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Abusing freedom of expression : Comments
By Syed Atiq ul Hassan, published 10/2/2006The media has a responsibility to the on going civic development of society but not to insult and promote disharmony.
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Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 12 February 2006 10:18:43 PM
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BT (Black-Texan): “We been tryin a get yo attention foe while now. These wharrt folk givin uz a verreh hard tarm down ere. Whenz ya gonna do summ’n?” BY (Black-Yankee): “These white folk’? That’s an outrageous racist generalisation!” BT: “Huh! We gettin attacked! Besides, day call demselves whaart, sayin day all ‘sooperior’ to uz, sayin we can’t even goes near their woman, that we can’t even swim neear dem! Day beatin up on black men foe the past fifteen years, just becoze day black! Some even rapin’ black woman, becoze day black!” BY: “I’m not saying that what you say has no truth in it, but …” BT: “Folks gettin real worried down here; talkin bout ‘retaliation’” BY: “I’m aware that there are some Americans who can be racist towards black Americans, but …” BT: “Den what r ya tryin a say?” BY: “Of course you should be worried about such racism; but why increase it by encouraging an environment of mutual fear, ignorance and hostility?” BT: “Huh?!” BY: “Not all whites are rednecks. And on what basis can you claim such incidents have a racial motive anyway? On just what people say? Sorry, not good enough; that would be counter-productive, only further driving wedges between people. Is that what you want?” BT: “You as crazy az you was da layast time! Wah would arr be callin’ YOU if it wasn’t peace iza seekin’? You makin’ uz feel like WEez da criminal!” BY: “Well, what would you call a ‘retaliation’?” (phone slams down) Mr CONCERNED (email to, 19/3/2005): “I’m concerned with racist attitudes directed at white Australia from many islamic and Asian people … particularly muslims” “The gangs in Bankstown are not a reaction to racism; they are racism” “Check out the hreoc report in child detention and see how the muslims are severely racist to the maronite christians” “Why should I not attack this if I want to truly fight racism? I do; you and your ilk definitely do not!” Continued…. Posted by Convict, Sunday, 12 February 2006 10:35:23 PM
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“To recognise that someone is doing something wrong rather than just ignore it is the first step to assigning them equality” “Just because it seems messy you sweep it under the carpet. Your tacit assumption here is that they do not count as people as much as your feeling queasy counts. This is why women’s lib movements can say little of their muslim sisters!” “This doesn’t tarnish them all with the same brush no more than condemning the kkk or nazis tarnishes all white people with the same brush” EVA SALLIS (, head of Australians Against Racism, 9/03/2005): “In some ways I agree with you … It is a given that all human communities are racist, and that in certain circumstances, some are much more than others” “That being said, we are not apologetic for the fact that the refugee and asylum seeker issue in Australia was the catalyst for this grassroots organisation to be formed, or for the fact that we focus in some of our projects on helping people who are newly arrived in Australia [i.e. as opposed to those like yourself]” “prejudice can be met with compassion” [only for non-Anglos; see link below] “OF COURSE YOU SHOULD BE WORRIED ABOUT ANGLOPHOBIA – SO WHY INCREASE IT BY ENCOURAGING AN ENVIRONMENT OF MUTUAL FEAR, IGNORANCE AND HOSTILITY?” Mr Concerned: (thinking) “Whaa do ya make me feel lark arm doowin sum’n WRONG by bringin attention ta this!?!” Check out Eva Sallis’ cowardly bias reporting on the Cronulla incident in her article in the New York Times 17/12/2005: “Australia’s Dangerous Fantasy”, see No doubt what she there refers to as “evidence” of white-racism experienced by Muslims since 9/11 is derived from Dr Scott Poynting’s pathetic bit of hearsay at This blatant deception will make all Anglo victims of racism utterly betrayed! Our notorious “middle-eastern thugs” are not “criminals”. Along with their “middle-eastern” apologists they are nothing short of RACISTS, plain and simple, and it is all verifiable through 15 years worth of police reports, not Poynting’s hearsay. Posted by Convict, Sunday, 12 February 2006 10:39:27 PM
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Damn hell and tarnation there Arjay ...... but poor wee Dave has dropped off the planet and only just recently (
I for one will always miss his irreverent hits on the good old catholic churh and had me "in the aisles" more often than not - imagine the fatwahs being issued against him if he let loose on the old profit..... However Father Ted, Father Jack Hacket and Father Dougal McGuire - along with Mrs. Doyle, their erstwhile housekeeper are almost as good as replacements ... but nowhere in the same league really, much the pity. Now that you idea of your prophet burger fizzling out as a damp squib instead of going off like a three penny banger - maybe we can get Al Jezira producing showing a "life with Beaver" set in Kabul or a muslem version of "Sex in the city" in that exotic location of Mecca..... but where oh where could we host a version of Miss World - with all their burkas in different stunning shades of black.... Ah the mind boggles at the endless possibilities.......... Posted by Kekenidika, Sunday, 12 February 2006 11:04:44 PM
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To Kalweb.
"Prejudice" quite literally means to "pre judge". Pre judgung people based upon their group associations is something which everybody does, every day of the week. When dealing with strangers, the only guide to assessing whether they are trustworthy and not likely to harm you, comes from prejudging them. I know that you are a woman. So if your car broke down on a lonely road, you might feel that you were in some danger. If a well dressed businessman in a Mercedes pulled over and offered you a lift home, you would probably gladly accept the invitation. But if a dirty, beat up car full of patch wearing bikies pulled over and made the same offer, you would probably decline. That is prejudgment, and it can be an important consideration if you wish to minimise your chances of being raped. I am writing this to you, to try and make you understand that your opinions are not well thought out. You are relying upon the already packaged arguments presented to you from those people who claim to be the leaders of whatever humanitarian groups that you identify with. These people constantly chant, "don't stereotype, don't label, don't prejudge", as if these concepts are trump cards in their arguments. But they are not. Any person who has even a skerrick of psychological training recognises these arguments as inherently invalid. What these people are actually saying is "don't think." Posted by redneck, Monday, 13 February 2006 6:06:38 AM
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TERRORISM is a stupid word
It is a device, a cultural/political tool, used by ‘winners’ to enable them to continue to be ‘grinners’. The term allows us to ascribe a moral quality ‘evil’ to those who use force to oppose us. The reality of course, is that ‘we’ were the ‘terrorists’ of yesteryear, when we were establishing our current status quo. The term further enables us to feel ‘better’ about putting down such struggles, and suggests an ‘inherent moral right’ in our attempts to do so. As I’ve said in the past “All peace is the result of a war, and all peace contains the seeds of the next war” Terrorism is nothing more than the brutality of war, of struggle between peoples, tribes, interest groups etc. It takes many forms, and can be ‘verbal’ as much as physical. I think its time we recognized that there is an ongoing struggle among humanity, for dominance, power, wealth and control of resources, and that this struggle is universal, not limited to just certain groups. Perhaps a better term would be ‘Frontline Action’. Todays’ terrorists’ (or freedom fighters) are just the embryonic oppressors of tomorrow. WAR of IDEAS Yet in all this, I believe that some societies will have a different flavor, moral fabric, based on ideas underpinning them. It is becoming clearer daily, in the Islamic world, the intrinsic propensity to violence is manifest, where the underpinning idea is that one cannot insult their prophet, and that such action is punishable by death. This translates into huge ‘group behavior’ in the current violence. Christ said “If your enemy is hungry, feed him” good idea IF he is your ‘enemy’ because he has no food OR in showing love in spite of his hate. But Islam is different.. that is an ideological/pharisaical ‘enemy’. “Feeding” will not necessarily change him into a friend, though it might impress him. Christ condemned Pharisees without reservation, as he would condemn the Saudi religious police who left schoolgirls to burn alive because if they fled the burning school they would have infringed Islamic dresscode rules. Posted by BOAZ_David, Monday, 13 February 2006 9:24:50 AM
Where's Dave Allen,gee I missed his Catholic jokes?