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Male-bashing : Comments

By Peter West, published 20/1/2006

Peter West asks why the Australian media is so hostile to men.

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Tubley and Scout, great posts the tyrants you listed tubley are a frightening reminder of the atrosities committed by men, and the occasional woman [Margreat Thacher, Faulklins war]. I think we are long past the time when we should have had a lady PM in Australia.

Scout, I agree some men can be very helpful in times of emotional need, I have helped many of my lady friends [friends who are ladies] through tough times, and would rather have friendships with ladies than most men. The reason being, women seem to be interested in almost everything and can maintain a conversation on almost ant subject, whereas most men can talk politics, football, and sex, or horseracing. Personally I enjoy the company of women, not because I am in any way feminine, but women offer a dept of [practical] intellegence, not forthcoming from many men.Men are mostly superficial creatures, whose main concern is themselves.

The media being men controlled will always seek to keep men on top [pardon the pun] I would love to see many more women join political parties of all philosophies on a grand scale not to overthow men in particular, but to provide a balance to a lop-sided view imposed on the population by Governments of all colours.
Posted by SHONGA, Sunday, 22 January 2006 11:45:38 AM
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Men dominate every position of power in society, but the author can't handle the fact that men are often the villians in television shows? Aren't they often the heroes too?

I agree that ads showing violence towards anyone are distasteful, but really, get a grip! Which gender perpetrates the vast majority of violence (against women and other men)? Yes, men. Which gender earns more, is more likely to be elected to parliament, run a publicly listed company etc etc etc. The authors thesis that there is a widespread culture of hostility to men, illustrated by a couple of ads and a university brochure he didn't like is just about the stupidist thing I have ever read.
Posted by hellothere, Sunday, 22 January 2006 12:17:49 PM
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Tubley “Whenever there is a war or some kind of violent conflict or corruption it is almost always caused by power hungry men with bald heads and big egos.”

Following down your list
Hitler and Stalin “Bald”?

Jimmy Carter a tyrant?

I would be interested in an understanding of what leaps of logic prevailedo rate Jimmy Carter a “killer of countless millions of innocent people"

Ted Bundy, well he was a pretty nasty piece of work but no one with a modicum of intellect would ever suggest his “reign of terror” resulted in the “countless millions“ of victims which you claim.

(but logic, accuracy and reasoning skills have never rated highly in any of your posts).

In conclusion tubley, your post conveys what seems the self loathing we now expect from your writings.

Fact of Life – people are individuals. They can decide to act and behave with responsibility and consideration for others in their actions.

That some men seem to be more physically compulsive than women does not deny the fact that often they might be pushed to such extremes by the manipulative nature of some women.

Not all men are so compulsive. Some of us are quite analytical and considered our actions (as ncalculating as some women).
Some women are as compulsive as men and bear the consequences of their impulses.

The only rational conclusion is – every one, regardless of gender, is an “individual” and the only standard of respect which should be applied is s to treat them all as such and as equals.

Shonga: Falklands War was initiated by Argentina as a unilateral act of occupation. Margaret Thatcher had the balls to respond with appropriate force and the overwhelming support of the British voting population (check out history and the demise of socialism when the labour party made it an election issue).

Further it was Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagans resolve which ultimately broke the will of the USSR and resulted in the libertion of Eastern Europe. YOur ignorance of these matters is profound and shows what rubbish you must be filling yourself with.
Posted by Col Rouge, Sunday, 22 January 2006 1:22:41 PM
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Regarding the media:
Robert, "why is the male dominated media so hostile to men (and women)?" from the types of adds we can clearly see that it is women who are hostile to men, and men who are objectifying woment. the adds targetting men clothe women scantily and those targeting women portray men as idiots or evil

Col Rouge - I stay out of relationships (or they end) because not only do I have no say in the murder of my children but I am not even allowed to ask a woman's position on the topic without looking like some crazy, and ending the relationship as a result! do you want the same for your kids?

Pedant, for a pedant you missed the point on broke back mountain ... it is about two normal men, not two gay men as portrayed by the ignorant media. Remember that these journalists this forum seems to quote and look up to as meaningful and authoratative sources are often trained on the job with no tertiary education. This is common for the female journalist, why?, all the news is watched by men who want to see beautiful YOUNG women. And we do not have to fit into the categories offered in the forum (gay, bi, trans etc)

Gecko - I would like to point out that many of those witches were 'outed' as witches by women. in The French revolution the women played a large role in the slaughter. Just because history records the name (gender) of the executioner, does not mean that he was the only one involved. Do you think only men voted for john howard?

Coach - "genetically speaking women can speak for both sexes", get real! Perhaps biologically they do have a penis (clitoris) but they are genetically distinct as females, not male, with all the huge differences this involves.
Posted by fide mae, Sunday, 22 January 2006 2:14:33 PM
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I agree with you Col

A superficial stab at history should not be used "in evidence" about the nature of men.

The fact that a minority of men were mass murderers or more relevantly (are) wife beaters does not mean that most of us men are like that.

We therefore do not deserve the treatment we get in the media. But the (non internet) media is a superficial animal so brain-deadness should be expected.

Why do male advertising gurus push the anti-male, pro-female bias?

I suggest that the answer is in the hackneyed but valid concept "Sex Sells". The John Singleton types rightly recognise that, on balance woman (especially the young) are considered more sexy and interesting (by men and many woman) than men who can be written off as part of the "male establishment".

Because females are more interesting we want to hear what they say and see things from their point of view (while looking at them).

Also I think journalists see women more as daring, anti-establishment figures than men. This position gives hack journalists a feeling of (misplaced) intellectual integrity.

So, as a generalisation, I'd say we guys resent our depiction in the media. But, as this process throws up more interesting woman, the media is giving us what we (and many woman) want to read (and look at).

Posted by plantagenet, Sunday, 22 January 2006 2:17:22 PM
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VGC (parts 1 & 2) should be an inspiration to us all and his example should be seen as the defining problem of this issue

Arjay - interesting you bring poor old mark latham in this, the media and his own collegues constantly were predjudiced against him, believing rumours that he was abusive in attitude to women and it was always hinted there was perhaps more to this attitude in the media

Tubley: how many remarkable women political leaders have there been, oh, thats right only men have been in power throughout history so of course all the bad leaders HAD to be men.


1m) Do the men in the forum like to be verbally bashed as some have indicated?
1w) Do the women in the forum like to be looked at in a sexual manner?

2) Does everyone agree that women are more successful (not monetarily but in life)(socially integrated) than men, as reflected by the 5:1 ratio of suicides (5 men: 1 woman) and the ADHD ratio of 9:1 (again men as 9)?

3)Do you believe that women work less and are promoted less than men due to
a) hormones make women too up and down emotionally, which has the result of limiting their low threshold productivity (the most work they can get done on a BAD day) whereas men, due to the lack of moodiness have a higher average productivity due to a higher productivity on those bad days
b) women have to look after kids and birth babies
c) women are oppressed
d) a&b
e) a, b &c

4) Domestic violence (including psychological battery) is perpetrated largely by
a) men
b) women
c) both

your answers should come in the form of
1 ("m" or "w")) "yes" or "no"
2) "yes" or "no"
3) "a" "b" "c" "d" or "e"
4) "a" "b" or "c"
Posted by fide mae, Sunday, 22 January 2006 2:28:28 PM
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