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'Munich' and moral equivalence : Comments

By Colin Andersen, published 2/2/2006

Colin Andersen reviews Steven Speilberg's film 'Munich'.

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Martin Ibn Warrrick,

The bible was written by non-scientific men wandering around in a desert. To use it was an excuse for human rights abuses and war crimes is nonsense.

The old "Israel- the land God gave the Jews" would be laughable if it were not for the fact that millions of human beings are suffering because of this nonsense.

Why on earth is "God" classifying human beings into "chosen" and non-"chosen"?

I await your answer
Posted by sunisle, Saturday, 4 February 2006 6:14:22 AM
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We don’t all start from the same place on our journey. The modern democratic mind imagines us all starting on the same concentric circle striving for the centre.

But a closer look at reality, not the spiritualization of things according to our want, but the reality. We find the universe far from democratic.

Some ppl are born with more beauty, more wealth, more intelligence. In this respect the universe does not favour equality. Why are women selected to grow humans inside them and not men? Is that fair or equal? And those born with birth defects how is life dealing in equality here? Humans the only self conscious beings. Earth the only planet with life, etc etc.

The Jews were singled out for a great honour but with it comes a great responsibility. They are a priestly people, separate from the rest but their sufferings somehow redeem everyone.

Look at the burden they’ve had to carry being God’s chosen people – hatred and persecution. Would you want to be Jewish?

It could be sunisle that you might be called out from the pack and asked to do something for the living God. Remember ”if at first your hear his voice harden not your heart.”

God doesn’t deliberately make himself hard to understand, He wants to be understood and in many ways is simpler and younger than us. But at the same time, do you really think it true that God is going to be perfectly explicable to us?

“My ways are above your ways” says the Lord “as the heavens are above the earth.” (Isaiah 55:8-9).

I will tell you Our Lord and His Word are places to stand. You can build on these. Here its solid ground sunisle.

None of your attempts to understand will be wasted, they’ll most likely turn into diamonds.
Posted by Martin Ibn Warriq, Saturday, 4 February 2006 7:48:46 AM
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while you slang of in a typical left wing way, we will be remembering that the Israelites want a peice of land about the size of the largest cities around the world. Islam on the other hand wishes to take and posess the whole world.

To those who say all semites are the same people, then why cannot the Jewish people have a tiny plot of land with their brothers? It should be noted that the eastern semites (arabic) came to the land of Israel somewhere between 700-900CE, their families had been much further east until their prophet sent them killing and rampaging into the promised land to kick the Jewish peoples out.

My point is that the best solution is the two state one (perhaps Jerusalem should become the new UN headquarter so they stop just talking about problems but are literally forced to do something, as neither side will give it up). Unfortunately the arabs, not only in palestine, but muslims around the world are not willing to accept this. witness the election of the murderous hamas, and yes a doctor that murders is still a murderer.

Anyone watch dateline. one of hamas's leaders was saying if "we are terrorists then all palestinians are too". I agree completely, all palestinians that voted for hamas are terrorists, and it is because of this we should consider moving that wall to include all the promised land and kicking the terrorists out. the muslims are always going on about their ummah. Lets see them help a brother for a change instead of being all talk (witness jordan)
Posted by fide mae, Saturday, 4 February 2006 2:30:55 PM
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fide mae,
Why do I not feel shocked that you disregard hundreds of thousands of human beings either occupied in 20% of what was once their country, in refugee camps around the world or massacred when the Europeans came and took their country?

Do these people not matter to you because they are Palestinians, Arab, Muslim or because they are not Jewish?

The Palestinians have been asking for an international peace keeping force to come in for prizes for guessing why Israel is not allowing them in. Yes, Jerusalem should be city for all prizes for guessing why Israel won't have this either.

Incidentally, 2 more Palestinian children were killed by the IOF last week; read the Guardian newspaper to find this out. It is the IOF who kill with impunity, not Hammas. Remember Rachel is not only Palestinians that the IOF killwith impunity. There is no rule of law in Israel when it comes to the IOF killing Palestinians.

I don't know whether you are a Zionist propaganist, or whether you are parroting what they- very efficiently- put throuth the mainstream media.

If you really do believe what you say, please go and see for yourself what is happening in the Occupied Territories; I defy anyone with a conscience to come back after witnessing the misery caused by Israelis occcupation and land theft, and not come away with a simmering frustration that people need to know. It is now more than 50 years since these human beings were robbed of their land, murdered and maligned in the Western press.

I urge you to go...but be warned...Israel does not want people to see what they are doing to these men, women and children. You will be grilled by Israeli stormtroopers before being "allowed" into the Palestinians land...they cannot even have access to foreign witnesses to their persecution.
Posted by sunisle, Saturday, 4 February 2006 6:00:33 PM
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What a nonsense – “Occupied Territories”!

It is ARAFATIA or, officially, the Palestinian Authority, where so-called Palestinians (the Arabs of Palestine more clear to me) do their business as they wish.

So, has one got any problem with “national determination”? Mafia rules as wherever in puppet-states, whether it is Bosnia or Latin American (and not A m e r i c a n only) banana republics.

Back to a movie, what did athletes have with then “Occupied Territories”? They where Israeli Jews and, perhaps, wanted free with dignity living in their country, which was Israel.

Would something be changed in the future? Danish sportsmen, for instance, hardly feel themselves much differently in any place in a world nowadays.

Conclusion: do not blame victims of terror – blame those who paid extremists to blow up any peaceful arrangement on very expense of their own people.
Posted by MichaelK., Saturday, 4 February 2006 10:50:52 PM
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Steven Speilberg makes films for the masses. In other words they are candy. The palestinians murdered jewish athletes. The Jews sought revenge. They are the same race. I despise both parts of that same race. I will say though that whilst the jews are vicious they are not cowards like the palestinians. Both of them love to fight. It's in their blood. Hopefully it will go on forever. Trash v trash. Better than any movie you'll ever see. The educated v uneducated. Bullets v rocks. Make sure you check the profiles.
Posted by FRIEDRICH, Sunday, 5 February 2006 6:40:43 AM
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