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The Forum > Article Comments > Time to evict Big Brothel > Comments

Time to evict Big Brothel : Comments

By Bill Muehlenberg, published 6/7/2006

Peeping toms used to be arrested. Now the Ten Network gets big money for encouraging us all to be voyeurs.

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To those who tell Bill to get "his morals off our freedoms", you haven't thought about what you're saying. By saying that, you are imposing YOUR morals! Sorry, but God's word (the Bible) is quite clear about right and wrong and it doesn't matter what Bill's morals are (or anyone else) - it's what God has to say about it. And God condemns many of the activities on Big Brother. Bill is only standing by his Father and Lord in stating his opinion which he has every right to do. Just as those of you who support BB have the right to say so, and as do those who think Christians should shut up. :-)

Secondly, there is the comment that we can turn it off. Sure we can, but that doesn't make it stupid for us to say it should be off TV so that those who have no desire to see it even for one second are inflicted by it. And what about those with limited discretion such as children (yes, I'm aware it's on late - so??), and others. And why should I not be concerned about the damage to those who watch the show and are being (further) poisoned by it? Yes, your life is yours (in one sense), but I have as much right to have a say about society as you do, or to say nothing. I don't force you to take sides and you have no right to tell me I can't give my opinion about it.

Channel TEN, please wake up to how dangerous this program is (and others like it) and remove it from the air. Not only are you damaging those who watch, but it further corrupts our society and it's putting you under further condemnation. God is a holy God and detests sin, not because He's mean, but because sin is wrong and destructive to all. Thankfully, He's also a God of love and longs to have people desire Him, and like a loving Father, He comes running to restore and heal the wandering children who return to Him.
Posted by Grahame, Thursday, 6 July 2006 7:31:02 PM
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Wow, and how hypocritical are the people on this forum who tell Bill (and those who agree with what he says) that they can just turn it off, and without thinking twice then complain that Bill has expressed his opinion?!

Bill has EVERY right to express his opinion and to characterise that as Bill removing your freedoms is incredibly inane when the same people also seem to be saying that he could just turn the TV off. I would spit the same thing back in your face if I was a spitter. Perhaps I have and for that I apologise, but I'm appalled that I (and my "friends") have been spat at. Slow down and think about what you're really saying, please.

In no way is Bill removing anyone's freedoms by posting his comment. He's just having his say and hoping that Channel Ten will do the decent thing.
Posted by Grahame, Thursday, 6 July 2006 7:40:37 PM
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Good on you Bill for thinking of people other than yourself, unlike many of those posting comments.

I have three children under six years old and even they have heard of bloody Big Brother. The ads are aired at all times of the day, over and over and over. Even with limited T.V. access, they hear about Big Brother daily.

Australia is not populated solely by free-thinking, intelligent adults capable of deciding what they should and shouldn't watch. A large component of our population is under the age of eighteen and they are getting assaulted with this filth as well.

It is a rotten example for the young people of our community; and you adults who don't want to give up your right to watch garbage are the ones who need to 'get over it'. We will all be better off without it, it adds nothing of value to our lives.
Posted by Barnaby, Thursday, 6 July 2006 9:15:45 PM
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I agree, & do you know what's even worse? It delays the motor racing broadcast, which is now too late.
This must be an attack on my freedom.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 6 July 2006 9:24:58 PM
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I agree with Graham. Bill has every right to say what he thinks, and there are actually many of us who agree with him.

However, obviously we aren't the intelligent ones!?! According to many of these posts, intelligent people believe that to allow such destructive television is an expression of freedom.

As I said in my earlier post, freedom is a complex concept. I believe my chlidren have the right to grow up in a society free of depravity, free of the desensitisation that occurs through media exposure to unreal behaviour.

Such levels of violence and sexual activity as we see portrayed on TV are (hopefully) completely NOT the norm - and yet this is called reality TV.

I want my children to know what reality is, and not grow up to live as they see on TV. I hate to think of the type of society we are headed for if Big Brother is considered as an acceptable representation of 'reality'.
Posted by russian_snowflake, Thursday, 6 July 2006 10:03:07 PM
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Thanks Bill for your enlightening comments. What do they expect when they get a group of young people in a house together and then manipulated to do certain things? Obviously there is a certain amount of manipulation behind the scenes to get ratings, But at what price? Young lives are being pawned for commercial gain, shame on Ch 10. Isn't it amazing how socity goes agianst what is commonly accepted in terms of psychology, voyeurism is linked to a sicknes of the mind. Does Ch 10 provide free couseling for the housemates at the end of the show. The sooner it goes the better.
Posted by BONEHEAD, Thursday, 6 July 2006 10:49:39 PM
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