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Just how Aussie do we have to be? : Comments
By Salam Zreika, published 7/3/2006Let's move past common stereotypes of Muslims.
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Posted by numbat, Thursday, 30 March 2006 2:14:11 PM
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Ok Numbat, Some of the everyday inventions attributed to Muslims are -
The three-course meal, soap, coffee, the cheque, chess, the crankshaft, the toothbrush, street lighting, public parks, drainage, the first clocks, windmills, waterwheels and irrigation methods, public libraries and a system of reading for the blind, rudimentary optics, including the telescope and the pinhole camera. Medicine - Hospitals, the identification of allergies and discovery of asthma as a condition. Various surgical techniques, including the development of instruments such as scalpels, forceps etc, plus the use of anaesthetics and the concept of pathogens (inoculation - Children in Turkey were being vaccinated against smallpox 50 years before the West). They were extracting cataracts from eyes via hollow needles hundreds of years before the west and led the world in opthamology until the 18th century. Architecture - the pointed arch and buttresses as used in later Gothic Cathedrals, the earliest forms of glass Chemistry - methods of distillation, filtration, oxidation etc and the classification of elements. Physics - They concluded that the earth was round 600 years before Galileo, calculated it's tilt and thus scientifically understood equinoxes and the seasons. They calculated the circumference of the Earth long before it could be confirmed by other methods. Biology - particularly horticulture and developments in agriculture such as fertilisation, crop rotation and grafting methods. Astronomy - the invention of the astrolabe. Many of the Moon's craters are named after Arab astronomers. Perhaps the most significant breakthrought was the numeral cipher system. As well as the 1,2,3..figures we still all use(ie Arabic numerals), the concept of "0" and it's use made a massive advancement in mathematics and the algebra (from the arabic word "AlJabar") beyond the basics explored by the Greeks. I suppose you would prefer using Roman Numerals for all your calculations. The Muslims invented Trigonometry and made advances in Geometry. Most of the accumulated knowledge was lost when the libraries of Baghdad were burned by the Mongols and again when the Christians took over Spain and burned over a million books in the Public Square in Granada. (Ran out of space) Posted by wobbles, Thursday, 30 March 2006 10:52:33 PM
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Wobbles - you provided Numbat with more assistance than he deserves. Clearly he just wants to be spoon fed - which explains a lot about his limited understanding of the foundation of Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Just the fact that he refers to Islam as 'pagan' indicates his inability to learn from history.
Well Numbat if spoon feeding is the only way you will gain even limited knowledge I suggest you learn from the following link and desist from your absurdities regarding inventions as being only a Christian talent - I know a few billion Asians who would beg to differ. "Bringing life to Muslim Heritage Discover 1000 years of missing history and explore the fascinating Muslim contribution to present day Science, Technology, Arts and Civilisation. In recent time, Muslims, have come under severe strain. Aggression or violence by the use of the sword and Islam are nearly always depicted as co-existent. History though, reveals the complete opposite. Explore the little known but fascinating tolerance and humanity of Muslim Civilisation." Numbat - you have the opportunity to prove that you are not a fool, the question is can you rise to the occasion? So to speak.... Posted by Scout, Friday, 31 March 2006 9:00:03 AM
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wobbles/scout: Scout even your pathetic attempts at sarcasm fails, remember it's the blue pills..
First I never said or intimated that moslems were incapable of inventing or were not innovative. I did ask for the inventions of the last 1000 years. Now the conquerors of Spain came out of the desert and lo and behold they suddenly became geniuses over night. Have you not understood it's the victors that write history - of course this is what they, the arabs, did to one degree or another. I think that to suddenly rise to the standard you say they would have used the conquered peoples including the Jews. I seem to have read/heard that is just what they did do. Also in that time islam had more freedoms so the clever ones could delve into arts and sciences etc. Today, as I have heard/read if a topic is not mentioned in the silly koran it is not worth knowing about. If any topic is mentioned then to question it would be seen as blasphemy and we all know what is done to those people. By the way have either of you checked out what is said about science, art, bodily functions including the fertilising of an ovum in the koran? - it's a hoot, unless I read from an older model koran big mo was so bloody clever eh? So we have tribal arabs coming from no-where and becoming absolute brains. Then being tossed out of Spain to become what they are today. There is no moslem university of note, no teaching hospital of note, no humanitarian bodies that will help those of any race or religion. Because of their pagan [that's pagan which is a worshipper of any false god or gods]brutal religion moslems have/are being held back. Not because they are not clever or intelligent but because of their pathetic death loving, brutal, misogynistic religion of "peace & love". By the way islam has NOTHING! absolutely nothing to do with Judaism or Christianity. Different prophet,entirely different god totally differing beliefs and a vastly different paradise. numbat Posted by numbat, Friday, 31 March 2006 1:32:02 PM
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with no intention of insulting moslems Wobbles but:
soap-first mention of soap recipe inscribed on clay cylinders from Babylon 2800BC. first mention of actually using soap for washing Egypt 1500BC Coffee-originally grew natively in Ethiopia where they ate the beans rolled in fat. The word 'coffee' comes from the town Caffa in Ethiopia. The Turks were the first to make a drink from it. It was the Persians of the Sassanid Empire who in the first century AD who first used cheques. The crankshaft was developed in the 12th Century by a turkish moslem inventor Al-Jazari, who also invented some of the first mechanical clocks driven by water and weights (although water clocks were first developed in Egypt around 1400BC and were also popular with the Greeks who developed more sophisticated versions) and the combination lock. "Chew sticks"-a thin twig with a frayed end were used as toothbrushes from 3000BC but the chinese developed a toothbrush made of hogs bristles in a bone or bamboo handle 1498. Street lights depends on what sort of lighting your talking about but the first electric street lighting was Russian and the first gas was Chinese and if you want to go back further than that you are getting so ancient it would be before Mohammed. Public Parks-the ancient Greeks and Hindus had them before there were any Moslems. The first Windmill was built in Persia in the 7th Century AD for the caliph Umar Ibn Al-Kttab the second caliph of Islam. Posted by Aziliz, Friday, 31 March 2006 11:25:24 PM
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Drainage was first developed by the Indus Valley Civilisation of Pakistan and North India around 3100BC.
The earliest waterwheels in the mountains Of Armenia in about the year 200BC. Irrigation methods! Which ones? The Sumerians used irrigation. Phoenicians (Canaanites) discovered glass around 3500BC. Egyptians made glass beads 2500BC. Mosaic glass was developed during the Ptolemaic dynasty in Alexandria. Glassblowing was developed during the 1st Century BC --before Mohammed. Clear glass was developed by the Venetians in the 15th Century. The Oldest known lens was found int he ruins of Ancient Ninevah made of polished rock crystal but it is not known what it was used for. The romans in the 1st century AD used lenses called magnifiers or burning glasses to erase mistakes on wax tablets and to cauterise wounds. I can't find anything about Moslems. Pinhole cameras-The chinese philosopher Mo Ti was the first known person to write on it. Aristotle also wrote about it (fourth century BC). I am not going to bother with the rest. The research is so flawed. If you got this off one website then I suggest you look at others. It seems to me that a lot of inventions that were made in the Middle East are just labelled 'muslim' when they were obviously earlier pagan religions and a good deal of chinese inventions. Posted by Aziliz, Friday, 31 March 2006 11:25:42 PM
As for a god who will torture infidels in an ever burning hell fire as well as pouring boiling water down their throats, that would be pagan islam god eh? My God, the Real God states, "As in Adam ALL will die (physically) in Christ ALL (the same word)will live. Only Christian oddies preach an ever-lasting constantly burning hell fire. These people usually cast all pagans, those who have never heard of God, and unbaptised babies and children in this hell fire. My God will save ALL! how? - I really cannot fathom yet but that's what He has said in His Bible, and let's face it He is all-powerful. numbat