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The Forum > Article Comments > Time to evict Big Brothel > Comments

Time to evict Big Brothel : Comments

By Bill Muehlenberg, published 6/7/2006

Peeping toms used to be arrested. Now the Ten Network gets big money for encouraging us all to be voyeurs.

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KipperSnacks... your post was shallow, lazy and a waste. IMHO.

Lets analyse:


As another poster said "big market for child porn" BUT.. we CENSOR it.

So, what right does ANYone have to prevent an adult from watching child porn ? How does it 'hurt' him/her ?

Nambla will tell us that Adult/Child sexual experiences can be 'very positive' and there was a psyhologist academic on THIS FORUM who asked why we 'stigmatize' such people ? So, does it even hurt the children ?

See how many important questions are raised just by going that far ?

CLEARLY.... "we" (the community) have to make some 'relativistic' decisions OR.. for those of us for whom such issues are absolutely clear cut, and based on Divinely revealed truth, and then say with one voice:


Thennnn we get the arty types.. oh nooooo.. "You are interfering with artistic freedom" blah blah.. etc etc ad absurdum, when in fact they could not give a sailors cuss about 'artistic freedom', they are just thinking of all the free publicity and the ensuing talk TV contracts.
Man on man..and they say we Bible Bashers are a bunch of 'Hypocrites'.....

One serious problem is this: "In the absense of clear cut guidelines and a shared value system based on them, HOW do we decide what is good and what is not ?"

Unfortunately, due to the freedom we enjoy in our society, there are many unscrupulous people who use the 'freedom' as an opportunity for the 'flesh' and the wallet. So they devise emotive counter censorship arguments.

=Dictatorship ? errr..yeah.. sure..whatever floats ur boat. *pat pat*....
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 6 July 2006 1:36:49 PM
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Thanks Bill,

I endorse your comments, this time I think Big Brother has overstepped the mark. If Big Brother thinks they have done no wrong, why did they ask the two guys to leave the house? I rest my case.

Tassie Devil
Posted by Tassie Devil, Thursday, 6 July 2006 1:43:51 PM
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Unfortunately, BB is one trashy television show where the "off button" doesn't work. I'll admit to watching 2/3's of the first episode just out of curiosity, but my curiosity was quickly satisfied and I haven't watched a single airing of the rubbish ever since. That's my choise and I don't judge anyone who has a different opinion, but I object to living in a society whereby I can't escape from BB by simply changing channels or hitting the off button. Everywhere you turn, BB is in your face. Two hairstylists discussing BB in rapturous tones, same in the shopping mall cafe, this time a cluster of immature little girls, BB is in the papers thanks to it's scandalous ethics, it's in the television guides and discussed frequently in the workplace. BB is everywhere and I can't get away from it. That's what I object to. However, lets not jump up and down to try to force it off air, after all there are people who have the desire and the right to watch it. As one poster suggested, lets push the Government to ban the making of money from telephone calls associated with these programs. That will also rid the screens of late night advertising from the sex industry. Current affair programs will also be deprived of money made from phone polls which are being used to line their pockets. It will also test whether or not the show can stand on it's own merrits. If the ratings prove there's a need for this kind of television, then advertisers will pay for the privellige of keeping it on air, if not then we can all get back to watching appropriate television viewing.
Posted by Wildcat, Thursday, 6 July 2006 1:48:38 PM
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The embarrassed and angry parents of the two guys removed from Big Brother should teach us one thing very important. What a person does as a matter of 'free choice' can have unwanted and negative consequences on others. Yes! I believe in freedom but not without accountability. The QLD government, TV sponsors and Channel 10 must also be held accountable. If Aussies blokes like myself are making excuses for this kind of gutter trash and call 'entertainment' or 'alternative viewing to cop shows' then what else are we going to find acceptable, a dead drugged woman in a man's cabin.
Posted by Hawksman, Thursday, 6 July 2006 1:50:08 PM
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Good article Bill

Of course BB is just the tip of the iceberg. As can be seen by the many posts justifying one's right to turn on this garbage it shows how sick much of our society's heart is. Many want to insist on ones rights no matter how degrading and damaging it is to society.

Why should the sickness of our societies heart surprise us when we murder our unborn in the thousands just in the name of rights and convenience. BB is just a sad reflection and another step down the ladder of a decadent society.

Thank God that while many baby boomers and people who have failed in their own responibilities to their families due to being entrapped by lusts and by insiting on their own selfish rights, there are now actually many young people who reject this garbage.

Unfortunately banning this single program would achieve nothing. When many in society get sick enough of being bound by their own lusts and also facing the truth of the destruction that this garbage causes then we will see a reduction in demand for this stuff. One day our Governments might get some backbone although one would be foolish to think they would have the courage to oppose the vocal advocates who often get the say in the media.

For the meantime I think we need to champion the cause of our young people (of whom their is many) who are now choosing a better path. Thank God who are embracing the message that their is responsibility attached to sex
Posted by runner, Thursday, 6 July 2006 2:17:57 PM
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I agreer 100%. How can Big Brother not take resposability for what they intended to do all along. Big Brother uncut is the proof and Paradise Hotel or Temptation Island is the precedent.

Big Brother selects youth from arround the contry that are goodlooking (by media's standard) give them communal living - no opertunity for private sleeping quarters and cut them off from the outside world and see what will happen.

If Big Brother were to claim that their show is not geared for sexual misadventures - why is Big Brother Uncut aired? If they are not out to make money off of drooling sex saturated people why do they not give privacy in the showers and bedrooms?

Channel ten specifically orchestrated the show for the sex appeal. If they didnt they would have chosen a more represetative sample of young people, not the unrealistic scewed representation they have.

Survivor has more credability in who they choose for the show, Paradise Hotel and Temptation Island are specifically set up for sexual voyerism and so is Big Brother.

For Channel Ten to say they did the right thing by evicting the house mates responsable is a laugh. They wanted this to happen - maybe not in the way they did but what els do you expect.

Big Brother has a duty of care to these people to provide a safe and secure environment and they have not done that. It is a tragic condemnation of our culture when people find that form of entertainment prefferable.

The media storm that ensued after the incident showed that people in general do not see right and wrong as universalism but see right and wrong as what is good to them. By this standard all things are right - just dont get caught by the opressor.

Getting your genetils out and pushing them in the face of another person is disgusting and wrong no matter if you think its funny or not. I encourage you all to go out and do the same thing to others if you dont believe me - see what happens.
Posted by JoshRichy, Thursday, 6 July 2006 2:19:48 PM
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