances in which it would be acceptable to slaughter Muslims en masse.

Fringe trolls like Coach, dee, B-D and sudhir are incapable of stringing a few sentences together, let alone writing balanced and considered articles like those of Syed.
Posted by Irfan, Sunday, 16 July 2006 12:18:03 AM
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Fringe Troll
Crazy ...... (thanx Alan)
In Bred
(previous names were 'armchair nazi' etc.)

Irf, (and Alan) can you point to ONE 'name' I've called you 2 ?

Lets look more closely at the Author "Muslim sounding name" ?

You betta believe it ! "Syed" THAT much alone denotes a direct blood descendant of Mohammed himself.
Can also be used as title for a male muslim dignitary.

Now.. the authors conclusion.

Time is ripe to put meaningful regional co-operation into practice on the basis of “give and take” and in a purposeful manner achieve positive results. This would help to build a common future for the people of South Asia.

Unfortunately, while it is all very well for 'him' to make such generalized politically 'warm fuzzy' statements that all reasonable people can agree to, what does 'give and take' mean to the Key Players ?

1/ To Pakistan Government. Unsure, possibly India gives and Pakistan 'takes' ?

2/ Laskar e Toiba (L.E.T.) Radical Islamist group in Pakistan. India DEFINITELY gives and THEY take all of Kashmir.

3/ India 'status quo'. (I don't see that they want it 'all')

Now.. this brings us to the critical point.

'Why' does L.E.T. see things that way ?

This is a most important question and is the key to understanding not just the Kashmir situation, but also Lebanon (Hezbollah) and Palestine (Hamas)

The driving force behind "Hamas, Hezbollah and L.E.T." is the same.
The concept of "Islamic lands" (Dar Ul Islam) and that no Islamic land can be ruled by indfidel authorities.

So, this, reasonably leads to a connection with the faith of Islam itself, and whether such a step inevitably leads to the conclusion that elements of the faith itself are the real problem.

Hence, my previous posts.

P.S. I'm sure Syed and his mates are great blokes like Irf and Alan, and would never 'call people who point out aspects of their faith mean names' :)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Sunday, 16 July 2006 8:47:55 AM
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Negotiation over land ownership is never going to succeed when one of the parties is Muslim and the portion of land in question is considered to have reglious significance to the muslim party.

Even if, say for instance, the non Muslim party made huge consessions and offered a deal that was far more advantageous to the muslim party, the muslim party could not accept for fear of reprisals on their return home.

When it comes to the Muslim religion, nothing is negotiable
Posted by AddictedToStarbucks, Sunday, 16 July 2006 12:40:37 PM
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For centuries, the Kashmiri Muslims lived peacefully under a Hindu maharaja.

B_D, did you know that the term "Syed" means "saint" in Arabic? Did you know that Maronites refer to St Maroun as "Syed Maroun"? Why don't you go to a Maronite Church and convince people there that their saint is really a nasty Muslim fanatic?

I could list other facts. But what's the point? People like B_D and others will never let the facts get in the way of a their racial and religious prejudices.
Posted by Irfan, Sunday, 16 July 2006 1:08:04 PM
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Well done Irfan;

I am very happy to see that there is someone who can set these crazy monkeys who all the time talks nonsense and abuse Islam and Muslims. No one should be allowed to abuse any person on the basis of his/her religious background and no one should be allowed to abuse any religion. Due to these few members I quit writing on this forum long ago.

I have also read Syed’s article.. it is one of the best articles on Kashmir I ever read… he has presented solutions….he has talked about peace and harmony between Pakistan and India. In fact I read his article in other international newspaper.

Dear Irfan, we need person like you to back-up the international opinion writers like Syed.. please keep it up - Malik
Posted by Malik, Sunday, 16 July 2006 1:39:48 PM
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Dear Malik
can you show me where I 'abused Muslims' ? I freely concede that I will scrutinize Islam as a faith, but can you show me any place where I have not given accurate information ? Feel free.

Irf.... thanx for expanding my appreciation of the use of the term "Syed". Your added input is always appreciated.

The dictionary I consulted gave only 2 definitions. But the author is a Pakistani Muslim, (?)and only those 2 definitions will apply to him.
a) Descendant of the prophet
b) Male Dignitary.

If the Muslims lived happily under a Hindu Rajah ... can you explain why they are now unhappy ? Does it have anything to do with the following:
-Realignment of borders into Pakistan, Bangladesh and India
-Hindu Oppression in recent times.
-Radicalization of Islam in many parts of the world.
-All of the above.

Here is a comment on the 2 positions
Indians believe that they are entitled to the entire Jammu and Kashmir, including the parts now controlled by Pakistan and any agreement to accept the status quo should be considered as a major compromise; to Pakistan this is merely the starting point at the negotiating table. Its maximalist position is the plebiscite in Jammu and Kashmir to determine whether the state will go to India or Pakistan and it believes that the consideration of any third option is a substantial climb-down on its part
Posted by BOAZ_David, Sunday, 16 July 2006 5:25:36 PM
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Irfan - the word "Syed" does not mean saint in arabic. Syed is a dignitary word meaning master or lord (like Sir in English).

I have never heard the expression "Syed Maroun" unless it is used as a dignifiable title - but never to mean "saint".

They also call Mary mother of Jesus - Sayeda Marriam which gives Her due respect meaning above all women - but not to mean "saint".

Sorry mate. Stick to English.


Exposing Islam for what it is has nothing to do with a person's name. Where did you get that nonsense from?

For me Muslims are the victim of their own false religious brutal sect. They - like you - are unaware of the lie they are propagating. Well, the fruit is on our TV screens and newspapers every day.

How many more trains, planes and buses will it take for you to start seeing it and believing it.

Islam is not tolerant of any other religions. Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Animists, you name it - all are their enemy.

So every time someone tries to open your eyes you call them names and expose your anger.

Why don't you instead start questioning your beliefs by comparing them to main stream true religions?
Posted by coach, Sunday, 16 July 2006 6:20:02 PM
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